Friday, August 18, 2023

The Mayor says to stay at home


Stay at home

Go away


Tropical storm

Now Hurricane

Is coming to visit

Us on the West

Not unusual

Just not as common

Flash floods warnings

Preparations with sandbags

Don't go anywhere.


Unless one is insane

Always asking god

To find them

More important

Than their neighbor's

Really, hunny?

I am busy with these

Other fools

And you want 

To go to church

Just stay home

And read your bible

Just too much to ask

When there are real people

Needing his help.

First the fire in Maui

Then those stupid ones

Over there in that area

Now he is expected

To drop everything

Just to escort a few

Unfaithful ones to church,

What about the ones

Without homes?

Up it comes 

Cabo San Lucas 

Has been spared

But what about Ensenada?

And then there is San Diego,

Wished I had stayed home

That Sunday 

When I got my check

Went to get gas

And pay my insurance

Then with rent in hand

My landlord ran out the door

Wouldn't come back to collect

So I got frustrated

Went out to the car

And drove slowly 

Out to the afternoon meeting

Only to know I was in trouble

It had been so long 

Since I had gas in the car

That they had assumed

I was dead or worse

I had sinned!

They stood up 

At the end 

I just walked out

Knowing it was 

A confrontation

I did not feel like

Dealing with 

As I was innocent

But had to switch

Residences due to other

Problems with manager

Who just wanted me to get

Laid with one of the men.

It is the new thing

Mangement gets tired

Of hearing about afemale

If she just does it 

With someone 

Then the complaints stop.

Not me too tired

Of the situation

Of having no choice.

Anyways everyone 

Was acting weird

The school did not want

To give me midterms

Until the next week

After they were scheduled

And then the ghost in the trees

What was that Wiens girl

Doing in jeans and

Hiding in the trees.

Too weird

Her father used to drive

School bus

He allowed a female

With a shot gun

To take over his bus

He is over six feet tall

Then after she had her

Way with the media

They the kids on board

Were put into containers

And she did not carry them

Herself but had help

The same guy 

Who left the keys 

In the lock

Never did trust 

Him and his wife

Who have a daughter

So misbehaved

That she must have

Been sired by the devil.

There I was walking

Out to the car

Getting in and starting

A quick back up

And then the seat belt

Pulling out carefully

On to the old highway

Knowing how many people

Never make it home

On a Sunday afternoon.

There it was a van

In front of me

And on my side of the road

Avoid it by crossing

Over to the other side

Is dangerous

What if they follow ?

He followed

Back I went to my side

And he came back with me

He is aiming for me!

Stomp on the brakes

Crash and boom

He hit me so hard

They could hear it

In the next town

The paramedics

Took an hour 

To cut me out of the car

Especially after the Weins

Girl slide in behind me

And strangled me!

She said she was holding me down

Liar, Liar

Only her father 

Would take her side

Need to stop 

Coming out here at all.

The guy backed his van

Up to the ride side of the road

Looking at me

With that look

Later they said he was

A seventy-year-old Mexican

Living with his daughter

No drivers license

No arrests

Because of course

It was Dan Fucella

Who was driving 

I saw him running

Across the fields

As the neighbors 

Pointed him out

They knew he had 

Tried to kill me before

Six foot six inches

His shadow was 


He used to steal

My wallet all the time

His tall shadow

Skipping into hiding

All he wanted 

Was to own something

No one is allowed

An old lady 

Had to leave everything

Behind in St Petersburg

Just before the Russian revolution.

She inherited a French estate

On the coast of California

Still alive and being told

She had to move out

By Italians and Israelites

No reason except greed

Took all the trees 

And the horses 

And the boats

Just a waste land now

Dan is probably

The one out there

Boarding up the windows

Or not as he is a lazy bastard

All those years 

Of being religious

My entire family suffered

Over this piece of dirt

Too us it was once a haven

To others it was a nudist camp

Hate to tell them

But paradise

Does include clothes.

That story about Adam

And Eve

They were not naked

But without insight

They found themselves


Once they had eaten

The forbidden fruit

Now long gone

And no it was not sex

After all god gave

Eve the woman he had created

To Adam 

Whom his angels

Had created in gods image

To him in a ceremony

Watched by both the angels

And the future demons

Not likely

She was still a virgin

When she meet the snake

Who just wanted to harm her.

I still believe in god

Just not humans

Unlike the others 

Who do so much harm

Always claiming 

That we need help

When they were the ones

Who took the wallets

Or the keys

Or raided the larder

Or emptied the safe

It is always them

That cause the problem

Then claim they are helping us

When in fact 

All they want 

Is to lay naked 

Under the sun

In full view of the demons

Who once walked around

Just stay at home

The neighbors 

Have already seen 

Everything you have

As you are not careful

Enough with your curtains

Nor your backyard,

Stealing an old ladies

Dream of freedom

What will she do 

In the resurrection

And comes home

To find her family

Were all murdered

Just to sit outside

In the sun 

Instead of hiding inside.

Like the Donetsk people

Who have now been

Betrayed by the 

Danes and the Dutch

They will never get

Thier freedom now.

What was the cost?

One wonders 

To the wives

Of the monarchs?

A Hollywood lifestyle?

Or a life of free drugs?

Who is crazy enough

To get involved

With the Odessa


Just stay at home.

Wait for the storm

And pray that god hears 

Over the noise

Those engines are going to make

Or the laughter of the wife

Of Zelensky.

Or should we call him

Leonardsky after spoke?

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Three times loser

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