Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Who wants to be a clown?


She walked carefully
Through the airport
Holding his hand

She felt the power
Surge through her veins
Here she had a chance

He had to use the tiolet
Dont let him go in alone
Or he would disappear

They only  had him 
For a short time
Then he had to go back

Her mother had gone 
To college and then married
A returning war hero

He had gone into politics
And she had been born
But life was not good 

For them 
She had known about Mary
But one day she had caught

Her being taken shopping
By Mary in that big city
Only her father visited

Her mother had gone home
To her Reverand father
To cry and be told

She was not allowed
To divorce him
But then she found

An old friend
Whom she could not marry
It was not meant to happen

But that one night
When she had called him
And found Mary on the phone

Speaking to her daughter
She could not think straight
He provided for her what she needed

He offered more but she said no
Besides they would both
Have to get divorced

That would be wrong
He had never gotten to the war
Aged out before it ended

His first job 
Was a clown

His college had been short
He was going for the new business
Television was going to wipe out

But to play a female clown
It was too much for her

Then he got that job
On the West Coast 
In Los Angeles

What a wonderful thing.
Now he could make money
Perhaps one day...

Her son was unexpected
She had gone to Germany
To have him and give him up

Then everything had gone wrong
He was a mutant
Her family found out

And wanted her to keep him
In order to prove who they were.
Now she could only travel 

First class
With her children
While the girl was willing

To care for him
He had to have special hired nannies
Really they were nothing but girls

Who wanted hired hands
At his stage show
He had a children show

He earned a few degrees
After he got his job
But she was the childhood

Education expert
He asked her to go over
His work and plans

For the kids 
His show was known
Captain Kangaroo

But he was a clown
A big kid at heart
Who did not want to hurt her

But they could never have a life
Together as long as America
Well, there they were coming towards

Her at a snails pace
He had of course 
Made her take him to the bathroom

She could see his expression
What she did not know
Was that he was born a Moron

His temper could not be quelled
She wondered what had happened.
Which is why he had to live

Around his father and not her husband
"I made him go in with me."
Into the colored bathroom?

No, he wont go in there
Not after that last time
"I took him into the white one"

I told everyone that he was
Your charge you being his nanny
But you were buying the tickets

He just needed to pee
While I stood outside the stall
Making eyes with them

The girls bathroom?
I could not go into the boys!
Yes dear, I guess that was smart

Well, he had a problem
I made him clean it up.
Oh that is what the problem

Those girls in California 
Never make him do anything
He will not be happy

To have his father
Explain to him about girls
Bathrooms being off limits!

What else was I to do?
We are boarding now
Mind you manners

Yes mum, here I will 
Take your hand again
Don't forget if you run away

We might not find you
And then what will you do?
Join a circus!

I want to be a clown
They get to be the boss

They can do whatever
They want.
I thought they were just

To distract the crowd
Yes, but they are the real boss.
Wait, you cant go in there

Those two are with me
We have  first class tickets

Which one is yours?
Which one do you think?
He is going back to his father

I am her son and the boss.
The children will have to share
A seat in the middle

That is fine
Sit children.
I want the window seat

Excuse me 
We have another mother
With a baby

Do you mind if they sit
With you?
Do they have tickets?

Of course
Sit here with your baby
They said there was a free seat

Oh, I see.
Well I don't mind
My husband is from the south

Not from my community
They were all rich in her town
They had a rich white guy

Taking care of his kin
Not to explain
How they were all related

He just set down the law
And made sure they were 
All educated and well provided

What does your husband do?
Oh, he is in politics
His father is a chief

Chief of police?
No they are Indians
He is their chief

And my husband 
The architect and engineer
We usually travel  around the world

Why is that doll with you?
This is not a doll
It does not make a sound

What is it wrapped in?
The mother and daughter
Were staring at the brown women

With big eyes.
They had never seen an Indian
Up close before...

And the baby was strapped
To one of those board things
They wondered if it had fangs

He was not going to leave it alone
He wanted to get his hands
On something littler than himself

He impatiently pulled at the device
Made of leather and sticks
She emerged like an angel

Not making a sound
With her large almond eyes
What is wrong with her?

Is she retarded?
Her eyes are strange
Oh, they are all like that

Do you want to hold her
They both yelled at the same time

Too late.
He had his hands out
And then he slammed her down

And began to beat 
And kick her
While screaming at the same time.

What is going on here?
The white boy was having his way
With a small Indian baby

Oh that's all right
I'm sure she is accustomed to it
What did she do to deserve it

I would not allow him to touch her

Is he okay?
No he knows he is going 
To get a spanking when his father

Gets hold of him.
What did you say your name is?
Camille and this is my daughter Bonita.

Her name is Camille also,
What is his?
Little beno

Like Mussolini?

No it is a family name
Where are you going?
Los Angeles 

My aunt works there in a studio.
Disney land?
Asks the girl?

She wants to go but cant without
Yes, well she is at the place

Where they make up
Those comics
She designs them?

You might say that.
She says she want my daughter
For a portrait to be used

For the films
Which one ?

She gets to be on
The film?
No she is only going

To have her face drawn
Why cant  it be me?

Why don't I get to be on his show?
We will ask your father....
Bam, bam

He is banging on her crib board
His little fist rises up
And then brought down

She bite me!
Thank god

I mean honey,
She does not have teeth yet
She put her mouth around my fist

Maybe it is because you put
It in her mouth,
Says his sister

Who is now completely
Absorbed in the little Indian girl
His mother puts him next to her

So he can look out the window
Which makes him mad
While the mother is given 

Into by the stewardess
Who purposely put her 
Next to a black woman

Just because her child
Was not white.
The ride was mercifully

As they disembarked
The Black woman

Mentioned she was expecting 
A taxi to come for her
While the other woman

Was met by two energetic women
With the latest model autos
They were both beautiful

Clearly related
Then out of one of them
Came an Indian clad man

His big chief father 
Was laughing at him
As he swooned over the baby

Her mother arguing 
About being allowed to drive
The black women and her daughter

Slid passed them 
With a firm hand on him
While looking for her taxi....

A limousine appeared
Around the corner
As she was considering 

How to get one of those cars
She had the money
But not the right skin color

When it stopped in front of her
It was for her!
He was going to be a happy man

Off went the happy group
With the mother staring 

Back over her shoulder...
Little papoose
Belongs to me he says

From the back seat
Of the limo,
Hush child, leave it alone...

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