Sunday, January 28, 2024

You call that edible?



The orange one

In master chief

Bobby Flay

Has decided to have

His own brand

Of culinary delights

Cooked by his own

Cat slave 

Does not impress

My cat Jacques

He is turning his nose up

He bites me 

In the leg

Wants something to eat

What am I supposed to do?

I bought the box

Imagining he would

Appreciate it.

He hates it.

Poor Mr. Flay

Cant cook 

To satisfy my 


My mistake

I was raised around

Expensive breeds

And recall buying one

At the last Cat Fanciers

But immediately lost it.

While I thought the cat

Across the hall

Was familiar

I did not believe

My fortune

In obtaining

A kitten

With the regal

Blue gray coloring

But he has copper gold eyes

Not blue as they should be

After some investigation

It seems I received 

A kitten from 

A hot mamma

Stolen pure bred

Forced to put out litters

To satisfy someone else's desires.


Across that pond


Would you please

Pull out another one.

It seems someone has 

Decided to soup

The Mona Lisa

Over environmentalism.

If one was really 

Worried about the environment

They would not be buying

Cheap soup

An entire industry 

Those contaminants

The area around it.

Not like Julia Child

Who was taught 

The careful ways

Of real French cooking

Not the Marxist

Values of the younger generation

Which lowers itself

To purchasing the very thing

That is causing the environment

To be polluted

Just as the politics

Religion and news

Has been pollutted

By the current generation

Which just wants

To misbehave

But not actually abide

By their own code.

And destroying works of art.

For what end?

It will not make a better world

Museums are all we have left

Of what was once culture

And society

None of the modern stuff

Is worth the canvas

It is painted on.

Take Warhol 

For instance

The infamous 

Can of tomatoes soup.

Just because he could not afford

To buy flowers instead.

By the way 

That was not the real one

Hanging in the Louvre

There are hundred of them

The Mona Lisa

It was stolen so many times

And resold to so many

Different people

That there are copies

Worthy of being hung.

A frozen lady

With bad teeth

Could not really smile

But did follow one

With her eyes.

And that setting behind her

That artist at least

Went out of his way

To afford such a view

By working for it.

Another one!

We need a replacement

One of those great forced copies

Who would believe the real one

Would be hanging on the wall?

And with those French farmers

Rioting and striking

Using their tractors

To get attention

For reform.

Emmanuel, who is like god,

Has more than enough

On his plate at this time.

I bet his dogs would eat

Nachos culinary delight.

Oh Jacques

How would you like 

A little trip?

To Paris 

Where we could eat

Real food not produced

In a factory

And you can scratch and bite

Any tourist you like....


Hopefully the young woman

Is being acquainted 

With cleanup 

And trash removal

As her part

In civic duty 

Just because 

She choice not 

To eat her soup.


A curators secret

The real one

Is in the vault!

Due to insurance reasons

They cant put it up.


Anyone knows

That something

So special 

Has to put out 

Of harms way.

The real one

Is always 

In a secure location.

Unlike this newest


Of Frankie Drake

Series about a girl detective

One can recall

All the different versions

Of this Toronto based story

Where she gets to meet

Everyone important

Including Agatha Christie

They are attempting

To tell us what life 

Was really like

During those years.

It was the Germans 

Who rewrote history.

Its true!

Check the facts

They got caught

Altering everything

To their white version.

Do you know

This girl

Lauren Lee Smith

Looks just like

Cathy Lynn Miller

Not the name on her birth certificate

Ran a fraud on this ignorant 

School district

Where she posed 

As a poor person

Living with a family

Not her own

In order to stalk

And harass another girl

She had so many girls

That they are spread out

Across the screens

This one was born in

June of 1980

When she was missing from school

And I who was in a environmental

Class got caught 

Having my menstrual cycle

On the last day of school

To the embarassment

Of everyone

Who just cant

Stop following one

Into the bathroom.

With that name

She probably got

The kid named

David Smith

Whose parents 

Ended up getting divorced

While he was in everything

From orchestra to theater

Only to fail afterwards

Spends his time in the park

Now that he has nothing left.

After a  25 year old crybaby

Was allowed to trump

Across the stage

To shake hands

With the shady Murphy

Whose wife kept showing up

Everywhere I attempted. 

To get away from 

This monstrosity

Whose mother

Was a victim of rape

Not something they talked about

But with Cathys personality

The trauma of having

To raise the by product

Of a mad rapist.

Blackman is her real name

Not Miller

Which is Mrs. Christies

Maiden name

Agatha Miller Christie

The false one are always

Visible even in their 

Maddening attempts to get 

Someone else caught

Probably says I am 

Her mother instead.

Not likely 

As I am the one 

Who cant have babies

A drug addict I presume

Whom I am going 

To bring criminal charges

If she prevents me 

From my daily life

Which does not include

Causing harm to others possessions.

Gourmet food fantasies

That is what the supplanter

Dreams about with his paws waving in the air....

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