Sunday, December 31, 2023

No place left to go

There is no place left 
To go 
No where to run

25 foot
Waves are hitting the coast
All those piers are in danger

In reality
It is the end of the year
We have survived CVD19.

But lost our lives
No one is nice anymore
They even report you

If you go to the bathroom
In a public place
Instead of at home

It is suspected you are
Causing others to be ill
Instead of all those 

People hired to clean
They say we have all become
Victims of the situation

My local YMCA
Issued a TB alert
Everyone has been exposed

This past six months
That is probably
Where I got the hepatitis

Those girls don't know
What they are doing
One even poured 

Six times the usual amount
Of cholerine into the hot tub
Burns to their legs

And lungs 
Might be permanent
Closed the pool

To clean it up
And fired her
While law suits are pending

What was she thinking?
She was not
Hired out of a need

Not properly trained
Nor knowledge of the issues
Just doing her job

Another tenant 
Has been allowed 

To smoke indoors
And with a circulation
To the rest of the building

Caused the fire alarm 
To go off 
And his sprinklers

Rained out of my own room
Cascading down on me below
Had to pack up my belongings

Taken to a hotel 
For a month
Told anything I leave behind

Is possibly not going 
To be there when I go back
If I have a place to go back

The room is no longer mine
But if I vacate the property
Then I give the impression

I don't want a place to stay
Then again
My personal belongings

Don't really belong to me
Do they?
Just like those who removed

Me from my own accommodations
While the police stood
And watched

As there was nothing
They can do
If it is a domestic dispute

After all it is just belongings
All my clothes and papers 
Gone because 

They are not really mine
What about peoples cars
Left outside in the open

Are they game as well?
Grand theft auto
Is usually the charge

But I stood there
With a lawyer next to me
And watch the Soui's 

Remove the car
Told everybody 
That it was his inheritance

Without a will nor papers
Just decided to take it
Once he heard the old lady 

Had died
This is why I go to the thrift stores
To visit my families stuff

Four or five generations
Of it just tossed out
Most of what I have 

Is the collection 
I could afford to buy back
And now it is up for grabs

According to management
Even Ashley sat there
Making the announcement

That renters insurance
Was recommended 
For those who get rained out

There is no guarantee
Inside abuilding 
That requires no indoor smoking

And yet management 
Will not put them out 
Even though they sit there smocking

In front of them
It is there right
To contaminate the air

While the rest of us 
Get sick
And loose what little 

We have left in the world.
I understand I don't even
Own the cat of mine.

I've had a number of them 
Stolen as well
One girl came over

While I was still disputing
My removal from my own place
Dropped twenty dollars

And picked up the pure bred cat
That was not for sale
But she just wanted it.

Up for grabs
Someone else's animal
And one with papers.

Her boyfriend 
Was bragging to me about it.
I would like to sue them.

Now I have to negotiate 
A different location
That still does not give me

The impression 
They are abiding by the laws
Of the land

What good are laws
Or court cases
If no one is going 

To enforce them.?
Where am I to go
If my own property

Is being stolen
By undocumented Mexicans
Who claim they have the right 

To it just because.
Is so easy
No place to hide

Nor take shelter
People want to mow 
You down now

That this pandemic
Has made them angry
No fear of god

Nor government
While the Presidents
Are being investigated

The population 
Is having fun running around
Are we going to start

Those who have money
As the French once  did?


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