Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wonders never cease


Once one of the mighty

Now spit upon 

And peed upon

The decadence 

Of the early 20th century

Rich luxury

Only the best clients

Will do no riffraff

Then all the years

gone by

In a flash

Now only the homeless

Find accomadations

Inside the gilded rooms

The pandemic caused

It too be used

For nothing at all

Left without 

Paying customers

Left to earn its keep

Turned over to the city.

Nothing remains.

Of the old life

Nor anyone to remember.

She sat there smoking

In front of the hotel

Where everyone 

Could see what 

Her daughter had done

Not even allowed 

In the lobby

But forced out 

On the streets

Like a criminal

Smoking was her joy.

It was against gods laws

And now against mans

As well.

She once wrote 

An article about

How bad her daughters

Asthma was and how it hurt

Her to see her smoke

All that fuss about

Her lungs when she

Should not even 

Have been born

But she could not 

Get rid of her

She had won an award

For her article

It was so heart felt

And that she would

Give up something 

For a child to live.

It was not true

She had not given up

Her desire to destroy

She just did it 

When no one was 


Behind her back

But no one could 

Tell her how much

It meant to her to get

That award 

Afterwards she told

Them all about it

How much she hated

Her daughter for making

Her write the article

And lie to her bosses

She had done the same

Thing to her mother

Behind the backs

Of her relatives

Just to get even

She drank alcohol

They never did know

Of course they did

They just did not tell her

And it was the same

With the daughter

She could smell 

The hotdogs on her breath

And the cigarettes 

In her purse

There was no way 

Of making her stop

Such a harmful

Thing to herself.

She just wanted her way

Now she wanted 

Everyone to know

What she had to put up

With all that Christianity

Her death certificate

Said she had died

When her heart stopped

She had brain cancer

Which had eaten up

Her brain

And her life

Always doing harmful things

Who knows what her parents

Thought of her actions

It was really those kids

Who came from Germany

During the war

So envious and devious

Making her believe 

Her parents did not

Want her nor allow her

Anything at all

It also sadly stated

She had melanoma 

Of the lung,

Cancer of the lungs

If she had lived

She would have begun

To know what it meant

Not to breathe

Nor to know good health

To always sit outside

The group of kids

Not able to join

The fun when in fact

She was better equipped. 

Just no allowed

Her mother would not have

Known how much pain

It is not to be able 

To breathe freely

To lay there without

The ability to smoke.

A cigarette in the hospital

Probably broke her heart.

But it was the other children

Who never got to have a mother?

Nor do they really care anymore?

Not even visiting her at hospital

They did not know

But thier wives had known

She called them everyday

Once the daughter had left

Making sure they knew

How bad she was to her.

Sadly, all the glamour

Of her mothers life

Was gone and she was penniless

She did not care about it

They would take care of her.

Not even a burial was paid by any of them...

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