Sunday, December 24, 2023

Great schism of Christian religion


East- West

The year 
That caused 
The Rest of the world

To forget
Thier origins
When Constantine

In the fourth century
He took a city

That was feeding
Christians to the lions
And made it over

Holy Rome
With the Vatican
An after thought

His own city 
Of Constantinople
The Hagia Sophia

Was built to represent
His own family 
And new beliefs

Although it is now
A mosque
It still stands out

The Fourth crusade
Of the Christians 
Sent out by Rome

Turned on itself
Destroying most of
The great city

While they had already
Decided to go their separate ways
The west became 

While the east

Eastern Orthodox
Ended up having 

The old Justinian
While the west 

Even went so far
As to invent a new one
The Gregorian 

The west made
A new life 

Without the East
Leaving them behind
13 days.

Even Christmas 
Was celebrated on different days
Now Ukraine

As traitors 
To their own ethnic background
Are refusing even the religion

Of their ancestors
Who have upheld
The older traditions

December 25
Is not the day Christ
Was born

But it the new day
Is going to celebrate

Instead of waiting
Until January  6
For the Orthodox

They have converted 
To Catholicism
Over not a real need

Or desire 
But to cause hell
For the other guy

This war has been
About overthrowing
The big brother

That has taken care of them
Murderers of their own kind
Although the Donetsk

People are not really Russian
But Welsh
The Hughes migrants

Who came to help build
Those armaments for Russia
Never about the fear

Of one small Jewish man
But the desire and demand
That Russia as a whole

No longer exist.
Just as the Italians
Followed Mussolini

And the Jewish Hitler
Into a war that killed
Thier own people

These Ukrainians
Have made it clear
They want blood

Not peace.
Saint Nicholas
A German saint

Used to give out
Black coal
To the bad boys and girls

While Santa Claus
Provides endless
Presents to all 

As we watch
Gaza and Israel 
Fight it out

During their holy holidays
Killing each other
For no reason

But a land dispute
Many have already
Received their rewards

For betrayal 
Of their own peoples
May they not stumble

Upon not land mines
But something much
More damaging

To the rest of the world
Not that they care
For us at all

Just as that Cathy
Who would not leave me alone
But then had babies

Who then destoryed
My life by demanding
They were mine not hers

Have done nothing
But take advantage
Of a system

That was not mine
I was never a movie star
But a journalist.

Scarlett and Lea
Can be seen in an old
Picture tormenting

Me with a knife in my chest
One that Cathy put there 
Because she did not want

To be my friend
But be me instead.
Thought to be 

Honor Blackmans
Product of an unspoken rape
Cathy has produced

Grand daughters
For Honor
Who actually do look 

Like her
For instance
The latest Bond girl

Miss Swan
Is nothing but a replica
Of Pussy Galore

Grandmother and granddaughter
Looking so similar
And having fun was the enemy.

Will wonders never stop.
The enemy always
Feel as if they have vanquished

The righteous
Never looking back
Nor forward

Always in the moment
I am old school
I accept Christianity 

In my heart
Without blaming those 
Who do not

Such as the Jews
I have no quarrel with them
Nor the Muslims

Whose bad leaders
Have caused havoc 
For others such as myself

I worked in those tall buildlings
Briefly but could not take the height
While I was better known

For the place they did not take
The UN 
While the Pentagon

Was only a place one visited
While I worked at the Library of Congress
Next to the Supreme Court

And across the street
From the Capital building
And has tunnel access.

Best to those
Who care about others
Humanity needs them all

Good leaders 
Should not be shot
Just because a new philosophy

Has arisen in the land.
Nor should we forget
Those few rulers

Who have a bad beef
With the world press
But have kept the world

From destruction.
Let us see  if Zelensky
Can get relected

What a year
We also get to see

If Trump and Biden
Will face off
Or a new guy will emerge.

More common for the west
To get a new one
Than fight and kill everyone else off.

Does Putin have

Don't laugh.
He is going to win.
You know why?

Because there are
Twentynine selfish people
Put up your best

A handful at most
Now the vote will be spread
Across the entire board

No one contender
Is going to carry the entire 
Country ...

Only one strong contender
Will emerge
From this sort of setup

And he has already proven 
Himself capable of not going

There is no other possible
Outcome with that many candidates
No matter what the count 

Is in March
The majority 
Will go for the one they know

Is not going to kill them
Instead of a housewife
Trained to kill her own husband

In the old soviet days.
Shiver for those days
Some of us lived through

Merry, Mary Holidays
Happiness to those 
Who don't throw the first stone.

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