Monday, December 11, 2023

The Great Chill

I hear Jill

That he is coming again

And is still wearing nothing.

But his pajamas

This great hero

Who ran from his own city

Hide in caves 

With his men

Then snuck out of it

Just so he could address

Congress and he did not even

Bring a change of clothes.


This little man

With a law school certificate

On his wall 

Next to his marriage license

And Birth certificate

When is he going

To stop pulling 

Your husbands leg.

Joe can barely stand now

He need this and that

They are poor, `


The Israelites were hot

When they left Egypt

They arrived as rich men

Who just needed to buy

Cereal for their children

A family of a dozen sons

And one rich old man

His grandfather had left

Babylon as a rich man

Had waited for his even richer

Father died in Ur

Along the silk route

Then lived in silk tents

Amongst the very rich Arabs

They had huge hoards

Of flocks of sheep

And others 

Who had plenty of grass to feed

Where it went 

No one knows

But they got the best

Of the Nile 


Lush foliage

What they did not have

Was grain to make bread.

Then they were used as slaves

And then they were wandering 

The Wilderness in search of grass

For their herds of animals

They had so much gold

In their ears and on their wrists

They could melt it down

And build a huge cow

To worship

After that they used their gold

For the temple

Silk tent temple

And gold utensils

Many came to steal those items

Imagine having so much wealth

Then having to leave it behind

The Disapora 

Is what it was called

Dispersed throughout the area

The Jews were forced

From their homeland

One which they had to fight

Half a dozen nations

To gain access to the land

Of milk and honey

Another dozen nations

Came up against them

Till they combined into one

The Romans

Left nothing to imagination.

Left with the very special 

Gold angles 

Brought to life.

After the cow incident

The same gold 

That they wore in Egypt

Went into the smelting pot.

Anyways there is a long history

Of the Jews and their disappointments

Throughout the world they went

Even the wild west 

Had their own Jewish families

And then when the Marxist

Came into their own 

They the Jews were told to leave

Just as in Egypt

From the more beautiful

And rich Russia

They murdered the uncle

Caused the Jews 

To get out of their way

Only to rape and murder

The daughters of the tsar

During this great cooling off

As the chosen people

Many ended up reestablishing.

Themselves in concaves

Such as Sicily and Odessa

The horrible wars 

Israel has endured on their land

With neighbors attempting 

To kill them all off

In comparison

To those communities 

That had to survive

By their wits

As they no longer 

Had huge herds of animals

Nor were they no longer

Trading along the old silk route

Pirating is what they turned

Taking the very ships

That once had goods 

For themselves

By force in order to survive

Then they also became rich

Ironically it took so much

Of their lives that they forgot

Who they were in both locations

Both Sicily and Odessa

Became known as mafia outposts

They turned to the local religions

Sicily has the oldest stained glass

Temples built by jews on the move

Now they are Catholic 

This little island 

Which makes more then 

Olive oil and wine

Meanwhile the Black sea

Which the Scythians 

Were infamous for their gold

Turned a tidy profit

Capturing all those boats

Including perhaps

The very ones that held

The Ark and golden angles

Imagine somewhere under 

The city of Odessa

Is a huge vault of stolen loot

Not just the Romans loot

But also the Nazis

All those masterpieces

And menorahs

Now Orthodox as the need

To blend in with their neighbors

They are also know for being 

Fierce robbers of men

Not warriors

But mafia killing machines.

All these years 

Of unlimited control

Then the Soviets system collapsed

Shrieks galore

Why do the Ukrainians

Want the little Black Sea?

So much they are willing

To sell their own?

Just as the Red Sea

Saved them from Egypt

This one will also free

Them from Russia and Europe

But do they intend 

To help their old country?

No in the midst

Of a new war for Israel

And Hannukah

They have sent their leader

One more time

To beg for money

He is not even given

A set of clothes 

To present his case

Just pajamas!

He can afford the gas

To go to South America

Meet with the leaders 

Of countries 

Under suspect of harboring

Nazi on the run

Now he is going to land

On the White House lawn

After being snuck out 

A year ago.

Just to shake your hand Jill!

Does he even take showers?

All that hiding and sneaking around

Why don't you ask your husband

To inspect those tunnels

Under his city 

To see what 

The Monument men missed

They probably even have

Russian and German gold

Down there in their depths

Maybe we should let

Thier city be bombed

All those missing masterpieces

Would just go up in smoke

Oh! that is bad.

I hear the loud voices

Really, Jill

Are we supporting 

The mafia and their crimes?

Or the Nazis and their crimes?

As a country

Which is aligned behind Israel

Has already stretched itself

Into two near missed shutdowns

Overpaying for the opportunity

Of keeping all that loot 

From surfacing

And now after putting 

Through a budget

For the American people

Which includes supporting 

The Jews in their fight

Against their own neighbors

He wants to show up 

On your doorstep again

And he wont even have 

A warm coat 

Over his thin pajamas

Maybe you could go 

To the nearest charity store

And buy him a hand me down

Over coat to he wont get


Imagine arriving 

From the warm countries

Of the Nazis 

To walk around 

In the snow 

He is going to get sick

We cant have him die

Who would lead them then?

He was the only one

You know who could

Have been elected 

As a celebrity of various

Types of media

Including the voice 

Of Paddington bear.

You know Jill

There are nice 

Catholic thrift stores

That take someone elses

Trash as they remove it

From the homes they have squatted

That have really nice clothes

Most of them coming straight out

Of closets that were once occupied

But now are being torn down.

I even found a nice parka

Found out when I got home

That there was real fur inside.

Maybe he might find one of Putin's Coats 

From the Embassy rummage sale.

His wife always wore fur.

Mrs. Zelensky might enjoy

Something pretty to wear.

You might also regift

Something from your husbands

Such as an exercise machine

I am sure Joe gets those

And the younger man

Could use some exercise.

Another Billion dollars?

And he got those jets

From foolish France

Just because he represents

A nation that is both 

Catholic and Jewish

And no longer 

Russian nor Orthodox

He does need new clothes

Otherwise raid those underground

Vaults were they have probably

Been sitting on that missing item

Last seen heading towards Rome

But has never been found.

Brr, it is cold in Washington DC

This time of year.

I now not even our old home

On Y street is available

Once an academy site

Then a hospital for the Civil war

With a map leading to it

From the First Baptist church

As an underground safe house

For those fleeing slavery

It has been consigned 

To the ugly modern buildings

I was living there you know

And forced out by some 

German blond 

Who said it was her place

Been in the family for over 

Two hundred years

But she was a displaced

Former soviet citizen

And had been given 

The impression the place

Was hers so she sold it

Out from underneath my feet

Which fled to California

Where I am now watching 

Historic buildings disappear

Because those communists

From below

Claim everything belongs

To them 

Even the Natives are not allowed

To keep their properties

And they were also 

You know Jews

Kicked out by Spain

To inhabit Mexico.

Shame on those 

Who don't acknowledge 

Thier own religion

Instead of taking someone's else's

Bless those who at least

Go through their own traditions

Even if they believe

They are descendants of apes,

Those who believe 

They can change their skin 

Anyways I have no issue

With Christian traditions

Nor Jewish ones

The upheaval of the world

Over religion!

Please send him home

Jill with some clothes to wear!

Maybe he wont come back 

Begging for more handouts.

There were a number of famous

People from Kiev and Jewish.


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