Saturday, December 9, 2023

There is fire!


Autumn Rose
I am called
By the family

Who were looking
Forward to a new generation
A fire ablaze 

My mother became
Burning with aggression
Towards her replacement

That she was not the baby
That was going to save the day
The child everyone fought for

During the Second World war
Was no longer needed
An incentive

She had outlived 
Her usage
The other men 

Came home from 
The war with brides
And babies of their own

Their was a picture
Of all them
About a dozen boys

And one girl
Whom everyone fought
Over to marry

In order to gain access
To my grandparents fortune
Most of which they spent

On the war itself
In order to make sure
The relatives survived

Done as a sacrifice
Never being repaid
By the orphans

Who were unaware 
Of where the money
For their education came

All they wanted was their lives
Instead, they had nothing but trouble
Never regaining their worth

My mother spent 
Everything of everyone's
As fast as she could

The poor man who married
Her would be broke by midnight
Of their first night together

My parents anniversary
Is coming up
It is the same day

As this next funeral
Susan Day O conner
Was a Supreme court judge

The First woman
But she has stolen 
My day of mourning

My parents got married
On the Winter solstice
Confirming the Winters name

On both sides
As theirs to own
They always celebrated

On New Years eve
Leaving the kids at home
While they partied

As if they were young
Again reliving the war
And all the promises

They made for afterwards
My father was not a dummy
But was blinded by his loyalty

Fire down below!
What cant come up
Must move even if it is sidewise

Watch those volcanos
Go off and up
Meanwhile, in Iceland

One of the more
Well known modern
Ones which went off

Killing the entire team
Of Volcanist 
Who had come to study it.

Now they have had earthquakes
And all the signs
Of it getting ready to blow

But no smoke
Instead lave flow
Under the ground

It is heading sidewise
Towards Norway?
Or the Faroe islands?

Maybe as in Japan
It will create
A new island

Off to the side
Or go all the way
To the nearest land.

Something things 
One cant plan ahead.
While Hitler has been

Blamed for all the trouble
With Europe 
He had an a comrade

Benito was well known
For his cruelty

And having mistresses
They finally hung him
His fellow man

Italian Catholics
Instead of German Jews
One never does know

When enough is enough
Comes to mind a little boy
Named John

Who just wanted to please
His mother but could not
Instead he became a  dictator

Himself along with his wife
Everyday is Christmas for Candace

Instead of  G Alioto
Perhaps he is one of the many
Little Benito's 

Hey Candy 
Do you know how to cook

What is brewing
Another blowup

Third world war?
A fire has begun
To be seen

It is just whether or not
The flame will grow 
Into a huge fire

Or if it will go sidewise
To Asia perhaps
Certainly Israel has had enough

Who else is going to be
Strung up by his own?
Who wants to see Jimmy

Upside down?
Perhaps a little less

And more finesse
Watching the fire
From afar

Most Americans
Don't see the harm
But a few of us

Still remember
The root cause
Of the end of the second war

Please don't let us
See the end of humanity
Just because some don't like

Thier neighbors.
Certainly many of us Californians
Would like to end the border crossings

But that would is not to say
The end of all life.
However, there are those fires

That burn for all to see
As a warning 
Maybe tomorrow 

Be a better day.
If only those such as Jimmy
Were not in it...

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