Sunday, August 6, 2023



Look what I found.

Is what it is called
To go to thrift stores
Looking for bargains

And a few 
My family had things

Others were covetous
Because they all came
From Germany

Where they have
No family history
No possessions

Nor any class.
Always making claims
And then getting others

To prevent us from
Residing in our homes
Some people stored

The belongings 
For the future
But then my grandmother died

All of her world wide 
Collections disappeared
When my father died

He had been removed 
From so many places
Including hospital rooms

And hotel rooms
Those type of people
Don't understand

That people
Are allowed to keep
Thier things

And to live in their
All these girls 

Whose parents 
Want to go before
The elders

About child support
The girl was only
Three or six or nine

But they know 
I am the one guilty
And not one of the teenagers

They want to be paid
For raising their kids
Some of them are their own

I have not a moment of peace
Since my mothers death
When they started oening

Up all those storerooms
Others paid to keep
Them out of jimmys hands

But then jimmy 
Has been allowed 
To claim my last name

Nothing is good nor well
I want the government
To come through 

With all those expensive
Court cases 
I had to face as well 

As my relatives
Thre are even men
Claiming to be the father

Of my son
When I cant have babies
But there it is 

No one really cares
To watch a frightened 
Old lady

Who gave up a life
In order to be religious
Watch the religion 

To become filled with filth
And good for nothings
Till even she wants

No more of it.
Now i am faced
With bringing criminal charges

Against them.
I have collected 
Enough evidence.

It is a bad word
In Britian

Similar to the usage of 
That four letter word.
It means literally

The old brits
Valued cows

Very found of them
Used them on their shields
And family crests

Even named themselves
After the male genitalia
Of a male cow

Called a steer.
Jimmy is one of those
Whose last name

Is Bullocks.
There is an actress
Who has done well

Despite the last name
And a singer just died
Who changed her name

To her abusive husbands
While Jimmy was recognized
By his real daddy

Captain Kangoroo
And was on his show
He refuses to use the name

Robert James Keshan Junior
He does not like being called
Bob nor junior

But will use the name 
Bob or Mr. Roberts
Which is why 

He won't give up 
My last name
Which is not his

Not even in court 
Is he allowed to use it
Which is why he stoled 

My father's driver's license
Issued in 1956
The year he was born

But there it is the same
Piece of ID 
Being tapped on the table

He did not pass 
His drivers license
He had a number

Of accidents 
On his juvenile records
Including causalities

He had a long file
And most of his records
Indicate no testicles

Which is amazing
That he now has them
And that he wont use

His own last name
I have heard him 

Called "little Benito"
By his real mother
Whose family are 

Reverends and Politicians
Not music performers
Nor actresses

He likes beans
Will not eat pig
Nor goat

But loves beef
They say some of those
Old ones in that place

Went so far that
They not only worshipped
The steer or cow

They performed 
On them the acts 
Of love or sex.

Poor little Benito
James Bullocks
Is his real name

And there is a birth certificate.
In Germany 
To that affect

Which is why
He sometimes says
Bob or Sean

But Mussolini 
Has a namesake
Who prefers not 

To be known
But I am tired 
Of seeing my familes

On Ebay or at Goodwill
It is just not right.

The courts are going
To love me
When I sue no testicles

For his mishandling
My families' properties

Tearing down buildings
Including historic hotels
And virgin redwood houses.

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