Thursday, January 11, 2024

When it is all gone...


What is there to say
When it is all gone
Five generations

Scrimped and saved
They worked at what
They loved 

And brought back
From their travels
Small items to appreciate.

Who is there to say
It was not theirs
To save for themselves

To enjoy
Nor to provide
Comfort to those 

Left behind.
Why would anyone
Simply think

They could walk in
To some old ladies
Home and throw

It all away
Without even providing
A reason

Accept they assumed
They had the right
Not even legitimate

Family members
Fostered themselves 
Upon someone else

Keeps after them
Not to spend their money
Then it disappears

Wants no one to tell
Them they cant 
Do it .

No matter how many
Court orders
Paid for the legal fees

And he is simply
Going to do it anyways
Then come by at night

And spank her 
When he finds out
She has found one

More item
He does not want
Her to have

Private Charities
Believe they are above
The law

They are not
And I have known
Some disbarred lawyers

And some embezzlers
Who still want to show up
And claim the other person

Did them wrong
They had the impression
There are such things as wills.

Which is why
I who have no 

Still have bitches
Who claim to have 
The right to screw me 

They want to claim
All sorts of nonsense
Just because they don't 

That it is not their right
To decide

And in fact
Trusts have been violated
As well as stay orders

What is there to be done
Once it is all gone?
Send Emily Blount

To prison
Until she get it 
All back ?

Or send Kate Middleton
Happy Menopause
Cards as she did me?

They have presumed
Just because they have
No birth certificates

That they can do what 
They want.
And yet

One of Ludmilla's
Missing children
Is still causing me trouble

How she got through
With at least 
Six marriages

And the Press
None the wiser
As well as at least

Three more children
Than she shows up
Since they were abandoned

When will she give me
Back the life
I was promised

And told would 
Not be stolen
From me

But has been.
Still sitting in a hotel
That Jimmy is allowed 

To visit
Simply by waving
His dick in the clerks face

So afraid of a man
Who screams and yells
But cant tolerate

A woman who has
Had enough.
Found  I was walking

Around with two
Different earrings
In my ears

Wondered at the looks
Just thought  they 
Were being rude

You know
Like wearing
Two different 

Colored socks
I have a purple turquoise
Set of real native American

Silver earrings
Bought from a store 
And a pair 

Of pearl inlaid
Silver dangle earrings
I had on one of each

Went to bed a few nights
Ago not thinking about it
Was careful to put on

Just the one matching pair
Made sure the other one
Was still tucked inside 

Its small box
Which means that someone
Came into my room

While I was sleeping
Switched out one of them
While going through

This special box
Hidden in the back
Of the drawer

Like most women
Double violation
To find the jewelry box

Which no one gets to see
Oh and I had too many

Made me start wondering
Wanted to wash
Carefully set aside

The exact amount
And then instead of quarters
They were nickels and dimes

And when i changed 
Them in
There was not enough

To wash and dry!
Jimmy is not a Wheat
Nor is he in a real will

Made one up for Grace
Still stooled all the jewelry
And the sports car

She bought for some
He is a Bullocks

Already stooled 
From his mother
Causing her death.

When is it going
To end?
When is it going

To be stopped.
They promised me
And yet I have another

Needle mark.
I am not going
To die first

He is!
That is a fact.
Look around boys

All the girls
Just want to rob you.
And they have 

Already thrown out
Your favorite toys.
Happy Year of the Dragon!

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