Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Monarchs are here!

Her first born
Came out in parts
The head was vaginal

And the rest of it
Through a ceasarian 
The doctor made

A boo boo
Couldnt get all
The first time

Then went in surgically
Delivered in two parts
Two seperate parts

A baby needs to be in one part
Mother not in two
You keep telling me

Jimmy is a doctor
But these modern ones
Don't know what they are doing

Nor are they qualified
To use a scalpel
As the old Dr Kildare

Commented to a new recruit
If you have to depend on blood
Then you are not qualified

To be in his surgery!
Of course, they retired 
The old coot

No one bothers 
Anymore to learn
New techniques

Much less old ones.
They just want a magical pill
To give their patient

And hope for the best
Ah, the lifestyle
Of a medical doctor

With huge loans
They will never pay off.
But want us little ones

Who have no debt
But have a lesser income
To understand they are god.

Meanwhile these small
Creatures with smaller brains
Migrate every year

From the West coast
To the hills of Mexico
And back again

All this without GPS
Nor a map
And not even thier mother

Or grandpa
Guiding them.
Yep, they are new

To the world
Having a life cycle
Less than a year

But the cocoons
They come out of
Til the spread 

Thier wings for the first time
And learn to fly around
They also know 

When it is time
To move on to the next place
And land in the same 

Every year
Thousands of miles

Apart without being told
I guess we could say.

A miracle of life
A marvel of the animal world
While humans are still

Attemting to explain
They had no maker
By claiming the monkey

Is thier god
I mean thier ancestor
When anyone who takes

And passes their basic 
Biogoligy course
That the feline 

Is closer relatead to us
Then the primate
But they do walk

On their hinds legs
And explain things to us
Both by vocalizing

And by other means.
Some even get into a mode
Of allowing us to believe

We are communicating with them.
Considered one of the smartest.
On earth.

Meanwhile people
Are jumping into the ocean
In orders to avoid

The fire on the big island
Of Hawaii
Which is nothing more

Than a sea mountain
Rising from the floor
Of the ocean

Might not be the best
Thing to count on not 
Being set on fire

But we want to complain
When our neighborhood
Is undergoing

Natural disasters
Because someone has built
On top of a marsh

Or a harbor
Such as downtown
San Diego

Which is all of it
Waiting for the real 
Water line to reemerge

Which is out there
Where a few sharks
Following the tuna boats

Maybe some men
Should think twice
Before they jump

Where they cant get out
Another thing that happened
Is a man who made credible

Threats against the President
Got shot in the raid on his home
This morning and is now dead

Instead of the President.
Gives one pause to wonder
How many have said things

And not gottten caught.
I was sitting in a breakfast
Place when a group 

On the other side 
Began to talk about
Going to Washington

And teaching them a lesson
They did not threaten the President
But used him in order to raid

The Capital building
One of the more vocal
Was the first one to get 

Her head popped.
I remember her sitting there
And looking over at me

Who had just returned
From my trip
Where I was knocked down

While talking and walking
With someone I once knew
She is now dead.

Cokie Roberts
We were both the first
Foreign correspondents

Not flashy soriety girls
Who can afford to put
A plane ticket on thier card

And hop over where they dont
Belong in order to claim
To have been there

Instead of being sent
To investigate
What is going on

Without any backup
PBS news 
Is where there was once

A girl who wanted to 
Walk in her grandmothers shoes
Only to find too many

Trouble makers 
Demanding they are my daughters
And now are doing nothing 

But harming everyone
Causing uprisings
Everywhere they step.

The Monarchs 
Are passing through....


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