Sunday, January 21, 2024

Best plans go amiss

The best laid plans
Of mice and men
Go amiss

All too easily
When others get 

Where they do not
Belong at all.
Oh how the world

Would be different
If not for Waterloo
Or Water gate!

Now Desantis
Has backed out
Of the race

As has Christie
Which leaves only
Poor little Nikki

To run up
Against the big bad

Poor little Red Riding Hood
Is she going to be eaten
Or rescued?

The story goes
Both ways
One she meets her end

And another 
A hunts man
Comes to her rescue...

It was all planned
So well to get rid
Of the rif raf

Poor beggar 
Turn to riches
Made his way 

Through real estate
The Internal Revenue Service
Was mighty interested 

But no man would
Consider not paying them
After all they incarcerated

Even Al Capone
For non payment
It is like getting 

An overdue fine
From the Library!
One of my many 

When I had my auto accident
No one wanted to help 

I had just enrolled
In one of those dream courses
Asian arts

It included India
As well as China and Japan
I could not afford

The book
Over a hundred dollars
Picked up the only copy

At the library
And it did not get back
For at least thirty days.

I provided proof 
Of being in hospital
They were not amused

A twenty dollar fine
Was paid in full.
They were not amused.

It is all a body 
Can do to sruvive
Without something

Such as that hanging
Over your head.
I am not amused

For all the bad things
Have altered
The plan 

That was devised
Survive my mothers
Mental illness

Get yourself 
Back in school
To go back 

To your prior
My previous employment
Instead they did everything

They could to deny
Me the right just to a life
They wanted revenge

From the Gordons
To the Greens
None of them Goforth's

Why cant they just
Leave me alone?
Not their plan.

Well the world 
Moves on with 
Or without you.

Alec is facing charges
Again for his accident
Who  is stupid enough

To point a gun
And have it loaded
In front of a group

Of people
With cameras!
Worse than having guns

Pointed at him
Cameras to take it down.
Maybe he has gone looney

In his old age.
Because only Jimmy
Would be stupid

Enough to expect
To get away from it.
And he was living 

Just down the road
When that occured
I know because

I had my court case
In New Mexico
Which I attended 

Via tele 
My lawyer and I 
In California

While the Judge
And Jimmy sat there
I was told I had lost

And then got approved
After the Pandemic

Is that really over?
I was not sure
We would not be hit

By a backlash
But then there are
So many things

To die of nowadays.
Walking down the street
Sitting in a cafe

Or just being the wrong
Jimmy has it all now

He has planned
And plotted
To just have his way

When was a President
Under so much scrutiny
Not since Jimmy

Or Shawn 
Stepped into town
Saw what trouble 

He could cause
All those stupid people
The little mutant 

Went after all of them
Just because
He was born to the wrong

Camille Bullocks
She was his mother

But he was not married
To his father
Captain Kangaroo

Her husband 
Caused him alarm
He had to have his hand

The guy became the first
Walter Washington
Mayor of DC

After my father
Was elected mayor
Of South San Diego

And later Palm Springs
He sat on a number
Of offices

My father
The child genius
Who could play the violin

Like an angel
And without eye sight
But got the shift 

From everyone
Died  from the afflictions
Of society

Just as others
Before him 
Who had a plan

And a dream.
What are we to do
With the mess 

We know have
Living hand to mouth
The Capital

Cant keep their budget
Under control
We had another stop 

Passed to keep 
Us America 
From going bankrupt.

Are we going to see
The end of Biden?
And the effort

Of equality?
Or are we going
Back to Trump

Who was not a bad guy
Just not the usual 
Status qou

When the March winds
Come through those windy
Streets of the Foggy Bottom

It will not be with an end
To the Russian Federation
It will still be standing

And hopefully
So will America
Preferably without Jimmy....


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Three times loser

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