Monday, December 25, 2023




Time of the world

East and west

Everyone knows

That Greenwich time

Means some place 

In England

Where there is a line

Drawn down the street

Everyone on one side

Has one hour 

Earlier than the one on 

The other side

This means much 

Of the Atlantic Ocean

Some of Western Africa

And all of the Americas

Are a different time

Than Europe

And England


Was developed in


For the railroads

For centuries

Boats had come and gone

On basic time  

As understood

By the Astronomers

But those railroads

Were developed.

To transport

Quickly and easily

Through the commonwealth

And they had to run on time

The Victorians insisted upon

That everything had a time

An appointment

Not to miss teatime

Even in India

Half a world away

They knew it was time

According to thier clocks

Which were carefully set

To this location

In England

Now during Tudor times

It was the hunting lodge

Of King Henry viii

He enjoyed a royal break

From Buckinghamshire

Went westward.

Towards the ocean

Where there was still

Good hunting

And the night life

Came with him

All that music and dance

Along with wine

And women

He had also a castle

Of the same name

Where he would hide away

His current mistress

Which is why there 

Are so many

American families

Distantly tied to the Tudors

As he had so many parties

With the lovely ladies

According to the times

It was almost an expected


To give ones daughter

To the King

To bed

And then wed off to a suitor

Of which honor would bring

Along with an extra dividend.

Now adays that does not go 

Over really well

Which is why 

One small girl 

Was accused of being 

The mother of so many

Unwanted bastards

Whose mothers did not know

To go to bed

With the wrong man

Expecting something 

In return

Why every congregation

My mother went inside

Came out 

With one more unwanted

Bastard some bitch

Did not want to acknowledge.

They had given birth

And now there are so many

That the very royal


Have an enormous

Christmas card list

Over two hundred

Sisters just for Kate

Most of whom

She has meet 

In her young years

Of taking a woman

With Dementia

Around to introduce

Her to everyone

She could in order

To squander the life

Of one young girl

Who is still not good

Enough for the authorities

To actually

Put a stop to the swindling

By people

Such as Megan Markle

And her sister in law

Crazy Kate

How much more

Can there be

And when is the 


For which I worked

Going to put an end

To the constant 

Betrayal of anyone


Innocent or guilty?

Poor little rich girl

Who walked the straight line

An Empress

In the eyes of her relatives

Who took everything they could

In order to have a bunch

Of fake princesses

Who cant tell the time

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Three times loser

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