Monday, January 15, 2024

All little girls want

Kick faster
Kick faster
Kick, Kick!

She woke up 
In a cold sweat
It was that dream again

The one where 
She was in the middle
Of the ocean

Kicking to keep afloat
All these years
Her mother would 

Call someone with 
A needle to make 
Her forget one more time.

It was as if she did want
Me to remember anything
At all.

They had been a nice family
Once and her mother 
Was not so crazy

Just not the normal
Sort of mother.
Two identical girls

And two boys
Then along came

With one more girlfirend
This one he married
In front of others

She was pregnant
And going to unseat
Our happy family

But Jimmy is not our
It was supposed to be
Prospective son in law

But my sister protested
So he came back with 
A pregnant wife!

It all started
When they just wanted
To live and work

Around their own 
Instead they kept 
Being sent elsewhere

Around the world 
They went on voyages
Often his work

As an architect
Sometimes on one of her
Magic journeys,,,

The Queen of England
Was visiting 
Thailand this year

The year of 1972
She was going to be
Traveling throughout 

The world
But would be in the South Asia
And so would they 

Be in the same area
Of the world.
Just by coincidence

They had people
With boats
In fact they themselves

Were good boats people
It was one of theirs that
Was a missionary

Who caused all the trouble
He had survived 
The war in France

And come to live
With our family
Since his family were gone

Not jewish refugee
John or Jean
Could have done anything

He went to school
In Paris 
And was a very good

Baseball player
Instead he wandered
Into Yankee Stadium

One day when it was not
Playing a game
But hosting a group

Of religious nuts.
He signed up
To be a missionary

Putting aside his mitt.
But not his artists pencils
Then he got to see the world

For free.
All he had to do 
Was get to all these places

On the other side 
Of the pacific
Mostly by boat

He was good at his job
Had a small traveling 

Who had to go home
To school 
In Hawaii

He meet a beautiful
Young woman 
Named Joan

Left behind was the one
While the other one
Went on her honeymoon

Serving Pacific Islanders
Until she revealed 
She was pregnant

Now what was he to do?
A phone call was made.
The two could continue

As long as there was only one
Then the little one called
Said they would be in the area

Now he was going to be caught
The lifelong bachelor.

All her life 
Mother just wanted 
To have her way...

A trip through
The South pacific
Seemed like an ideal way

To release all those 
Aches and pains
He had agreed to the trip

On the basis 
That they were not going
To go over and introduce themselves

To anyone famous
Or royal!
She just nodded sweetly,

In the middle of the night
The boat capsized.
With all the children

On board
Now in the water
Including the newest

Baby Mary
Just born to the happy couple
My mother was a little put out

Over the arrival 
Of a cousins child
Another baby was planned

For her to surprise 
Her tiring husband
Who was old at 40

Just once he wanted
His wife to tell him
The truth about anything

Instead he was shoving
Her through the water
On a small dingy

While wondering where 
The rest of the family
Were missing somewhere

In the Pacific ocean
His children
And a whole bunch

Of others including 
At least one named

Just a short trip
Nothing unusual
His parents 

Would not find out
Until after
His rescue

John and his wife Jean
Were desperate

To keep themselves
From drowning
Spread out across

The sea below
The Asian nations
Of Thailand 

And Cambodia
All those countries
That her grandparents

Had traveled 
Before the Great war
Had altered the way

Tourist or travelers
Were viewed by foreigners
She did not tell her husband

What she was going to do
If that girl got there first
Instead they had a lovely

Rescue along with 
At least one child
And she insisted

They had to go to Thailand
Where the Queen was visiting
And her husband was unaware....

Down below them
A few of the kids made it

To New Zealand
Along with others 
Australia was where 

Most of them
Were taken
As they were plucked

Out of the ocean
Too the dismay
Of Jimmy

Who had to be flown
To the boat
They had snuck off in

Just because
He had brought along
A present 

A bomb he set off 
On the boat
As he was sent back

He got back to California
Where he sat happy
She  just kept kicking

In the water
Not knowing 
Where anyone else was

Nor where she was
She thought she was alone
But found by some miracle

That many of the children
Were with her in the same
Drift of floating items

Each had grabbed on
And now she was steering
Them together towards

What she hoped was land
Sweating in the sea
Sweating in her dreams

She was the oldest
And responsible for the others

Is where they ended up
So far away from their target
But at least they were alive

Everyone had their own story
Except her who was not allowed

To know anything
Jimmy could not control
He just does not want her

To be alive
Makes her scream all the time
Must keep the others alive

Just keep kicking,
She lays back down
And drifts back into those years

When what every girl wants
Is to be in her daddies arms
A Korean war hero 

Mattered little to her
He was just her daddy
And she was proud of it


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