Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The price of eggs in Moscow have to do with anything?


She waited for a long time
To get through the line
An old woman

Who had fled 
Saint Petersburg
Before it was Leningrad

She was Scandinavian
And now married to another
Who family had come from Kiev

Centuries ago
So long ago
It no longer counts

Finally she was inside the store
Looking for something for her husband
No eggs! 

They did not even have any
At all
Again she explained 

To these people
Who were not here 
Fifty years ago

California was everyone's
Dream to come
And not have a nation

Instead they began 
To arrive at the border
Migrants from other areas

Quickly they settled 
Into the border community
Which had been European

The International 
Language community
They were not even close

To Imperial Mexico
But she was fifty now
And not a young woman

Who just wanted something
For her ailing husband
Who could no longer 

Take the cold
He needed the hot waters
For curing his ails

She walked home slowly
He had developed 
A series of electric cars

Which ran around in circles
He laughed that way his wife
Was always sure to come back

To him every night!
Old fool
She had fallen in love

As a young girl
And now they had 
At least a dozen children

But he kept after her,
He could have had a career
In the military

The Danish army or navy
His family already had served
But he choice

To go west as a young man
And make a difference
With his inventions

Sadly people wanted 
Faster vehicles 
Than his designs

What did you get me?
Did they have anything edible?
Not like those old days

When there would be good
Russian brown bread
Or exquisite French pastries

Now there were corn tortillas
Served with anything but beans
She could have married anyone

She could have had a big house
And traveled the world
They had actually done that

But the country had gone
Through a bad time
The Great Depression

Now war was brewing 
And most of the older ones
Gone to get thier lives.

Cluck, cluck
Dont start clucking dear!
That was not me 

She began to say
When he came inside
And found what she had bought

A chicken!
Does it lay eggs?
They say it will

What does it eat?
Rice and corn
Great they can have mine

Hmm, to have a fresh egg....
They didn't have anything
That produces milk?

I did not see a cow
But there were some sheep...
Do they produce milk?

The ladies do when they have
A baby to nurse.
How far back do I have to go?

Tomorrow dear
We will get one of the locals
To take a wagon for you to ride

I dont need no donkey cart!
If we bring back a few ewes...
Later she got on the phone

They arrived 
With a shock to the old neighborhoood
How often they had meet 

People from different countries
Now it was all so called Spanish speakers
Who did not know english

They found their way
Through the line of customs
Asked if they were bringing 

Anything in to Mexico 
From America?
What we cant keep

Our personal things?
Not cigarettes 
Nor alcohol

No, no they fluttered
Thier hands
They had just gotten

Back from Europe
Which was beginning 
To go to war

Whether or not 
They knew it.
This was worse than

The Asian markets
There she pointed
With a gloved hand

There they are ....
Each of the daughters
Proudly led into the enclosure

That was left of the former
Estate now reduced
A ewe

We have something for you...
Great! Sheep

I am now going to become
A Sheep farmer!
And under each arm

They also had one chicken 
Three female chickens

To make eggs
For their breakfast!
You will be needing a cock

The neighbor said 
In Spanish as he went by
The sisters had gotten

Separated from their husbands
Who had gone to get enlisted
We dont want no man

Except for you daddy
Now I think you might need
A male to get the ladies

To a laying those eggs.
Another phone call
One of the young men

Brought a car 
He could still find gasoline
And brought out

A fighting cock!
No, no not a fighter!
We need a husband 

For these three ladies...
Hmm, okay 
I will go to the market 

And exhange him
A bull fight is where

He found another one
Two fighting cocks!
He got a huge amount 

Of money for his cock 
After it beat the other one
Brought back just a plain

Male chicken
And a male sheep 
As well, he had seen

The old mans ewes
Now they could have it made
Sheep milk cheese

Was something he had not had
In a long time
Wondered how long 

He could hang out
Down here
Where there were going 

To be fresh eggs
In the morning?
Life has a funny way

Of repeating itself.
I had heard all of the stories
They even told me

That Napoleon 
Had lost his battle
With the Russians

Over a single egg!
No eggs for breakfast
No winning smile on his face.

Eggs had sky rocketed
This Pandemic
Was getting out of hand

Those who were not taking
Care of the poor and sickly
Were charging enormous prices

I had to have bottled water
Or I would end up in the emergency room
But eggs?

I stopped buying them.
They did not even have any
In stores for a while

Especially around Easter
They got up to at least 
Eighteen dollars a dozen

Seventy percent increase!
Even my omelettes
At a local resturant

Were now double the cost
What was a good cook
To do in Moscow

When there we nor eggs 
To be had?
The young man

Had a wife and kids 
At home
He did his best 

With powder eggs.
His boss laughed about it
He was the head of the country

And could not get a single egg
Out of his chef!
Wait until your grandson

Is the Mayor or something!
And cant afford eggs!
His wife stood in line

The next day for his eggs.
War was hell
But her husband had to keep

His job
Even if it was for Satan
Stalin actually.....

What? What?
The price of eggs 
Are now forty percent higher?

He remembered 
All those years 
When they did not have eggs

At all or if they did
They went to the boss to eat.
He was offended

Having kept them from
The Pandemic
Of all dying in the streets

Now things were over
And they just wanted 
Things to be normal

Capitalist progress!
Wonder what the other guy 
Has to hear.

No eggs!
Special diet
Must keep his cholesterol 

Down or he will end up
In the hospital.
Hell, I bet the other guy...

Doesn't have to put with this,
The White House chef
Was very unhappy

120 dollars 
For a case of eggs
It used to cost 40!

And not one of them
Can touch the lips
Of his boss

The President!
She never did tell him
That every day she stood

In a different place
The first time she
Mentioned who the eggs

Were for they began
Throwing them around
She collected the biggest 

Mess of them 
Shells and all
Found one egg

That had rolled away
They would whether 

Destroy them
Than allow them to go
To Soviet leader.

Little does Putin
Realize that no matter
How friendly he is or is not

There is a grumpy
Grandpa sitting down
Every morning to a healthy

Breakfast with no eggs.
And Zelensky 
Is going to get his nukes

Churchill had a similar
Problem with the men

From farms 
Who wanted to know
Where are the damn Eggs?

Mad them angry enough
To bomb Hitler
Who had his men run 

In retreat
From their Russian endeavor
All over the price of eggs

In Moscow!
Damn those Puritans
And everyone else!

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