Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Dear Honey,


Dear Honey,
Remember that day
You stood next to me

And said your vows
Even putting your signature
Down on a piece of paper?

Where were you 
When I lay there dying
Hooked up to those machines

Kidney dialysis 
Is horrible stuff
Just because Julia Roberts

Made it look easy
In Steel Magnolias
Does not mean I enjoyed it

Not a day goes by
That I don't think about
Being alone in the world

With my mother crazy enough
To be locked up for life
Probably on the phone

Telling others I was having fun
Or worse you
That I was too busy to come to the phone

And you believed her.
Or those horrible people
From the congregation from hell

Lead by Candace 
Who were going around stealing
Everything they could for themselves

While Jimmy was having the time of his life
He found my identical sister
In her ice coffin

In one of those forensics laboratory
Where she had been left 
In order to not get caught

Instead he made a video
Of himself on top 
Of a five year old 

In order to prove
He was a class act
Then he opened her up

Stealing her ovary for himself
He wore it as a talisman
Off of himself

Which then turned green
He had to have surgery
On his private parts.

But not before he had
Also taken her kidney
He thought there was only one

And sold it on the black-market
Someone named Erma Bombeck
Actually bought it and attempted

To have it inserted into herself.
What would a sixty plus woman
Want with a five year old kidney?

Anyways while you were away
They put me on ice.
Which is when they heard

There was an exact match
All the way over in Asia
They reclaimed the stolen item

Imagine being caught red-handed
With stolen merchandize.
Then they gave me my very own

Twin sisters kidney
Which is the one I am still
Using today

Although I am sure it has also failed.
I allowed her to eat all that candy
Suffering for it now.

But where were you?
I was returned to that hell town
Where I had to sit 

With some celebrities bastard
Who was being paid to do it
Just to watch her walk

At 25 across a stage
That she had not earned the right
But then the jackass prinicple

Was not qualified either
All I heard from his wife
Is she had not graduated

From college
Perhaps if he had not been arrested
And she decided to get pregnant

They would both have a better life
Then destroying mine.
Even Lindsay Davis

Cant understand that I am
Not interested in her plight
Nor her destroying anyone else

But there she sits in my chair
Boring us with her repeat 
Of my program

She does everything I did
But without a kidney transplant
Which by the way

Left me sterile
Not able to have kids
Is that why you ran away

With another woman
To hold her child
Which is not yours?

I hear it has now graduated 
From university
And pursuing a career 

I had wanted.
By the way
Where were you

When I did graduate?
That male prostitute
Showed up 

The one I had already
Made a police report on
But there he was stalking me.

Instead of you standing 
There with red roses in your hands
At least someone woke me up

With Lavendar ones 
But that was a long time ago.
What happened to being best friends?

How many more false men
Do i need to confront
Over not having a marriage license

But fingers so long
They snag anything green
In my wallet?

Or how many more drug addicts
Will show off not having 
A  Birth certificate

That they cant understand
That I am not their mama
Nor am I going to let it go

I will not drop 
The issue of extortion
And stalking

An innocent individual
Who may have had her picture
On the cover of a magazine.

Did you hear?
Some soap opera star
Died and they threw her a huge funeral

So popular was she
Just a soap opera actress
No body really

Not as if she had won
Any awards of value.
But then again 

Where were you
When my uncle cousin
Handed me a coveted 

Award for Journalism?
So proud was I to work 
For my own flesh and blood

Then he got caught
And no longer took my calls
All because of some lunatic

Named Betty 
Even though a convict 
Keeps approaching people

Claiming to be my mother
Poor Politicians
They cant even go out to dinner

With out a drunk
Running into their guards
Should have seen that one coming

Stop it from happening
To the big boss

Who has gotten so old.
And another thing
Where were you the day

Jimmy decided to end it all.
Set my biological father on fire
In front of me?

If I had not fought 
For his life
He would have died right there.

But then we had to deal
With another I don't remember
Going before a  judge

Told I am not allowed
To call myself a Goforth
Don't care what he says

Going to do it anyways.
Where were you when
He did die shortly

When we had a funeral
And his body was stolen

One more time
Cremated is what jimmy did
Who was supposed to be incarcerated

Instead I had to sit there
Very confused while a service
Was performed by a nice neighbor

As to why I thought
We had already buried him.
Where were you when

My mothers brain
Turned cancerous
And she sat there demanding

To have me locked up
For no reason at all
Except she was still not accepting me

As her biological daughter
Even though the judges would not
Allow her to get away with it.

And where were you
When jimmy captured my mother
And put her in hospital?

Six weeks I sat there
Hoping someone would call
Instead I had to be shown 

Her in the morgue
Then she was cremated
Because jimmy had sold

Her burial lot
To an African family
I carried her around

So long
It broke my arms
Then I found a way

Of having her reunited 
With her childhood boyfriend
And only husband.

Where were you on that day?
Or the day I had my last 
Auto accident

Pulled out paralyzed
From the waist down
Sitting holding the hand

Of your newest conquest
A Jehovah's witness?
Who don't bother with marriage licenses?

What about the day
I was told I had uterine tumors?
And both Jimmy and Candy

Showed up to tell me
I had to have a hysterectomy
Or else.

Ten years later
I am still being told
There is a specialist

Willing to treat me as a patient
But I am sure 
Unless you are sitting there

I wont get my surgery
And will still be pushing
A kitten around in a stroller

For the people
To stand around and stare at.
I have no intention

Of dying first
So, I wont even ask you
Although I will probably

Find my way 
To your funeral
But Honey

Where are you?
Why are you not sitting 
Next to me?

What did I do?
Not be the one on the phone
Or had a little tiny nervous breakdown?

Why are you still pretending
We never got married
Or was it just a dream...

Spent my life dreaming
Of reality
While everyone else is trapped

In an alternate story line
They have not forgotten.

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