Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Just another sad story


Is Jesus watching over
His own mothers death?
And holding himself all swathed?

Another sad story
Just fourteen years old
Waiting for her first 

Blood flow 
In order to marry the man
Her father had decided upon

But then he died
And her widowed mother
Was so frustrated

If it had not been
For her cousin Elisabeth
Childless but married

Anyways that day did not
Come to her 
But instead an angel Gabriel

Brought her glad tidings
Oh horrid day that was
And then Joseph

Attempted to throw her out
But instead had to marry her
As agreed upon

He did everything he was told
But then he was scared himself
A well known carpenter

With building skills
Got a trip to Egypt
Became a well known

Highly skilled worker
Of buildings interiors
Then left his Mary a widow

Another sad story
Boy finally comes of age
To be responsible for her care

Had his own plans
Needed to be allowed his freedom
Got that calling from above

Only to have her die
Took care of that as well
From birth to death.

On this day 
I got the call
At two in the morning

Hmm, yes, yes 

Phone battery dies.
Oh god!
Went mad in the room

Looking for the charger
And clothes 
Tried to get a taxi

Had to wait till five
Then found a bus
On Sunday morning

Only to be shown 
To the morgue
She was gone at last

For forty years
I had cared for her
I should not have been

She could not handle it
And she had developed 

Brain Cancer
We knew that since
I was very, very little

Ended up with a three hundred pound
Four year old
Who would not understand

Eighty percent of her brains
Had been metascisized
To cancer

She was functioning
On only twenty percent
How no one knew

Twenty years past 
Her date for death
She went on her own

Although I suspect
She had help
As the nurses

Were avoiding eye contact
It was all over

I needed help
Made a trip home
Just Jimmy 

Showed up
And took her away
From me

Put her in the hospital
I wanted  some one else
To come but they were

Taken away from her
With no reconciliation
She was told once

That her sons
Were happy without her
They enjoyed amusement parks

And parties
Especially the holidays
She took herself out

To old Belmont 
The rollercoaster
She hated so much

Made herself get on
Then would not get off
Went around and around

Until she was no longer screaming
Found a way to get 
At least one of them

And took him to the best
Amusement park as described
She looked up at the much

Newer and taller rollercoaster
I did not know it would be so tall!
They both got on

One slide down
To just his eyes could be seen
As they climbed higher and higher

When they came to a stop
His curly hair
Was straight above his head

And he had not said a word
She feed him hotdogs
And anything else she could afford

Said not a word
Till the end of the visit
Bye mom and a hug

He cried to himself
Why a roller coaster
He was so frightened!

What was he to do?
He never did know 
How to tell her how much

He hated those rides
She kept taking him on.
A sad story 

When in fact it was
Jimmy who wanted
A play date with the woman

He had captured 
And brain washed
Until she did not know

Whom she was to him
Nor to the others
Never giving in.

Always blaming herself
For what went wrong
But making sure everyone

Knew it was the girls fault
Who could not be hers
No matter how many times

She told the judges
It was always the same
This one was her daughter

It was all about 
Jimmy was from Germany

He had never had a turkey meal
They were told not to let him in
But he kept showing up

With a pregnant girl
Who needed to rest her feet
Her own children 

Grew distant 
As she did not know 
What to do with her self

Just blame the girl.
They were singing 
You will be coming home 

For Christmas!
The nurses were decorating
The Christmas tree

But thanksgiving
Had not even happened
She would not even eat a morsel

While I was expected 
To go to the dining room
To have a meal with the others

I refused afraid he would come
If I left her alone
Why all the animosity?

It was her last day
After that they refused
To care for her

While I her daughter
Kept trying to get the doctor
To come speak to me

When he came he was confused
As to whom I was
I pulled out my birth certificate

He paused and then gave orders
Never to return
While Jimmy did not surface

Not even two weeks later
After making people uncomfortable
Jimmy was making up stories again

He was telling them that I was not
The relative but him instead.
He has tried to get rid of me

From the first time 
He met me
She had a dead unborn baby

Only six months not nine
She would go through places
Talking about it as if it had lived

Jimmy did not like his own parents
They made him do things
Such as not beat up others

He was a Christmas baby
Born just before
All the gifts were for him.

Along comes a new baby
He could not stand it.
She was getting presents!

His own parents
Tried to keep him from 
Throwing tantrums

Including not allowing 
Him to visit
Not even allowed to step inside.

Two years later 
I had my accident
Knew I was in trouble

When the menu came around
Just wrote vegetarian
In order not to have the turkey meal

That had started it all
Instead they gave me large uncooked

Not a vegetarian diet
Told I was anemic
Had to start eating meat

Went back to a normal diet
Eating salads 
And any protein available

Waited all through Christmas
For anything nice
Missed the meal at the church

Got to phone calls
Nor presents.
Just a walker instead of a wheelchair

Had to learn to walk again
Had a stroke 
Had difficulty in getting anyone

To forgive me.
All over thanksgiving
Native Americans 

Don't even really celebrate it
Those Puritans!
They were brought fish

And venison
Not Pheasant
Turkey day was always

The meanest holiday
I spent in school
Worrying about the others.

A sad story 
Of immigrants 
Marrying into an Indian family

No one knew what to do.
Grandpa would go out 
And buy a turkey

We were all home from school
And the adults could not go to work.
Then he would watch my father

Grill it in the barbeque outside
While the women would make
Dishes they did not undestand

Only the cranberries
Were a hit with me
My brothers would eat

Anything including mash potatoes
And stuffing 
Where was my asparagus!

Such a sad story.
Most of the time
I eat salmon and salad

Not turkey
Had enough of it
Watching over those boys

Who never came back
After they had other familes
Who lived were they did not

Celebrate the hated holiday
Jimmy just has to have his way
As he taught his Mexican

Family how to be American
It is not their thing either
They just show hostility 

Towards Americans anyway
And don't want to hear about
Anyone who was here before them.

A sad story of sacrifice
No resolutions of the harm
Done to an innocent family

Just another American story
Done nothing wrong
But out of their own generosity

They get blamed
For not understanding
What it means to be aliens

In this land of plenty.
No  more wars.
Just get rid of them all.

This month 
Is my sisters death day
A week before Christmas

It will be another day 
To not forget
A typical American family ordeal

Another sad story
About Christmas
The celebrated day of Christ's birth.

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