Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Where did you come from?


Where did you come from?
I just came past
The Devil a walking

Along the same road
As I
But a going the other way

He asked my name
Unwillingly it came out
As if from behind me

He nodded and kept
On going making
A note in his book

You be fine.
Might stay home

Sleep in for once
I wont be a seeing
You not for a long while...

I heard the place
I left was hit in the night
No one was left alive

I heard this the next
Morning on my walk
Back towards my work

My destination 
The night before 
Was home where I spent

A restless night
Wondering if I had dreamed
Or was delirious ...

No one knew 
What had happened 
But everything was gone

I kept silent
Not wanting to complain
To be left behind

Might warrant 
Another visitation
Of someone I did 

Not care to know....
Kind of like 
Knowing Jimmy

And having one of those
Shivers down your spine
Knowing he was going to come back

They are two men missing
At sea
Or are they really?

One never does know
With the military
One could run across

A General just sitting there
Out in the open
With no one to know him

But Jimmy never leaves
Anything alone
There is another flood

One woman complained
Of not being in Louisiana
Honey this is California 

No one knows what
The next day will be
Not in weather

Nor in politics
And your neighbors 
Might disappear

In the middle of the night
While your own dog
Will find you where

They take you to get away.
There are things one does 
Not want to see in this life

I saw a whole walled bookcase
Of Bibles that my family
Had once owned

Including my favorite
One from 1655
It sold for 1678 dollars

Seemed cheap 
But no one cares 
For real books 

Those books were 
Well-guarded all those years

And then those wolves
Pretending to be sheep
Came in and threw 

Away five generations
Of hope and grief
When will it end?

When Candy acknowledges
She is Lisa mother
And not mine

Little Lisa 
The Weasel 
Has been told so many times

She thinks she has a pinky
Agreement with Satan himself
And Candy has his phone number

Blazened inside her head
While Jimmy just sits back
And enjoys everyone's else's

Flooding Ebay 
This very day

Are a bunch of unwanted
Books of the Orthodox nature
Not King James Bibles

Who spent 400 years
Being caressed 
And placed firmly

On the family piano
But Greek orthodox liturgy
And some of them

In the Slavic language
As well as the vestments
Velvet, gold plated and nickel

All types of items
In all sorts of economics
Being offered altogether

Along with wooden icons
From those people 
Over there

Did those millions.
Of people who ran away
To no place at all

Leave them behind
In their homes?
Or were the churches

Robbed along the way?
Don't know how old these items
But their appearance is as new

Well-loved once.
But no longer needed
Perhaps someone else's

Private collection
Has been raided
To pay for their time

Watching your places
Not your backs
No intention of doing right

By you or your people
They just want your money
Even if it is by selling your precious

The smell of boiled mutton
Waffles around the nostrils
Maybe I will sleep in tomorrow....

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