Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Amongst the pigeons...

She was fixing her collar
And smiling
Alona had won again

Always the one behind
But also the one 
With family

One more time
The girl had gone ahead
And done something 

She had to do herself
Who graduated from High School?
Alona was twenty

After fourteen year old
Qualified for all the exams
Smarty had gotten straight A's

Then she was removed 
And drugged
And dummied up

It took her another
Three years to get through
The same school

Even though she kept escaping
She actually tried to go to a different
High school 

All Alona needed 
Were her papers and exams
Then she just sat in class

And handed in her enemies
Poor thing the girl

Started to get c's and d's
Instead of perfect scores
What was she to do?

She sued the school
For refusing to allow
Her to graduate from 

A school that actually
Gave out real grades!
Anyways she had done it again

After the missionary stuff
And library things
She kept attempting

Always removed
And kept from knowing
How often she would 

Have her clothes stolen
From her and her wallets
If it had not been for her mother

Who had some strange
Thing called Dementia
They might not have pulled

It off!
And then her father 
Had to go and die.

After that
They made Alona
Keep it on the low

Her wrath at the other girl.
She did make sure
To get married first

And have children
Before her husband left her.
Now her mother had died.

Back she waltzes
Going to college!
And she wants to study 

Art History!
All that working at those
Museums when she was younger.

Alona had to find a way
To get even
They brought false charges

Tried to get her arrested
Thrown out of her school
And her places.

Janet the niece 
Went wherever she was
And jabbed her with a needle

Kept saying a six year old
Had given birth to her
Which is ridiculous

But it worked 
With the help of Juan
Jimmys nephew

Together they kept
Her from having anything
At all.

Not a job 
In a museum
Not at a library

Nor even allowed
To have a place to live
And they both

Went to the Christian elders
Claiming all kinds of things
Poor little thing

Did not even have god
To protect her
While Alona

Went to college 
With all the papers

They could find
Otherwise she just faked it
After all she was the one

That they all wanted
To win!
Kicked out of her own 

Just so Alona 
Could have her way

Now she was going to go
To headquarters
And get the assignment

Of the other girl
Just as she had done before.
Sitting there at her graduation.

Meanwhile, the other girl
Could care less.
After all, her assignment

At the libraries 
Was long over
It was a published book

That she had worked
On for Franz
An old blind man

Once a Rhodes scholar
Now dead and gone
As the girl simply

Wanted to go back
To her museums
Where she had grown up

To enjoy the works 
Of art created through
The talents assigned 

By god to geniuses 
Not retards
Who wastes everyone's time

With their demands
To be center stage
Stealing even an interview

With the girls own uncle!
He is now old 
Meanwhile she has gotten lost

It is time to bring 
Her back
To see Alona 

Sitting down
When she ought to be

No way!
She had warned her uncle
Some day she would 

Find herself on the outside
And would not be coming back
Not his fault

She had gotten married
At Fifteen
Alona never did know

If she wants to get
Remarried in a newly redecorated
Place, go ahead.

She did not care.
Worse then dealing
With her own identical sister

Who was sweet
But stubborn
Especially about her possessions.

Those boyfriends 
Were going to have 
Trouble telling them apart

Then she died
Just because Alona
Stoled the old ladies cat

Which she kept 
Inside her house with her
Poor Najma!

That Siamese
Died old and dissatisfied.
Well, she had to take

Shelter where she could
She was not going 
To be a street person

Nor a prostitute
For what ever 
Game they were playing

This time
And all for the sake
Of a girl 

Who does not know 
How to spell

So ill she might
Cause a pandemic 
Or something.

But at least 
She had kept her
Scruples and morals

Whereas, she knew Alona
Had been disked in Texas
Just as Candace had in Wyoming

Now she was free!
To do as she pleased
She had done as uncle 

Wanted but now
It was her turn.
She wanted her life

Back the way 
She and her father 
Had planned

Before her mother
Had lost her mind.
She had plans

To travel and visit
Worried not about
Having a child

At her age!
Fifty plus

And quite 
Burn down a town

In Baja
Cut off the head
Of one Jimmy

Kill off all those
Boys who had played
With her mothers heart strings

How she would like
To see Brent in Prison
Hurt wicked Judith

Some to see her 
Pride and Joy
Not horrible Tara

Go to prison
With his pretty face!
Too old to pursue

Her dreams
Of a career 
And too old

To be pursued
Now that Jimmy
Has been after her teeth

She is going to take
Care of that as well.
No one is going

To make her into 
A scarecrow
Nor is she going

To be a mouse!
She is a cat
Amongst the pigeons

What they don't know
Wont hurt them as much
If they find out

What she did all those 
Years ago.
Besides she already

Got a PHD 
Way back when
And was teaching 

Just to be yanked
One more time.
If she did not know 

It is all the fault
Of Alona and her sisters

Candy and Suzie
While Jimmy has been 
Dancing around

Hugging himself.
No matter
All the harm has been

Done to her 
And her soul
She has survived

And will prevail!
Now if uncle does not want
To see her again,

Off she is going
Into the wilds
Of knowledge and wisdom

Of higher education
And government institutions
Maybe she will even write a book!


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