Friday, December 15, 2023

Phooey phony!


Imagine that!

Not that!

Oh my god!

Being faced with the impossible.

My little sister

Was my mirror double

She was an adorable

Bundle of trouble

Always getting into trouble

Did not help that

She was also being picked up

By the wrong family

Those German gangsters

Who are still helping themselves?

To our life and want more.

My father also had a double.

His mother is said to have died

Just three weeks after he was born

But he could remember. 

Her talking to him

Even dreamed of going 

On a trip to Italy

Then in High school

The other one showed up

Albert he said his name

He had been raised in New Orleans

Knew he had a different family

Then saw my father

In a newspaper article

Some smart kid

Had won an award

He knew immediately

He had his real mothers son

My father was raised 

By his mothers brother

Who had also been lied 

To by his own wife

Grace just wanted a child

Did not know it would hurt

If it was his sisters.

She was the one that had

Gone to England

To University

The smart one

Who was not allowed to marry

She did anyways

Brought him home

To find out he was one

Of those families 

Not allowed.

She had already had a child

Now she was pregnant

With another and he was

Making the most of it

Finding out she was from

The other side of the mountain

He had just gotten a degree

In a new science

They called it rocket science then

He could not be reached

When she needed him.

I believe she took my father

On the trip 

Then went home to have her new

Baby leaving him behind

Only to die before she could 

Get him back

It was his brother who 

Was taken from the nursery

At some point they got 


Why my father had some memories

That his father said could not have


They both were anxious

About this new kid.

His story was strange

Then she must have been

In distress on the train

My father was shot at 

A number of times

He was a computer geek

Before Gates was a familiar name.

It was his brother who got shot 


And died.

I am a lefty

Given the name


Then had it given to her

Who also had my face.


I got accustomed to sitting


Waiting for the parents 

To realize which one I was

Then the unthinkable 


They never could tell us apart

What does it feel like

To face the opposite

Of yourself?


And Exhilarating.

It never does wear off.

As for AI

I am against it

Already meet to many

Customer service agents

Who are not real

Just a voice 

Giving the wrong 



Being world famous

And finding out there

Is someone else

Who looks like you

Sounds like you

Or is just pretending to be you.

I was impressed

With the fraud

Sitting there pulling

The legs off of the media.

He knew his double 

Well enough to play

Ba Humbug


After all the questions

Of him having a double

And the scare of someone

Pulling it off

Replacing the real thing

With a phony

It has happened in the movies

Now if I could just get

Rid of Christmas Candace

Who still insists

On making phone calls for me

And pretending to be me

Her Bible study

Used as a slave 

By her to get what?

Those German gangster's

Just don't want. 

Anyone else to have fun.

Not even a needed operation.

They say everyone

Has a double somewhere

Then they claim

That the Soviets

Were creating. them

Here we got to see

In action 

The blowing off 

Of all the stories

While he got a good laugh.

Much needed in this time

Of not knowing 

What one is going

To see in the mirror


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