Thursday, August 10, 2023

Another fire?


All Jimmy wanted

Was to burn down

The world 

According to Jimmy

He is the master

And burn is all he knows

He went to a juvenile

Detention center

With his girlfriend

Then he got transferred

To a swank Hollywood

Mental institution 

Slash SPA

He always gets the best.

Staying in Hiltons

At night 

While walking around

By day as a homeless

Reject with no place to go

His real father put an end

To that or at least he tried

No military schools

Nor juvenile farms.

If he had to be contained

It was the best for his kid

Hollywood daddy

And rich socialite mama

Meanwhile his girlfriend

Had to fend for herself

He had other girls

Did not need her at all

Then he found she had a daddy

Of her own

So, he claimed 

He sprang her from her detention

He lied of course

It was the daddy

Who made it clear

His kin where not taking

The blame for the idiot

Wanting to set fire

To Yosemite

And the White House

And the Kremlin

And any church

He can imagine.

More but the list

Got hidden

He has set fire 

To many things

Including my own father

While he was still alive

And the Kremlin

Did have a fire

As had Notre Dame

And the main Anthropology 

Musuem of Brazil

Should a little thing

As Maui being set 

On fire 

To the point of the residents

Jumping into the ocean

To escape

Matter to any one at all?

The historic Lahaina town

Is no more 

Just as most of the places

Here have gone to cinder

Even the old red tin barn.

What should I do?

Not think of Jimmy?

After he had us surrounded

A number of times

With flames

And his horrible laughter

Should I not get angry

When I have no place

To go due to the legal

Process of the country

Where a mad man

With convictions

And known deaths

On his hands

Gets to one around

Freely as if he is god?

To continue to steal

Children to put

In his choice

Of house

As he was born

To the wrong

Set of parents

Rich and famous

But not good enough

How he hated them

Now they are dead

And he is running around

Selling everything he can

As the sole survivor

The only son

Of a family 

That was not his

Nor is he sharing

With the girl

Any of his new found


Nor is he going to stop

According to his doctors

Whom he has 

Either murdered

Or just retired ...

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