Thursday, August 24, 2023

It costs how much???


I received an email

From Diane Feinstein's office

About the deficient and spending

I was encouraged to respond

But when I attempted 

To find out why I was selected

For this honor

The guy on the phone

Had no clue as to how 

I got the number to his office

Nor did I.

Now I could offer 

A suggestion to cut the budget

Get rid of the Trump thing.

This is the fourth jail house

How much does it cost

Just to get the guys fingerprints?

And then there will be the trail

And, and, and.

Then if he is in fact 

Convicted and incarcerated,

Gues what!

The Secret Service guys

Assigned to protecting him,

Will also have to go to jail

They might not be incarcerated.

But they are by law required

To protect him for life.

That includes hospice such 

As the Carters are receiving

And prisons if this guy 

Does not get a fair hearing

Which my former collogues 

In the news media have already

Indicted and convicted him.

The prison might want to feed

Him beans and rice

But his housing has to be adequate

Depending upon which place

Gets precedence over his body

They might have to take over

The entire floor in case of a high rise

Or an entire section of the camputs

Really, he will not be standing in line

For his gravy train without his body guards

It will be too much not to bring it to him

And then the coast of the prison itself

Who will be paying for the extra security

The American people?

Or the Justice department

Which has decided to put in jail?

Georgia is probably

The lowest of the four jails

How much are they spending today?

Will they be able to afford

Imprisoning a person 

Who is not allowed to be knifed

In the communal shower?

Or get diarhyea from the food?

How much of their budget 

Is going to be handed over for this guy?

Might as well give him house arrests.

In Mar Largo where he will not be a flight risk

With his passport or planes grounded.

Or he could be sent to Guantanamo.

To sit on a beach in Cuba 

As those accused of being

Part of the 9/11 attacks 

Have been afforded

Really is there any place

Capable of housing 

A convicted President?

I will tell you one thing

There is no prison in the USA

Who wants this man to die?

On their turf!

Not a single one of them

Wants anything but a natural death

And preferably not in their jailhouse.

As for the costs,

I believe the state of Georgia. 

Might declare bankruptcy.

By the way, Georgia,

There is the little matter

Of my nation 

Still has a bill 

For one million dollars

Promised to them

When they were forcibly removed

Pre-Civil war era

Over Indian rights to their own land

And that gold found in the hills

Of the state of Georgia

Which was a new state 

At the time.

That bill by the way

Was promised by the government

And is about a hundred years past due

Oh, it is actually almost two hundred years

Ooh, the interest on that amount...

Hey you guys' cant affords this guy

Send him back to some bigger boys.

Throw this fish back

It is too big!

Slurp, goes Joe on his smoothie

No comment from his staff.

They don't even want to know

What it would cost

To have to build 

A state of the art 

New facility just to house

One guy.

One guy who can't be killed.

While the Secret service stand by and just watch...

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