Monday, January 15, 2024

On this day in history...

Please hit pause
This is one of the more
Important days 

But as always
My very own media
Have got it wrong

What happened
To all those good old guys
Who were so willing

To sacrifice
In order to bring 
Us the news?

They got replaced.
Oh is that the story....
We may now return

To the normally scheduled...
What  is that?

We should all be
Something special

About how the religious
America became over run
With German braggers

Who thought this land
Was meant for them
And only for them.

After all they  had 
Already been to Africa
Destroying as much

As possible of their lives
Only to run out of town
By some wild boy

Called Tarzan
Who turned out to be
A British lord

They all had to high tail
It out of Dodge 
After that discovery.

We had a whole month
Devoted to Native Americans

And what did we get
Out of it?
That we are not former slaves

Actually we were the first slaves
And the last to get repayment

For our suffering and what not.
We got involved
In a head on collision

With progress.
They needed to free

From the Europe
They had destroyed.
By purging

Us of our homes.
They needed our land
To be theirs

And theirs alone
When we did not get
The idea

They got rough.
Staging several wars
King Philips War

Is one of the many
They mention
King Philip

Is not some white guy
But an Indian.
They burnt us out

Accused us of witch craft
They even handed out
Blankets with small pox

In order to kill us
Then they spiked

The alcohol 
In order to prove
We were incapable 

Of handling money
Now they just do it
To the milk.

Giving us diseases
Such as cancer of the thyroid
Look what happened

To Val Kilmer!
They moved in on our children
Forced them to go to school

And be raped on school grounds
I experience this first hand
The Davis Unified school district

Has no qualified school teacher
Nor do the children
Do anything afterwards

Than cause more harm
Just because they had 
To endure a native american

Walking onto their school grounds.
They even hired Kit Carson

To lead a bunch 
Of black soldiers
Newly emancipated

To run around on horse back
In order to slaughter
Those pesky varmints

Promised their lands
In exchange
The Buffalo Hunters

Were not hunting 
But humans.

I have a dream....
Instead every movie
About Indians

Ends badly 
They don't ever get the gold
Not even the cure 

But more reminders
That they are neither 
White nor Black

Sadly the Africans
Don't really care
This day is about them

Not conforming
To White standards
Not wanting to share

But will shove 
Everyone else out of the way
Cant we all be peaceable?

One man may have had a dream
But America chose 
To ignore it was meant for everyone

Even Michelle Robinson
Wants to dress up
As a real Indian Princess

A title she has not given
To anyone else
Not even Meghan Markle

Sadly there is not even
A Religion that supports them
One in particular

Has all the white members
Insist they are the real relatives
In order to burn out the brown ones

Oh we have seen that movie
Killer of what?
Probably wont earn an Oscar

Not even Hidalgo
About a half breed
Winning the biggest horse race

Does not come home 
With all his goods.
In fact all we got 

Out of that movie
Was a tee shirt
There is now a bounty on those free horses 


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