Friday, December 8, 2023

Where there is smoke...


First day on the job
He gets the call
His wife does not want

Newly elected
And his term is already 

Under fire.
It has been nothing
But trouble from Jimmy

Jimmy threatened to do it
And do it he did.
Can Jimmy 

Tell you where 
He was on 9/11?
In bed smoking

How about Dec 18?
Opening his birthday presents
And April 15?

Talking a walk
Along the Thames
Or was it the Potomac?

Never does he get caught
But we all know
He is guilty

He tells us ahead 
Of time
And then it happens!

Even if he is hiring
Out for the job
He is still the one

Behind it.
Imagine a young man
Just elected President

Of France
To face the worst
Day of Paris

The Notre Dame
Was on fire.
Really, do you have to go?

Yes, darling
It is a must.
Cant miss this event

What if the Eiffel Tower
Were knocked over in a storm?
Paris does not get tornados!

Okay back to the story.
Macron the youngest
Ever elected to the post

Had to leave his wife
In bed while he went out
To watch the infamous church

Burn down
Or at least most of it
Just the front 

Of the Notre Dame
Was saved after every man
Was put on the job.

Restoration has come 
To the one year point
Of completion

Next Christmas
They promise it will reopen
Resetting the gold

He is there in person
No longer a young man

But an old one
Growing grey in his job
Turning pale at his confrontations

And conquests
Over the past years
He has nothing to look forward

It will all be down hill
From here on out
The 2024 Olympics

Are coming to town
What else can go wrong?
It will be all smiles

No one named Jimmy
Will be allowed
Near either Paris

Nor London
He also promised
To blow up Big Ben

Zelensky's hand no longer
Needs holding
He has succeeded in ousting

Two speakers of the house
And gotten the current President
Into so much trouble

His son is being charged
In tax evasion issues
Remember that is how they got

On tax evasion
Always pay your taxes

Do not listen to my mother
Another one of her stories
You don't have to pay taxes

I swear she would give away
Her families properties
Just so she would not have to pay up

Pay Caesars things to Ceasar.
Is what Jesus said to his followers
And Jimmy believes he is Ceasar

All monies go to him.
Anyways this issue in Israel
Many thought that jimmy 

Had somehow gotten that war
All those years ago in 1973
And was sure he was behind

The Iran hostage thing.
Which caused so much trouble
For the Carters

It was Ford
Whom he walked in one night
And sat down at his table

Told him he was the one responsible
For getting rid of Nixon
And he expected to eat 

At his table
In the White House
Probably expected to be 

Given a bedroom as well
Watch out Kamala
If Joe should fall

It will be Jimmy
Who claims his reward
Of the Oval Office

You will not even sit down
Before feeling his warm angry breath
Just as his father Captain Kangaroo

Had to put his face in front
Of the camera
Every time Jimmy was on his dads show

And wanted to explain things
Like who the boss was really
By pulling that thing out 

For all to see.
Yes we know you have one
But it is not important

He was born with a silver spoon
In his mouth
To two rich parents

But they were not good enough
He wants to be the dictator 
Of the world

And intends that every wife
Of every important man
Understand that he is the boss.

So we have the adversaries
Running for election
Biden has thrown his hat

Into the ring
Despite his sons problems
While Trump 

Is not even showing up
For the debates
What is there to debate

He has already won
He expects to be the last man
Standing in the ring against 

His opponent
While he has to listen
To judges spell out

His life for him
He will get through this 
As well

He plans to be the one
Standing there shaking 
The hand of Putin

Who is also running 
For reelection next year
2024 should be an interesting year.

Jacks first christmas
He does not like anything
I have bought him

Should just return him
Like an infant
That one preorders

Not right
I said green eyes not blue
And what about that nose!

