Friday, January 12, 2024

Bon anniversarie!



Ma mere
Shares something
In common

With MLKjr
They get a parade
On their birthday

Actually the holiday
Is for the African Reverand
Who led a peaceful march

On Washington DC
Had a dream
And was shot

But not before
A bunch of white men
Were faced with an enormity

They could not be seen
Crossing the southern line

Without getting their entire
Network in trouble
But they wanted and needed

To interview this man
Rosa Parks
Was a woman

Who could be forgiven
But this man whose name
Is synonymous with the Reformation?!

In  walked my mother
Who was told 
If you can an interview

Any interview
We will publish it.
Her mother had been

A pioneer in Radio
Now she wanted 
To at least appear

To be a reporter
She thought of stepping
On his foot

Instead she tripped
In her own shoes
Just as she walked

Passed him
He thought of catching her
From falling

But it was the south
And there were a bunch
Of White men 

Just standing around
And doing nothing at all.
Instead he noticed her infant

Was flying through the air
And about to descend
To the ground

In a hard fall.
There now, there now
Your little one almost

Made it to hell
Good thing I caught her,
Big eyes moment

Should have let her 
Find out what life is all about
After all she is a papoose...

You have a native American child?
Did you adopt?
No, I married her father

And now I have a brown skinned
Baby no one will allow me...
Now, now ...

May I qoute you ?
I have not even told you
Anything worthy of 

Oh I see,
Which one of you 
Is she the wife?

They were all 
Horrified and disgusted
At the same time

Most of them knew 
My mother and her ways
At the time they did not

Know about her brain cancer
But they knew her ways
Sighing deeply 

One of them said
You may as well give her
The interview

Still jostling the infant
He allowed her to sit 
On his porch 

While her baby 
Was put down on the wooden beams
While he allowed himself

To be seen being interviewed
By the mother of the little Indian girl
In front of the white reporters.

Her mother sighed
When she heard of it.
And made it clear

No more theatrics
While she remembered
Her daughters birth

In Salt Lake City
Is what the birth certificate
Just as Rome was listed

For many of those 
When it was necessary 
To be seen as a member

Of the elite
Really she was born
In Scandinavia

On a boat
Leaving one to wonder
Which country to list her

As it was decided
By her own father

Wanted their families
To be listed in Zions city
But it came off as 

January 12
Thirteen days 
After the news years eve

Event in an area
Where they have two different

Just as America
Had two different
Ways of thinking 

About others 
Hence my mother
Had the same birthday

As the now famous
Man who lead a dream

She always made
The most of it.
I also made sure

She had flowers
And chocolate
Fit for a queen.

A three day weekend
And a parade
She would make sure

She was visible
Today she would 
Be 87 years old.

But she died
Now twenty years ago.
At just 69 

Even her own children
Have not been able 
To handle her death

Much less the aftermath
Of an outsider
Demanding they are the real heirs

When in fact they don't
Have any reason for saying
Such as Jessica S

Nor Alona J
Or even Cindy H
How can the same people

Who made sure she went
Homeless when they were in control
Then turn around and claim

A relationship?
They don't even know
Where I buried her....

I went to the beach
With my cat
To see the last

Of the king high tides
We took a bus and a train
And a ferry

And then were blocked
By semi trucks
Working on a hundred year odl

Which at least 
Has not been torn down

The famous Coronado Hotel
Which hosted Polo on the beach
With the abdicated King Windsor

And Clark Gable
The height of society
Then that actress 

Made a move
Marylin Monroe
Trashed out its reputation

While everyone enjoyed
The film
The reputation

Caused the hotel 
To close several times
Before it got elegant again
Once a free beach
It now costs to sit on it
But one can walk upon it

I had to drag
My three wheel stroller
Out to beyond the barriers

The tides have been so high
That even those standing on the side
Have ended up in the water

The usual small area
Where children play
Was completely inundated.

We enjoyed the wildness
Of the moment
He was sitting there purring

Until his mama 
Pulled him out
And plucked his feet

Onto the sand
He is a house cat
With clean floors

He found the sand
And then he saw

The seagulls standing
There who were bigger 
Than he himself

Then he saw that the beach
Had water attached to it
Much larger than the sink

That mama tries to give
Him a bath 
He jumped back into 

His pram
No way mama!
Bigger water

Than I have ever seen!
Sadly I pulled him back
Where I took off his parka

Very cold in the mornings
Now warm and sunny
He was happy 

Noticing the grass
And the people
But then he got hot

Began to pant
Lost his little water dish
Had to end the session

By the very large bathtub
Went all the way down
The town to find 

They had nothing to offer
But the cap of a water bottle.
Hmm, tired of this

Just as she got back on
Public transport
To take him back.

Thank you!
Bless you mother
Even your adopted 

Does not enjoy
What I want

A walk on the beach
A sip of expresso
With no hurries

A trip by water
As far as we could go
On this day of yours...

Did you know 
That the Russian President
Went to the furthest point

On the other side
Just miles from the Alaska line
Wonder if he was having one of those

Moments of telling
The West that he is just 
The other side

Of the border
Not just Mexico 
Is a stones throw away.

Enjoy your sleep
Maybe I will get 
My wish this year

Of it being the last one
For Jimmy
After all why should

He still be alive
While my sister
Was only five

When he killed her
On my father not even
Fifty five

When he killed him
He is now in his sixties
Enough it is time.

The Queen of Denmark
Has a special pyramid cake
Coming to her for her abdication

This weekend as well.
Poor Frederick is going
To ascend the thrown

Without his father 
With a woman who was
Paid to come on to him.

Wonders never do cease...
Enjoy your peace
While I am still fighting

To survive
The dishonesty 
Of the very ones 

Who claim to be religious
No more imposters!
Enough is enough

Eat your cake
While I drink you coffee
One day you might 

Understand the rest of us...
By the way your favorite
Jimmy is demolishing your family homes

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