Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Poison is anything harmful

In medicine it is a chemical

That hinders or kills

In rhetoric

It is anything 

That causes harm to another

What are we to say

About this pest

Who wont stop 

Asking for more money?

He even taunted America

What? Do you want

Me to give up the property

Just for peace?

We don't want 

World war three

Nor a nuclear fallout

Has anyone forgotten

Places such as 

Long Mile Island

Or Chernobyl?

When is he going

To put up his own

Gold hidden in those 

Vaults of the mafia 

And other criminal organizations

That have free reign

In post-soviet systems?

He had no collateral

Except his threat

For peace instead

Of nuclear holocaust

Giving up a people

Who asked for freedom?

This penis chopstick 


Who made his name

By mocking the system

In all of his bizarre

Former employment 

Offerings which did not

Include his law degree.

Is his wife 

A nobody 

Going to take over

If somehow

God is against him

And he dies?

Is she going to crown

Herself "Empress"

Or is she going to quietly

Go away with her kids

To an exile existence?

Thank god he does not

Think I am his mother!

Nor her and her kids

Relatives of mine.

Our President is in trouble

He is facing impeachment

Removal from office

Over his sons 

Supposed business deals

While his father sits

There shelling out

Americans money 

Sending us into more debt

With no repayment


He has just been given

A heavy silver menorah

How much is that worth

Perhaps if his country

Melts down all of their

Gold and silver

Jewelry and religious icons

They can provide 

Some sort of sign

Of honesty towards

His loans.

Or is it outright charity?

He is now in Norway

Always a European


Who is supposed to have

Not given into the Nazis

But are they going

To become part of an

Ongoing poison

Towards someone

Who is simply 

The only thing left

To keep the bad ones

At bay

We don't want to see

Some crazy war monger

Get hold of all that power

Destroy the world

As we know it

For their own form

Of Armageddon

Or Evalution

Where life will be renewed.

Medicine is just a chemical

Derived from plants

Or chemical compounds

It is no different

Than herbs or supplements

Except how it is monitored

Most companies

Use test trials

Of humans who make claims

Of healing 

While the doctors 

Rely upon untrained nurses

To monitor and gather

The important information

The very same ones

Who find the need

To alter blood work

According to their inferior

Frontal cortex impressions

Of a poor individual

Who is in fact just to ill

Nurses work for insurance companies

While doctors have to pay back 

Student loans

The nerve!

They are gods are they not?

Expected to pay back those loans.

Anyway most doctors 

Are lazy

They don't check on

The labs nor the reports

From outside the office

They complain if

Somone is caught 

Eating a small bag

Of baked corn

Claiming they must be


Ignoring their own colleagues

Request to have the patient

Treated for a thyroid condition.

Now I am receiving all sorts

Of ill treatment

Including from those supposed

To make me well

All over going to long

Without food and buying

A small 3 oz bag

Not known for eating sugar

But it is all it takes

To receive Poison

From doctors 

Who just don't care

About their nurses

Taking the very same medicine

The client needs to not 

Have another organ failure

I spent my junior and high school

Years in kidney failure

The nurses scream

Not that!

They have the doctors

Yell at me that my kidneys are fine!

The key to poison

Is the organs

I went into a coma

Then I was on dialysis

Before i was given 

A kidney transplant

Before I was eighteen

All over the poison

They feed people

Who are the wrong

Ethnic background

Such as not Hispanic

In California 

Where the Mexicans

Were the late comers.

I cant even mention 

This without being put down

As schizophrenic

Nurses don't even know

What the term means

It does not mean bad treatment

Nor denial of medical treatment


Straight from those

Unqualified to diagnosis

But are given the job

Of treatment

What are we seeing

In this generation?

They want poison

Easy stuff to get through 

The day.

They want others to go

Without food 

Due to allergies

Nor will they allow

The doctor

They will screw him over

As soon as he is no longer

The boss.

What are we to do 

With the P?

He wants to keep

Playing chopsticks

With his hands in the air.

He is not responsible

For the deaths

Of the Donbas

Who are not even

His country men

But those Welsh

Who came for a new life

In the Nineteenth century

Not allowed to go home

When the Soviets

Came to power

Nor now that they no longer

Have a usage

He does not care

That his actions 

May have had an affect

Upon the Gaza extremists

As for unprovoked

The President was misinformed

The rhetoric this guy

Openly challenged

His neighbor

About the seaport

Of Sebastopol

Was enough

To know that they might

Have another extremist

On their hands.

May god bless those

With Peace in their hearts.

May this President

Not be taken down

For the wrongs of the son

Nor the former President

Being accused of fraud

Just because Mr.P

Wants to not give in

And he does intend

To take the Crimea

For his own delights.

May Putin get his reelection

Since no one else has surfaced

Not even Medvedev

Has proven without the need

To crawl away to get food

From a questionable source.

Poison is what we are dealing.

Where it came from

Maybe the media 

Can discover

The same ones without

Any real documents

They all claim the same innocent

Woman gave birth to them

No birth certificates.

And as for those high school diplomas

I earned many degrees

Not just a pretty face

Which has now been damaged

I have nerve pain

Because the nurses

Cant see the pain of another

Only their Starbuck drinks

They get for free.

Everyone wants a free ride

Bad business deals

And fraud 

Are the current accusations

Against our leaders

But this guy has produced

Nothing but needing

Another handout

Because he does not want


Nor a handshake

His wife and children

Should be ashamed of him.

Instead, they want their 

Jewish Catholic Christmas.

Maybe Jill will be able

To keep working her little job

When her husband

Loses everything.

Monday will be the anniversary.

Of Bidens first wife

And daughter

It is also the same day

My younger sister died

And it is Jimmies 

Real Birthday

Wonder how he intends 

To spend it?

December 18 1956

In Germany.

Was this man born

Who insists on using

Someone's else's name

And a dead infants birthday.

My parents lost their first one.

I am the first born

Not the first created.

Her soul has not been left alone.

Either but poison

Has been poured on her by others.

Always cursing poor Camille...

What are we all to do?

When the only hope we have left

Is peace with our neighbors?

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Three times loser

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