Cute guy up there on top
Reminds me of my own father
Who wanted to build bridges

But instead worked on buildings
He was a good architect
Before he needed eye surgery

Which went wrong
Some people never did know
Him in his prime

When he could still 
See his sorroundings
And care for himself

My hero
Always going in to rescue
Just as he did in Korea

The office tech guy
Who kept getting phone calls
From President Eisenhower

All the way from DC
Could not figure out
How that was done in those days

Someone had a faulty connection
Which they did not figure out
To later

Did not know he was talking
To anyone but the Pentagon
Who is this geek guy

Squeaks every time.
I just want to be sure
Everything is going smoothly

After all he was the General
Who completed the conquest
Of storming the Germans

And bringing an end 
To the war in Europe
Who is this guy 

Maybe he  needs a girlfriend
Get Carole in here
Hi big guy!

Now Carole
You cant call me in Korea
We agreed if I went away

You would not find me
And make my life miserable!
Thats when he got the news

Of the missing Marines
Some of whom he had grown up
He decided to go himself

Ring, ring...
He is not answering!
I know it is him

My boyfriend from before
Where did you say he is stationed
Somewhere in Korea

Where I cant go and annoy him
You have a direct connection to Korea?
Not anymore said the Pentagon

As they came in and took
The phone from her hand
She was well known

She might get the Russian guy
Must correct this matter
For you Mr. President

Sweat was pouring off him
He had been yelling
And giving instructions

Directly to some guy
In Korea instead of the Pentagon
Don't worry about him

His father worked on the Manhattan project
He knows how to keep his mouth shut.
Oh yes, sir that is my kid.

What? No I am not Oppenheimer
That was Arizona
I was in the laboratory

If you don't know where that was
Then you don't have the authority
To call me. Click.

Yep, that is the father of the kid.
How can you tell?
I've been speaking to him 

The whole time
Just pretending to be his dad.
Where is he now?

They had a little situation.
Seems he went out there
With his violin

Been playing things
In code it seems
Someone knows what 

He is up to and got them back
Navajo code talkers
What sir?

No it was done with a
I'm the boss and I'm telling you
Someone knows the Navajo code

He is just transmitting it
And the other guy is picking it up
Are they all back?

Good! Medals all around.
And I want that kid here on my doorstep!
I am going to meet this man

Who thinks he can hang up on me.
The other site still undisclosed
Hell, they say he kept them 

All from going up in smoke
I get two heroes in one shake 
Great Scotts, wait till she hears 

About it upstairs.
I'm telling you dad
If I go I will meet her

And will have to marry her!
That wont be too bad.
After your mother died

I had to marry a couple of girls
To keep all of you feed and warm.
But not her!

Hey Mister Macron
Did you know 
There was once a little girl

Who kept being sent back
By her mother to the spot
Of conception?

My parents got married
They were in love once
But life happens

Im the first born
And not the one they wanted
Blue eyes not brown

A girl not a boy
My mother had my eyes changed
To green

But could not get me altered
So she kept getting rid of me
Each time she had another one

Of those boys
Four in all.
The last one she forgot to tell

My father she was pregnant
Just sat there waiting for him
To see her belly

He had just had eye surgery....
Ended up getting divorced 
By accident 

Anyways I once played
In your parks
Went to your schools

And was at the Olympic camp
In France, 
Oh that's right

Thats when I was sent to Siberia
For something that was not my fault
Came back with a gold medal.

Never to be spoken 
Of again.
Just on my records somewhere

I am not a soviet 
Nor a communist
Nor a Fascist

Wouldn't mind an invitation
That wont be accepted
By Jimmy nor Candy

To sit and observe
The fireworks from a distance
I don't have to get on stage

Nor be called Princess
Just seeking shelter 
From the needle marks

I keep finding on my body
Being controlled by those 
Who thought they could

Be the ones to get all the acclaim
While making everyone else miserable.
Just want some peace of mind

Stroll with my cat stroller,
Smell the coffee,
And eat real baquettes,

With French Brie.
I will even stay 
For the reopening of Notre Dame,

If you want.
I used to work for the Forestry service
I know how to put out dangerous fires....

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