Saturday, January 13, 2024

My dear, do you know? Whom I am to you...

They say there is a 
Saint for everything
Even cats...

May I tell you?
What you don't now
That man standing

Next to you 
Might be beautiful
He is even a goodman

But he has his
He is in fact

No womans man
He traveled wide and far
As the son of a celebrity

Sports enthusiast
Might recall Fritz
When Lion hunting

Was still popular
And big fish
Catches were a requirement

He traveled incognito
As a musician
And tourist

All those years ago
Calling himself 

In order to get away
From that kind of lifestyle
A Seventies protestor

Who had his life
Given to him
He had no trouble

In getting around
Traveling everywhere
With his guitar

And bedroll.
Now of course
You two have 

One of those
Where it is like

Living in heaven.
In the past
He was happy 

To hunker down
Next to the Nile
With nothing in 

The way of a mattress
Or live in an old 
School bus

With the rest of his
Artists on a cruise
Through India

Seeing the world
Thier way
And without 

The trappings
Of modernization.
Now he is more

Content to take
The dog for a walk
While you brew 

His favorite drink
Is it still tea?
Mine is expresso.

Well, dear
He also left behind
Broken hearts

And little 
Clift chins
For instance 

She calls herself
A beautiful bitch

With an angelic face
And a heart
That the devil

Would be jealous 
Her perfect heart face
Reminds one of that other one

Michelle Pf
In her early days
Of absolute glamour

But this one has that 
Little chin that is your
Mans on her tiny body

There is another one
Known as Gemini

Pronounced with a
Spanish h sound
Also with that little chin

But with black hair
And a black heart
So reminiscent

Of Wonder woman
Who was so glorious
When it was Linda Carter

And not the goofy
Gail Gadot!
Did Linda not have

A short singing career?
Her Gemini song
Is remembered...

I also sang once 
Upon a time.
Even known 

As an international 
Folk singer
Except if America

Where one is either
A rock star
Or Pop artist...

Of  course 
Everyone knows 
About Henry

His parents 
Were an accident
The wrong brother

Forgot to tell his brother
He was using the master 
He is probably the nicest

One of them all
With his chin
And charming personality

His mother must have
Been special
It was the other friend

Of ours who got the boy
Growing up under
The peer pressure

Of both his wandering father
And his multiple brothers.
A superman

Is what this young man
Became overcoming
The obstacle

Of his bio parents.
Then there is the really
Big one

The mistake
That even yours 
Truely wont acknowledge

If I had only known
It is not that I was unaware
Of his coming of age

While I was still too young
But that I had assumed
He meant his own words

About the planet
And birth control
Oh well, I said

After having been dumped
Royally by my hearts desire
He is adorable

And what harm can there be?
If I had but known
About her having 

Dived into his bed
One wet winter day
I would have run away....

There he is the other
Son a real mirror image
In all his glory

In the most recent 
Royal Casino
With his half sister

Who is neither of ours
Did I mention that
I don't have any daughters

And no children 
With my ex business partner?
This guy you must

Take a gander 
He has the traditional 
Long hair falling 

Over his face
Those intense eyes
That send your heart adrift

And a chin 
So pronounced
With its split

That one wonders
If one of the old gods
Has come to life.

Not the Subway sandwich hustler
Nor the out of date singer
But the airline stewardess!

Oh my god.
Who goes to bed
With one of those?

And how did he not know
That she would produce
His first son and then give him away

For something much better
Than an aspiring actor
A KGB agent

On her travels
Little Ludmilla
Born in Brooklyn 

Found herself
In the arms 
Of many men

Including an airline
Executive found hanging
One of Jimmies favorite

Ways of dealing
With a problem
And of course

Jimmy himself
Whom she married
When they both just

Twelve years old
Really they were fifteen
But it made headlines

And she got to be on 
Those shows her own mother
Had not made it too yet.

Her and Jimmy 
Also have a child together
After doing the Hollywood squares

With Jimmy W
She presented Jimmy
With his first and only child

Named Richelle
And the spiting image
Of her grandmother

Doris Roberts
Except that she has a flaw
Her skin tone is all black

Really, Jimmy has
An African American child
His father had him sterilized

And allowed him to become
Part of someone else's life
Not really, 

He just could not prevent him.
Another celebrity son
Whose father is so well known

That jimmy evokes emotions
In people that are not real
No one would believe him

Except he looks like
Captain Kangaroo
And who would not trust 

That guy.
Ludmilla has at least three
Richelle all swarthy colored

Eva Green
All puppy dog eyed
And the beautiful cleft chin

Son of the man who stands
Next to you.
Of course that other guy

Got a dud.
She had a miscarriage
Imagine that getting 

Someone respectable 
To marry her and then not
Producing the end result.

The girl she adopted 
And raised has those 
Rebecca Debrine eyes

The red head 
Is one of her mafia
Contacts children

Meant to hide her
Those old soviet marriages

Meant for convenience sake
And rising through the ranks
Also mandated by Jimmy

Who collects important people
Through his wives
Which is why I am alone

I never bagged  anyone
Important enough for him.
Except your guy

Who overnight had a huge
Success which he did deserve
It is you who have issues

With his fame not me
His secrets are mine
To know and hide or reveal

Not Candace
Nor Jimmy
But yours not to know

Until that day
He catches you 
With a fat bald guy

Who is really your husband
You do have one of those?
Not to be catty 

Or anything
I just get tired of taking the blame
While Jimmy maintains his denial

Of any cats right to exist.
When you get done with him
Don't send him back to me

He did the one thing
That would break my heart
He allowed the family estate

To go to Jimmy 
And his step son John
To destroy 

Know that he is done
With the non celebrity lifestyle
I want my property and my life back!


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