Sunday, August 20, 2023

Waiting for Hillary to come knocking...


Now, Now 


You did not do that!

Who crashed Mr. Putin's

Moon ship?

Come on guys!

Look at all that gold.

And a fifty year

Hiatus of moon missions.

The Cosmonaut's life

Is not expected 

To be long

This is not the first


Although it appears

To be unmanned.

The first trip back

From space

The three cosmonauts

Were consumed

When reentry was not achieved

Then there was the guy

Whose parachute

Did not deploy

Just like my grandpa

Who was a paratropper

But he was not in space

Somewhere out there 

Is a frozen one

As for the ones 

Who did make it back

At least one was shot

Down while flying

In an airplane

The others retire quietly

Somewhere they wont 

Be found.

The Russians 

Or Soviets as they once were

Had over twenty successful

Missions to the moon

They were the first 

To do a flyby in 1959

Causing the space race

With the Americans 

First attempt

To be successful 

In 1969

A great step for mankind

Or astronauts

Never had anything to worry about

Except the ones burned

Alive on the tarmac

Or the guy drifting

In the ocean 

While his space pod


Made the team

Angry that they had to rescue

Him instead of their device.


Jimmy has been there

The whole time

With his mind

Making decisions for them

Both sides, as he is an expert

At nothing at all

Having passed nothing 

But making others do his work 

For him.

Now Jimmy

Aunt Candy

Wants to know

Did you really 

Cause the crash?

All those hackers 

Beware of that 

Knock on the door.

If it is Jimmy

Just wanting a favor

It might be something

You will never 

Be able to talk about

If you don't get discovered.

He has his ways

Of making people

Do things for him.

Only Candy is not afraid

Of him.

She should be

With colored on her

Birth certificate

Jimmy has one of those

As well.

The days when the color

Of the skin of the parent

Was noted on an official document.

Well, someone is having a bad day

I told them to get out 

They would not listen

That wrecking crew

Which have been arrested

So many times

I did not have the strength

To go it alone 

This time.

I still need an operation

My tumor is so large

It is causing rumors

To spread throughout

The whole world association

Of envious ones

Not Christians those

Who only want to find fault.

I am still a good Christian woman.

I just don't want to hear about

It one more time

About why I am not qualified

To sit down 

But be shown the door.

They probably think 

I have gone apostate on them.

I have not gone apostate

I just don't believe 

They have the right 

To sit and condemn others

Without any hearing

And then follow one around

Telling people that the are no longer

In good standing 

For nothing at all

Except refusing a penis

Or a finger.

Those old men

In Tuxedo 

Have no idea 

What goes on around them

I am out to bring criminal charges

Against Aunt Candance

And her entire family

For the harm they did to myself

And the religion

They falsely claim 

To support

When it is just 

Themselves they are supporting.

I am not allowed to complain?

Have you ever heard

Of such a thing?

Especially as an innocent

Charged with lying

But no particular lie

Was brought forward

It is probably about me

Not having gotten baptised

Or something else sinister

Meanwhile my mothers 

Cousing sit or stand

Waiting for the reason

When it is nothing more

Than them not getting

That they were betrayed

The first time Jimmy

Stepped in front of them.

Smoking everyday 

In order to cloud the minds

Of those who seek 

His control of a family

Not his own.

Meanwhile his seventy

Year old real half sister

And I have to put up

With medical personal

Who believe he is a god

Or something.

Perhaps, Hillary 

Will come calling

On his doorstep.

What would happen

If he got caught 

In a little storm?

All that wind and no place to go

Did he get out of Ensenada?

Fast enough?

They are about to be hit

By a hurricane.

No roads will now

Get them out.

While the navy

Is abandoning 

Thier home port

For the high seas

Hopefully no one

Will come crawling in

While they are gone.

How does one get

A lunar probe

To collide with the surface

Of the Moon?

A whole lot of 

Zeroes and ones...

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