Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The vultures are here...


What are they?

Large brown and ugly

Long legs and vicious beaks




I even saw a grandpa


Really, he was super large

All these seabirds

No one sees these guys

Except when there is something

Such as a Hurricane 

Moving through

Then they seek shelter

As well as humans

Imagine living your life

Outside the normal

Then something huge occurs

And one has to seek shelter

They were all over 

The Seaport marina

While the navy yard

Was empty due them

Seeking higher seas.

What can one imagine

Of the old homestead

Once consider a grand house

And only the rich came calling

As the place on the coast

Was in good shape

But no longer

Under the wrong management

It has been declining

Someone wanted to make

It into a campground

Imagine the private compound

Which once had a church

And a schoolhouse

As well as a pool house

And a large enclosed pond

Several larger houses

The family had inherited 

Just before the great depression

But others arrived 

While they were gone

Having the roaring twenties

Type of parties

Then they left as well

With any valuables

Not nailed down

1929 was hard

On everyone.

There were marble floors

Then there was hand made tiles

Finally a hard wood floor

Was put in to keep up

With the modern times

It was just a dirt floor

They keep ripping up the floor

When the last huge storm 

Occurred they called me

To come out and save them

Then they turned on me

Killing my fahter

And destroying my mother

While my life became 

A living hell,

Even sweet Denise

Insists a six year old

Gave birth to her.

Perhaps some religions

Could have science discussions

Since so many live in a fantasy

Where the impossible 

Is all they talk about

Making the entire religion

Sound ridiculous

No one believes a six year old

Gave birth to anything

Not even a kitten.

Meanwhile a hurricane

Hit Ensenada 

A former French territory

And an international mecca

For many until the Imperial Mexico

Went all communists and cartels.

They have not called

Nor are they possibly

Still standing

After all there was no repairs

They took out the phones

And television and radio signals

The gates keep being removed

And the Wi-Fi along with security

Also discarded 

So those with no reason

Could so up without


Such as the Hurlbutt's

Somebody wants to loose 

His dick 

Claiming to be my son in law

But wants to explain to me

That he expects to be taken care of.

There they are all gone

Those houses in front

Must have been swept away

Since the were built 

On top of the Olympic size pool

The cliff may have given way

The old road was washed 

Away a long time ago

What of the edificio?

Is it just hanging 

On the edge ?

Or did it fall into the beach


And the older buildings

With cracks in their walls

Are they empty shells?

Or did they manage

To keep on standing?

A flattened earth

Is what I am expecting

When I go down there

Once the roads 

Are navigable

With a shoot gun

To shoot Gary C

And anyone else 

Who even thinks

Of arriving just like

Vultures on a non abandoned 

Piece of dirt

Which once held the dreams

Of an old woman

Who had arrived as a young bride

To see what her uncle had left

To her in his will.

She also made a will

But no one looks at it

They don't care

Free, free, free

Except Denise is not free

Nor is her husband going 

To be happy

With my final decision

Candy keeps insisting

She is the owner

Which is one reason 

The old lady made a will.

But Jimmy got in the way

All these silly little girls

Believe they can falsely claim

To be my duaghter

Born out of wedlock

And they are real princessess

Behind my back

Such as Amy Adams

Who gave it all away

Or my mother who kept

Lying about being cut out

Of the will due to having

Already robbed her own grandma.

I have decided 

Since I am not allowed to kill


I will instead 

Maim him for life

Let him spend 

The next thirty years

In a nursing hospital

He put so many of the old ones

In them just to get rid of them

Such as my mothers aunt

Who took care of her

And was older than my own

Grandmother who was shoved

Down the stairs by some spoiled girl

I grew up hard

Worked even harder

Having achieved almost

The impossible 

Only to be taken out

By him over his promisses

Of nothing at all

But for thirty years

I have been drugged

And knocked over

And robbed as well

As attempted rape

While the old aunt

Sat waiting for me

To come visit

Which I did do

But was immediately 

Removed by crazy Lisa

Mona Lisa 

It is such a sad song

And sadder painting

The beauty of world

Was stolen so many times

That no one really knows

Which one is the real one

There are more of them

In the closest

Copies made to cover

The thefts.

Just like Jimmy

Is going to loose 

His ability to speak

And walk 

While he lays in his bed

Not allowed to leave it at all

But just lay there doing nothing

For the rest of his life

Now sixty years old

He is not needed

These young girls

Don't want his dick

Nor his tongue

They will not miss him

Nor will the world leaders

Only my mother 

Will cry over her missing

Property, not the land

The boy that made it possible

For her to keep on lying

Everyday of her life.

Jimmy and his romper room

Routine are going to come to an end

As will all those girls

Who keep faking being family...

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