Tuesday, January 2, 2024

It's what?

Time passes slowly
For those who 
Are in fact waiting

For their loved ones
For the hatred to die
For that best cup

Of coffee
All is quiet
On News Years Eve

Not even a mouse
Is peeping
Actually they are

Somewhere in the ceiling
His attention
Has been diverted

He has tried climbing
The walls

And is frustrated 
When I bring him back
To earth

But mama!
They are here
Cant you hear them?

No not yet
Thank goodness
I have enough 

To worry about
With your father gone
And well...

Jack spent his first
Years end lying 
On his back

Or climbing the walls
Seeking what I cant hear
He has no idea

Why we are here 
Nor the mess back
There at that other place

Stuck in a hotel
For News years eve
I joined him in a long nap

While it gently rained
Outside in the cold
Warm enough inside

Where or where
Did I go wrong?
I worked so hard

To make sure
This did not happen
And then all those years

I was betrayed by
My own friends
Whose children

Are so willing to 
Commit treason
And be hanged 

From for it.
While Jack 
Is dreaming of mice

I am suspended
From my own reality
Into Jimmies Fantasy

Long ago
And many nights ago
The world was a very

Different place...
At six I turned on
Anderson Cooper

And his new years special
Who was that other guy?
Oh yeah,

Dick Clark
Anyone else remember him?
Every hour his buddy

And him take another
Swallow of that painful stuff

I wonder if it is real 
Russian vodka
Or the Texan stuff

I have in my other place?
At some point
He gets engaged 

To someone he does 
Not know
He is so drunk!

I recall my sister 
Dying a week before Christmas
And there was no Christmas

For me
I sat there in a chair
By the empty fireplace

Waiting for my parents
Who were off with 
The boys giving them gifts

Why was I always selected
To be the one out?
Then on New Years eve

Some kind uncle
Whisked me up
To New York city

A rat feast on an island
All night we stood
Waiting for that ball

And every year afterwards
I would find myself
Freezing and  needing to pee...

The question of the night
And the answer
Is one simply does not

When one is on stage
At nine the ball came down
And the television off

It was midnight in NY
And i was going to sleep
They even let 

Mr. Putin give his short speech
Wonder who did the dictation?
Wonder whom he spends

His time thinking about?
One of those horrid dogs?
A cat person myself.

We slept past midnight
Did wake up
But had no bell

Nor any alchol
Just the coffee from Starbucks
A god send in itself

The morning came
And I bundled 
A surprised Jack

Into his leopard skin
Marched off into the sunrise

Got lost and had to carry him
Only to find myself
At the crossroads

With shaky legs
And a huge headache

Is that all the cuisine
One has to offer?

Is down the street
Across the river
Once called by a Russian name

Then renamed the Rosario
In Spanish for Russian river
Now a dwindling San Diego river

We could not go any further
Stopped at a Fig tree
It is a restaurant 

With a parking lot
As a view point
But they serve gluten free

Benedicts with salmon
And rose lattes!
What a blissful day!

Under the outdoor heaters
And listening to his constant
Take me home!

I recalled having been here
A time or two
With someone else

People don't always remember
Going to a particular 
Park or restaurant

They simply know they have
And then there is that moment
When one does remember....

Having reached a crescendo
I ask for the check
And box up my meal

One piece of toast
With one egg
And a few pieces of salmon

And a handful of chopped potatoes
A typical breakfast for dining out
17 dollars

Plus tip
Came to over 25 
For one small meal

What happened to the world?
They all got greedy
Even the kid how did not

Have to pay rent
For at least six months
Made a bad comment

About my rent check
That I even paid the rent
Having to rained out

And not even in the right place
What if someone had decided
To visit me?

Was not home
To receive visitors at all
On New years day.

Spent the rest of the day
After a not hot shower
Having climbed 

Mount olympus
With baby stroller 
To get back 

Wanted to go to the beach!
Could not get there 
All this time

All I want is my beach
There were tons of people
Out watching those high waves

But not me
Took another long nap
As I waited for it not to be

A holiday
So I could travel back
To pay the rent on time

Oh I forgot to buy
My monthly bus pass
Spent tense moments

Trying to get my phone
To work in order
To pay for my fare.

The bus drivers
Now that their strike
Is over are just hazed out

They don't really care about
Anything anymore
Not even a sweet cat

In a buggy.
We will not get to go
Either little jack

Mama has another appointment
But there is plenty of food for you
And my bottle of vodka

Has made it back safely
As well as the coffee machine
Anyone have one of those 

New expresso machines
They wish to regift?
Excepting donations ...


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