Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Cant trust anyone nowadays


Even the Eiffel tower

Cant be trusted

It decided to go

On strike today

And on the 100th

Anniversary of Eiffel's death

They had celebrations 

Planned including music

And the President 

Himself, not that

He knows what to do

Imagine having one 

Of those bad days

Every single day.

He needs a cat

To massage him 

When my cat 

Cant stand  it any longer

He waits impatiently 

For me to sit down

So he can have an orgy

By massaging or kneading

My tender flesh.

He actually spent

All of Christmas day

Staring at his litter box

The one with a cover

He enjoys it and the privacy

But sometimes mom

Forgets to take care of it.

I do keep it clean

But not fresh

I had to go find 

Fresh litter for him.

Cant trust anyone.

We had a long day

Of sleeping

And drinking coffee

And curling up

With the other one.

Would have preferred

To be at the beach.

Cant even trust 

My doctor.

I knew my case manager

Was having a meltdown

Over my recent trip

To have one more MRI

Yes, I still have tumors

No, they are not in a hurry

To remove them.

My new doctor

Put me through 

A number of tasks

All those lab works

All those physical therapy

And the referrels

No one wants to make

An appointment

Pulmonary has never gotten back

And neurology says they will call

When hell freezes over.

Not their words

Someone is making me 


Even the dentist 

Thought she would mock

My need of a mobility device.

After all this

My new doctor

Says he is not going

To see me again.

Thats what the last

New guy said

After he ordered 

An ultrasound

Of my thyroid

Which finally surfaced

And yes I have a nodule

I knew that

It grew red and bright

Sticking out of my throat

Then it went into overdrive

Causing me to loose weight

Til there was nothing left

Then after a few years

It died, committed suicide.

He left before telling me

About the Hepatitis results

Or taking care of this issue.

Now my newest one

Is also leaving

He gave me a song and dance

About being on military leave.

But he was sad

And I know he was told

He had to leave

Or else.

I smell a nice big fat


He does not want 

Me to have male doctors

Whom he cant explain

Things because he is a male.

He thinks he is god

Cant trust him

In  fact I grew up

Not trusting anyone

Listening patiently

To my parents

Wondering why I was

In trouble again.

All because someone else

Is telling stories on me.

Even America 

Retaliated on Iraq

But we are not at war

While Ukraine continues

To attempt to seize 


Thier only objective

From the beginning.

Wont be peace

When I awake

And there is nowhere 

I can go without seeing

Another old house 

Torn down

Even the Bibles

From my parents 


Are on sale 

At Ebay

I recognize

The things

I was not allowed

To touch

And all those blue boxes

On Goodwill online

Hold those precious dolls

I would not even share

With my siter

She got all the Barbie dolls

And Shirley temple types

Did not even trust her

Not to crack their ceramic heads

Now they are gone as well

As my sisters body

Which is missing 


Everything i carefully

Worked on and paid

Has just been ripped away

By the same bastard

Who was told he could not touch me.

Don't trust the courts either.

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