Thursday, December 28, 2023

What are they teaching in school nowadays??

Tenth Amendment
Federalist Papers

Alien and Sedition acts
Emancipation Proclamation
Rowe vs Wade

These are the answers
The question
Was what was the cause

Of the civil war
The wrong answer
If you went to school

Michelle Robinson
Was "slavery"

These modern Africans
Who follow her
Don't know the days

Or rape and murder
To be the wrong color
To walk into the wrong side

Of town
To go to the wrong bathroom
Or to sit down

After the Civil War
The racism of those 
Who were of various degrees

Of African 
Transferred to the entire country
The war was not about 

The release of enslaved people
But about State Rights
In particular 

About the rights
Of the states over the federal government
When everyone goes right

They wanted the right 
To remain left.
In other words 

It is about the right
Of a state making decisions
Over a human being

While murder and rape
Are not acceptable violations
There are a few exceptions

The right of a woman
To end the life of her fetus
Was first not acceptable

Then the entire country 
Agreed to allow it
Along with services 

Of birth control
And family planning
Something previously

Not a possibility 
Due to religious views
Of babies being from god

And not something to be controlled
An act against god himself.
Now we have a new version

A rejection of this federal law
To allow each state
To make the determination itself

Some states are pro life
Some are pro god 
The differences

From state to state
Texas refuses
Any woman the right

Whereas other states
Find it an unnecessary hardship
On all to prevent women

From making the decision
Over their own body
Whereas there is still 

Difficulties in women's health
Who gets to decide about 
An unnecessary hysterectomy

One more time
I had a doctor tell me
What someone else wanted.

I don't want to loose 
My ovaries just to satisfy
A fat obese idiot

Who is dysfunctional
Even with a whole bottle
Of Viagra.

Whereas the issue
Over states rights
Was that the old days

One did not cross the line
The state you were born
Is the state that had the right

To your body
Dred Scott 
Was another decision

Towards a family
Migrating north
But still wanted to keep

Thier Chatel
Before I get yelled at
For the most part

Were property of the owners
Who were not allowed to kill them

Nor rape them. 
Nor starve them.
And they were even supposed

To provide religious instructions
But they could not marry.
Because they were considered

Of course this is not what 
Happened in some communities

While known of us want 
To go back to the bloodshed
Of discussing why slaves 

Were part of the American economy
They were actually part
Of the African business

Of getting rid of their neighbors
And would not do business.
If they did not get to sell them.

Abraham Lincolns
Most brilliant statesmanship
Was not the debates

Prior to his election
But bringing an end to the war
By making a proclamation

Of freeing the slaves
Allowing them to leave their masters
Until this act 

The war was not about slaves
But the rights of some states
To own slaves as forced labor.

The rights of the states
To decide to defer from the federal government
It was called seditious 

To remove themselves
From the power of the federal government
While Ukraine was applauded

For removing themselves from Russia
In America for a state to decide 
To go their own way

Was an act of treason!
This was the cause
Of the American Civil War

The rights of the states
Coming into direct conflict
With the federal government

And the states deciding
To withdraw from the Union
They did not have this right

To demand to become a separate
They went to war over

The idea that "hell no"
We are not going to comply
And yet there was not any

Laws in the works
Over slavery 
And ownership of women

So why did they cry fowl?
Because they thought to much
Of themselves

Many of the southern states
Were Catholic not Puritan
And most had lineage to royals

Hence they thought they could
Rule the world 
Even royals have to toe the line.

Separation from the union
Not enforced labor
Became a cry

Of freedom
For all afterwards
Themselves included

Even the whites
Had issues with some groups
Forcing themselves into labor

Or claiming the right
Over their women
Which is where 

The word Chatel
Comes from in mid Europe
The idea that a husband

Could not prevent 
His landowner
From raping his wife

But that the woman
Agreed in a marriage
Contract and license

That she was one mans
And not the property
Of land owner 

Or community lord or barron
That not even a King
Had the right to the wife

Of another man.
Slavery is a sad issue
But most native Americans

Still deal with difficulties
From white girls 
Such as Little Feather

Wanting to be an Indian princess
To men wanting to steal their money
As the film about Flower Moon

Was not granted to them

Until after the first war
They did not have the right to vote
Nor make decisions for themselves

There are still those 
That mislabel them
As crazy or schizoid

Not allowed to make
Medical decisions over themselves
Or to spend their money

Making the statement
Of who would send you 
That much money

When in fact most
Came from communities
That were self-sufficient

Not improvised
Brainless and moraless
Current nations are now being recognized

But monetary reimbursement
Is still lacking for the amount of fraud
And alarming medical practices

I have even been told
There is an injection
To sterilize a female

To keep her from menstruating
And becoming a mother
This should be the right

Of every woman
To use safe birth control
While every man

Should have the right
Not to be taken hostage
Or forced to work 

Or watch his wife
And daughter being raped
Or even the right 

To own his own land
Without some fat white boy
Keep demanding to expose

Himself while he uses 
The mans driver license
Or social security card.

Leaving him without 
Any means of receiving 
Even his military pension

Much less earned social security.
Many modern African women
Would not know why

Rosa Parks
Sat in the front
And refused to move 

Back towards those men
Who were laborers
And not considered safe

This is one of the problems 
In every ethnic background
Not everyone is safe

Nor did Martin Luther jr
Enjoy being in prison
His dream was meant

For more than just
Michelle Robinsons friends
But for everyone 

To understand 
That it is wrong
To enslave any people

Based on skin
Or gender
The underlying cause

Was the will of the state
Over the federal government
Was not seen as a safe issue

If the state did not comply
With the federal decisions
Over human beings regardless

Of race, religion or gender
Not allowing the right of one state
Demand that the federal government

Does not have the right to make them
Not commit horrendous crimes
Such as refusing their neighbors

From having certain freedoms.
Word do hurt
Certain words do now cause harm.

Fear of expressing them is understandable.
Are you aware 
Of whom Henry Clay

Was to the nation?
Are you aware 
That Cashes Clay

Was his descendant.
Before he married
And settled down

He had an old fashion
Love match
The product of which

Was given an inheritance
In his will of land
Acknowledging his son

And making him a land owner
Ensuring his survival
A world famous fighter

Is a descendant
Of one of the worlds famous Statesman 
Who used words to fight for freedom...


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