Sunday, January 14, 2024

In with the new and out with the old...


Well, well!
You are not there.

To witness it
After 900 years
There is going. 

To be an 
Abdication of the throne
In Denmark!

As the old Hamlet
Shakespeare play
All is not well in the state...

As it is Margarethe
Was the first Queen
In centuries according

To the historians.
The Glucksberg's
A branch of the 

Came to power

With strict succession laws
It was presumed her uncle
Would succeed her father

Since she did not have
The necessary attributes
But then his wife

Bore no children
And it was decided
To keep the one

Who had reproduced
After all.

Was her succession
To the throne
With her French consort

And two adorable boys
Now Frederick
Who is 55

Is going to ascend
The throne in front
Of his living mother

While her own husband
Lays dead somewhere
Not having been

Invited to anything
Since Mary arrived
From Tasmania

I cant tell you
Anything since your death
I have been cut off

Via Jimmy
Who is not your real son
But your prospective

Son in law
My sister died when
She was five

Should put it to an end.
But here we are all
These years later

With him still pulling
His thing out and demanding
To own the right to my life.

Sadly, Mary is not what 
The people want at all.
After all, she is Scottish

The old rivals
Viking blood
Lady of Perth

Is her ancestor
As is mine

Of the true king 
Of Scotland
James Stewart.

Why does not Jimmy
Use Stewart?
I wonder....

Vikings invaded
Old England
Than swarmed southwards

All the way from 
And she has royal blood 

As well
To bad for the people
Who really don't want

A monarchy.
There it is the first 
Queen uprooted 

By her own daughter in law
Will wonders never cease.
And she is also one of my

Many non daughters
Stand in line dear
With Kate Middleton

Oh, you got ahead of her
Poor Charles
So many want 

William to bend down
And rip the carpet
From under his feet.

Better luck next time
Dear mad Kate!
Mary is ahead of you, now.

Which makes me what
Dear Mother?
If she is now the Queen?

The Empress!
Of what might you ask
I am also a descendant

Of Gorm of Old
And William the Conqueror
Genghis Khan

And many of the early
Chiefs of my own land
Some did style themselves

As Emperors in America
I am even related 
To Alice Green

Of Georgetown MD
She married the son
Of the disposed 

Maximilan of Chapultepec Castle
There in Mexico city.
His two sons

Died in infancy
So he adopted 
Another royals son

So he might have an heir
Who then fled 
To Washington DC

Married into the Forest-Green 
Family of which I am also

I am third cousins
With the almost 
Emperor of Imperial 

Jimmy don't get

You are not a royal
Nor are you anything
But the son of a clown

Who had an affair
With a very rich woman
Of African heritage

Even better than Michelle
Your own mother Camille
Was well heeled 

And the wife of the first
Black mayor of DC
But you were not his stepson

Nor are you my mothers 
Son nor son in law
I have not daughters

Not even Mary 
Will convince me
Nor is Meghan

Going to be forgiven
For loosing me the house
In DC 

Just because she wanted
To knock on my door
And introduce me to her new 

Boyfriend Harry.
Poor guy
His mother was not a bad

Even though she appeared
To be one of those secret spies....

Her death I still attribute
To both Jimmy and Lisa.
If I had a son 

He would be a Prince
Of a man

And would not mind me
Crowning myself

Best regards
Old Margarethe
While young Mary

Assumes your role
In the hearts of the people.
I hear her son 

Is a fashion model.
I do have a niece
Named Iris

Who is also a model.
Perhaps they could
Be Introduced?

She does sadly
Wear stilettos
And those Maxi dresses

Mini outfits
Despite my sister 

Dying my mothe
Went on to have more childrn
Perhaps Frederick

The one that went missing
On the ferry from France

Well, he was found
A long time ago
In France

Some couple 
Had switched 
Out the baby

With a doll
Which was then thrown
Over board 

On the Ferry 
By Jimmy.
He is always 

Stealing babies
And threatening
Full grown men.

It is not that I went
But that there were too many

False one showing up
Believe me I did not marry
Any actor 

I preferred a music man
Or a man of action.
Don't even think

Of asking who 
Your father would be
I would not know...

By the way
Are you aware
The Queen announced

Her abdication
On New Years day
New calendar

But it actually
Took place on
The old Calendar???

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