Tuesday, January 16, 2024

What does it all mean?

There she is 
Standing there 
As if she was 

Important or something
The proud American
Now the Vice President

How did this come about?
Once a small girl 
In her daddies arms

Then standing with mom
And sister
She must have had

Some pre-knowledge
Or did she just fall into it?
Her parents came from

Different backgrounds
One from India
And the other Jamaica

How did they both get here?
At the time it was not as easy
To just walk across a border

They got a chance to go
To Berkeley
The University of California

Well known for its academics
And for its riots
These two were in the same

Desire to learn 
And to be independent
They joined hands

When no one else 
Would dislike it
Times had changed

Unlike across the bay
At Alcatraz
Where the native Americans

Had been given the impression
They were welcomed 
To attend the university

But at the winter break
They were all told
To go home

And not come back
Many of those had not
Traveled as far

But had no way of going back
They had come to learn
Selling everything they had

Nothing to go back to anyways
Except a few old men
Who wanted to talk

About the war
And how it made them heroes
Unlike those from other places

India had left thier British
Ways to take up American
Being American meant 

Becoming American
By going to school
And staying despite

Having family there
Expecting them to make it
While Jamaica was just

Another dream for someone
To jump on a boat
And get away from the life

Of paradise
And no future
Just living  in a humid climate

They made it through
Got married
Had their parents

Find out about the each
Others and get jobs
Real Americans

With real jobs
Babies followed
And so did divorce

What were they to do now?
While the Indians 
Were given another year

They were not given a chance
Those who changed lives
Were the ones not seen

As enemies of the state
Indians will always 
Be the enemies that America

Does not know what to do with?
While the others were allowed
Allowed to believe in the dream

A dream that was not meant
For them
Only the Germans

Need apply
White blond 
Blue eyed

They were the only
Ones wanted by anyone
But somehow

It got too much to deal with
These were the lucky ones
Who found a life

While the Germans 
Bid their time
Now everything 

Is out of hand
They want to not be obvious
But allowed 

It to happen
As long as they hold hands
Poor Biden

He came from a good
Irish background
East coast born and raised

Rose up through the ranks
He has no problem
Sitting next to those

Unliked and unwanted
But she did make
A point in California politics

Now she has arrived
Having been raised
Both black and brown

Outsiders though from the rest
Perhaps she might make
That next step

It is not that they want it
It is they cant stop it
The Native Americans

Were offered jobs
At federal jobs
Given the impression

They would not be prevented
But most of their young ones
Want Hollywood 

Lifestyles and don't care
Even the local Indian clinic
Prefers the wrong sort

Wont give up on asking
Something so trivial
Can you prove who you are?

It does not make a difference
There are no longer 
Native American doctors

They have all died
Been replaced
When a Bonafide

They do everything 
To erase the challenge

Poor Nikki 
Thought she was going 
To make a big splash

She did make it to the UN
But not to the Causcus
On time

Bad weather 
Kept her from getting the votes
While Trump breezed past

He is what the public want
He might not be right
All of the time

But he is not a bad one
As Hitler and Zelensky 
But wonders will never cease

A brown girl 
Not understanding
To do it on her own.

Bless Kamala 
Who came not from
Poverty nor from riches

Worked her own magic
As she walked beside
Her mother 

Making her own way
With her fathers blessing
Finally marrying

When she felt it was time
She has no shoes to follow
Not big black ones

Nor small soft ones
A unique challenge
Is she up to it?

It is too bad
About Jill getting in the way
No one wants to see

Joseph shuffle off
He has earned his place
While Donald has also 

Worked his way up
The ranks
No one likes him 

In the media 
But the people
Show him respect

What are we all to do?
Our favorite might not 
Be the one chosen

Nothing is easy
When dealing with the likes
Of Jimmys and Candys

Who are pure white
Without any blemishes
But have roots 

Deep into another continent
They somehow get by
While we mourn 

A time when all had a chance
To change history
And make others feel the pain

Of having a dream
Come true
Birthday wishes 

To those born
To make a difference
Sorry for those who 

Don't realize
The Indians will always 
Be with them

Watching and waiting
Whom do we want
White Black or Brown?

Does it matter
What their skin color is
Or the size of their shoes?


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