Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Justice is blind


She sat in the dark

Listening to the sounds

When the door opened...

Justice is often portrayed

As a woman

With a blind

It is said that 

Justice is blind

It is meant to mean


Not blind to the law

But willing to give

A fair judgement.

But that is not

What appears today...

Her father came 

In to the room 

Slowly he looked around

With a flashlight

He found her in the corner

Carried her out into the light...

Modern justices of the court

Are making interesting decisions

Reversals of former beliefs

For instance 

The Abortion laws

That frustrated my mother

Who just did  not 

Want me to be born,

Now they have allowed

Some states to deny

The privilege of an abortion

While others are limiting them.

When he got outside 

The old building 

He collapsed

There was no electricity

He had not noticed

That she had no eyes....

Down in Texas

There is a woman

Who already has 

A Couple of children

But was told her life

Was in danger 

If she goes forward

With the pregnancy

She sought the Texan court

But they said her case

Does not warrant an exemption

She had no gone elsewhere

To terminate her pregnancy

As her doctors suggested.

But will she be allowed 

To return?

If she has broken the law

Is she going to be prosecuted?

His daughter

Was often missing

For some reason

She was being abducted

This last time 

They had put her picture

On a milk carton

It got noticed

Everywhere they took her

They had to return her

But did not want her

To tell her parents

Where and whom

She had been with

So, they took her eyes out....

Will the Texan woman

Be seen as a fugitive

Or a victim?

As for some of the other

Things going on

What about a President

Having his laws being tied

Not able to fulfill his duties

While others take advantage

Of the situtaion.

Did the Jan 6 crowd

Really believe he had

Given them permission.

To enter with guns

And mock the system?

Should he not have


They are told they

Will be covered

For their decisions

As long as the public

Does not get wind

Of the poorly executed ones

Or the ones he cant not make.

Her mother only sighed

When she heard

She was in another hospital

How many times 

Could that girl need a doctor

She had delivered her 

At the beach

Straight into the arms 

Of nature...

Is it right to put 

A man in power

And tell him he is the boss

But not want 

Thier own pet projects

To be attacked

Such as the freedom

Of drug dealers

And human traffickers

The right to cross

The border?

Leaving their children

For others to take care of

Always the bad ones

Who cause trouble.

But where is the law?

When it does go wrong

And the man holding the bag

Is just an innocent bystander?

The man might not be right

But he was the one elected for the job.

This girl had so much

Medical treatments

Her mother did not believe

It was right

She had not wanted a girl

Her first born had to be a boy

Or else.

She did try to get rid of her

She just kept causing trouble for her.

Now she needed

A new set of eyes

She had a to have 

A new nose 

And new teeth

She had even been scalped!

Where is there justice

When is it to blind

Why do some things

Seem right sometimes

And not other times

No one should be blamed

For their children's mistakes

Nor their parents abuses

Each case is supposed

To be held as unique.

But is it too much

For the modern courts

To uphold the law

Having themselves

To go along with current 


Giving into public opinion

Instead of to given law.

The girl watched 

Her mother refuse to take

Food from her

She had hated her 

The entire time

She did not want a girl

She gave up all of her sons

Because she had to put up

With a daughter she did not want

Her family had not understood

That she was the one and only

Her own brother had disappeared

It was thought by her parents

That she had killed him.

She had simply left him

At someone else's doorstep

The Stork had made a mistake

Wrong house.

Just all of those

Little babies

Were brought to her

Over two hundred of them

Some of them named Melissa

And others stupid names.

None of them 

Were hers and now she was going

To sue the places they work

Especially if it is 

The ABC news company.

They had contracts

And they knew her mother

Was crazy

Endangering the lives

Of those who worked 

For them

All so terrorists 

Could come to America

They might even be guilty

Of the 9/11 attaacks

Since they have hired

The very children

Of the said terrorists

They are not hiding victims

But encouraging people

To make news by killing others.

How else to you explain

That everyone of their girls

Are now the same ones

Who were told they were

Not the child of the girl

Sent out to places

To bing back the news

Of the same places

Where she had survived

It was thought 

Because she had survived

She would be safe

Instead she was victimized

Every time with one more baby

Being offered up as evidence

Of her not being worthy 

Of having been born.

Her mother sitting there

Holding the offending object

Telling it lies

The same lies

To each and everyone

Of them

Because they are stupid!

Justice is blind

If she is a woman

Because no one respects 

Women anymore.

No woman now has the right

To her own vagina.

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