Monday, January 1, 2024

End of an era


It is the end

There is no going back

Life as it was

Is over.

The last queen

Has abdicated

Even though history

Is full of examples

Of strong queens

It was left to those

Who survived the world war

To become queens

While their consort husbands

Sat next to them

Without any hopes

Of ever becoming Kings


Married royalty

But not royal enough

Instead they were only

Breeding studs

For the next generation

Of not twentieth century


But their offspring

Twenty-first century

Boy princes 

Who have now become


But can they manage

Having had nothing

But prostitutes

Offered them as playboys?

Elizabeth II

Margarethe II


They were the ones 

Left behind

At the end of the holocaust

Their uncles and fathers

Had gone ahead

To the great hall

For warriors

While awaiting 

Thier call towards heaven

In the south 

They lost everything 

Marxist or Communist

Had taken over

Leaving even Greece

The original democracy

Turn their backs on 

The ruling monarchs

Even Spain spent

At time awaiting 

For Franco to die

Leaving the original 

Playboy in power

Having married. 

The Princess of Greece

Prince Carlos 

Meet with western rulers

Than assumed the throne

With his Queen Sophia

Now his son Felipe

Stand there proud

Along side his daughter 

Leonor ready to take over

Belgium was the last

Country left in Europe

With a ruling monarchy

Beatrice become Queen

With her husband suspect

Of being everything

But worthy of the throne

His son Wilhelm

Has taken over 

With his mothers abdication

Alongside Queen Maxima

Who also only have daughters

While the longest reigning

Queen of England

Would not give up

Even when her consort

Philippe of Greece

Retired from life

In his death

Left three sons

To choose from

Having done his only job

Producing Kings 

Poor Princess Royal

Not even thought 

Of stand in for her mother

Has instead stood 

By her older brother

Now King Charles 

Who has assumed 

His role

Not at his majority age

Of 25 

But at 70

When he should retire

But his sons 

Have done nothing

With the death 

Of thier mother

But make names 

For themselves

What are we to expect

From pretty william

Who was going 

To be a boy king

But instead chose

A prostitute

To stand next

Nothing but trash

Is Kate Middleton

Not even born 

To riches

But poverty

Her parents were laborers

Who had a sudden windfall

Seeking fame overnight

But thier drug addict bitch

Has not the ability

To be anything but pathetic

Even claiming 

The title of someone else

Wanting not to be trash

But a bastard born 

Out of wedlock

Because she thinks

That will give her power

I will tell you who 

Her father is not

Anybody with class

To produce such a classless

Witch with her lack

Of parenting skills

Perhaps William

Having gone bald

Might have gotten

Maturity as he was not

A bad boy

As for Harry

He was always a problem

And his lack of choice

Is going to bring 

Them all down

When she cant even 

See properly

Calling black 

What is not

As Dora is not 

Her real mother

But neither is the other one

It is Epstein's former 

Girlfriend who gave birth

To the missing infant

Connie Selleca

Lost her child in a Manhattan hospital.

Only to find it again

In Hollywood

Being raised by a social worker.

Meghan will not stop

Until they are all 

Out of her way

Having murdered

Philip and Elisabeth

With pure hatred

Now the only other 

Queen has abdicated

Before her time

Is up for her son

Henry was a good man

But for some reason

Left the love of his life

Only to die 

Shortly afterwards

Young Frederik

Who married 

A high price call girl

Trained at how to come 

On to him

No other prospects 

In sight

He settled

For Mary

I suppose

Most of history

Is like his life

Princes who don't 

Have princesses

To marry

But the rifraff

Allowed to pass 

In front of him

Who else would

Have a stiletto

As a Princess slipper:

Everyone knows 

It has to fit

The dainty foot

Of a princess

Such as lady Louise

Not a slut!

Poor Mary


Has gone ahead

And given her son

The right to rule

In front of her 

She will never pass

A day without 

Being whispered about

Wont even be able to sneeze

Without her son 

Being informed

While his wife

Is clueless.

Perhaps his son might

Choose more wisely

Not likely

If Jimmy is still

Getting allowed 

To use his limp dick

As a deciding factor

While having me drugged

With that date rape drug

Every time i turn around

There is another needle

Being jabbed

Into my flesh

They tell me 

I now have diabetes 

Without being a sugar eater

I crave sea salt

Lacking in thyroid

But being punished 

Into a hysterectomy

And at my age

Just so I cant breed

Who were my grandparents

During the war years

That so many have attempted

To rob and rape us?

If only I could recall

All those recent years

Instead of being in a blurry

State of frustration

I had someone nice once

Sitting with me 

Drinking expresso

Now he has gone to the wind.

Who were we?

Not marxists

Nor soviets

Not even mafia

All the ones 

Who have joined 

Including Becky T

And Jessica S

False advertisers

While Demi M

And Sandra B

Have convinced themselves

They are Julia Roberts

Who has been impersonating

Since she was a little girl

A family who worked

To save the world

But could not save 


Even my grandfather 


Was left with step children

Not his own

Willing to destroy

His first born

Perhaps the only heir

We are descendants.

Of Emperor Luis de Valasco

Forest people

Along the Eastern shores

Chief Powhaten

And Potomac

Are better known

As the ones

To be dealt

The blow that their lands

Had been invaded

And having not lost

The battle against

The intruders

Are none the less

Stripped of their authority

Over even their sanity.

Bless the queens

Who did take over

While what is left

Of the Monarchy

Are not bad people

But America thinks

They are a bore.

Watch out young

Boy kings

For your own

Sneaking in with gifts

Of dangerous spiders and snakes...

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Three times loser

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