Sunday, January 7, 2024

And one lone boy shall lead them


After all that has happened
100 hundred years ago
The whole universe 

Had shifted
Christmas morning 
In Saint Petersburg

Was forbidden
Now it is enjoyed
By even the President

Although it is no longer
In Kiev
Our mother home

Once upon a time
There were three men
Who founded Kiev

As an international trading town
On the coast of the Black sea
There was once more travel

And trade
Between East and West
One of those brothers 

Was named Rus
Hence the Russian people

My family are direct
Descendants of these men
And the first great Vladimir 

Meanwhile my great grandmother
Was presented to Queen Victoria
And then taken by her aunt

To meet a new man named
Charles Taze Russell
Also a Russian descendant

Whose mother had died
He wanted to bring back
The old ways

She left Saint Petersburg
In 1907
Just as the uprisings

By the Jews
And the Marxist
Which would alter

The way in which
The world did business

Became the city
Of which many
Would come out

Complaining of Moscow
Also a trade town
Way to the north

It must have been
An important trading route
To build and rebuild a city

So far north
And on a river
Constantine the Great

Welcomed his mothers religion
On his deathbed 
They claim

He built Constantinople
And the Hagia Sophia
As his tribute

Then Rome became the center
Of the Roman empire
The Vatican 

Became the secluded island 
On the West Coast 
Of Italy

And owned by France
At one point
A great schism occurred

Those born to the east
Were now Orthodox
And to the West

Which means holistic
There are many who don't know
Thier history

The Pope 
Was on the run for awhile
From Charlemagne's 

Who thought his 
Holy Roman Empire
Built in Germany

Meant he owned 
The church as well
He did own much of Europe

Even now people 
Are confused
They claim if their name

Is say Miller
They are German
But it is the other way 

Anything with an er
Is French
It is Jackman

Who are German 
Of the eastern half

While the French
Still abide by the west
Notre Dame

Was the most northern
Point of the old ways
Built on top of an island

Hard to navigate
But the Vikings 
Found the isle de Paris

They finally succumbed
As well to Christianity
For the most part

They are Lutherans
Derived from Martin Luther
Not the African leader

But the churchman
From the east 
Who dealt Rome a blow

Protestants flourished
In new Europe
Causing a 100years war

Only to be released
By the discovery 
Of the Americas

Which was already inhabited
But we got 
Puritans and Huguenots

Arriving by the boat load
The last time
There was such an upheaval

The Crusades 
Were designed to bring
Back man to god

They burned and sacked
A few times

Then turned on Constantinople
A Christian city
Perhaps they felt 

The Ark was hidden 
Inside the city
It was burnt to the ground

Allowing the Patriarch
To flee north 
Towards the Russian empire

Which extended all the way
Eastward towards 
The west coast of America

Remnants of it were still found
In back yards 
And basements

Before some crazy guy
Wants to dig up downtown
And build glass towers

That will come down
As soon as Japan
Is done with its monopoly

On earthquakes
The old ways
Were disturbed a hundred years ago

When Europe rose up 
On its self
They had forgotten

That they had already 
Littered the fields 
With the blood of armies

Now it is littered
With bombs still waiting
To go off.

The Soviets 
Took over
While the British took cover

After all they had gone
Up against the German

Allowed the Russian Tsar
To be murdered
All for the Jews to be free

And free they are
Having fought again and again
For their Jerusalem

Even they allow
The Orthodox to have
Thier christmas

On the right day
Amidst the disturbance
Of yet one more war

Where would any of us
Be without the Jewish faith
Which has spanned 

More than two millennium
It was propheticized
That a single boy

Would lead them out
Not Jimmy
Who destroys all

In his quest
To show that he is an idiot
Over and over again

Nor the Jewish puppet
Called Zelensky
Who like Hitler

Before him 
Was selected in order
To bring the ruin

Of the status qou
He is now tired of the war
Having brought America

To its knees
With begging for founds
He cant pay back

Having reached the end
Of the free loans
And forced the Christians

To abandoned their own ways
By taking up the Western Christmas
Thus denying them the right

To return to their origins
They have set everything in motion
For one more genocide

Of their neighbors 
Who were once Welsh
Many Jews in Brooklyn

Wonder if they can ever
Go home to Kiev
Which once housed them

When no one else would
Having fled the Roman invasion
Arriving at Odessa

The old Scythian port city
Where or where would we be
If not for the Jews 

And their boy wonder
Christ himself
The Messiah 

Did come and lead them
Away from the encroachments
On the old religion

But many choice 
To ignore the warnings
Remained Roman 

Until it was too late
Now we would not have
Any hope at all

If there was not a light
Lit for him at any hour
While Jimmy is an atheist

Believing he himself
Is god 
There are many

Who acknowledge 
Any hope of humanity
Still exists

The old eastern ways
Might seem strange
To those forced to flee

Europe but there are still
Those who acknowledge
His birth

Even if it the wrong month
All the way to the west coast
Or far eastern side

From Anchorage Alaska
Down to the last place
Still called Rosario

And Roseland
Amidst the choas
Of the Jewish Conquistadors

Of course, the Catholic
Queen and King
Hired mercenaries

Whose families were threatened
By the scourge
Of the Inquisition

To do their bidding
They then gave over the new kingdom
To them to reside

There were once old silver
Candle holders found
In the ruins

Of a country
Which went communist
Even before Russia

Became a Soviet state
Ruled by yet another 
Man whose grandfather

Was a Jewish doctor
Who had converted 
So he might practice

And send his son
To become a lawyer instead
Lenin is the grandson 

Of Abraham Ulynov
What is the world
That small boys

Grow up wanting
To become leaders
Or overthrowers?

100 Hundred years later
The Russians have gone back
To the churches

Who are sometimes older
Than their western counterparts
Who is with god?

In these times 
It is wise 
To acknowledge any who 

Attempt to give praise
Despite the whole world
Almost being wiped out

By some respitory virus
Jerusalem still stands
As does many of the older churches

Praise be to the small boy
Who has already come and gone
Christ death is said to be more

Important than his birth
Wise to acknowledge he was born
Wise to accept others viewpoint

While maintaining a distance
Even amongst your own 
To provide a way out

Never forget that Christ
Was born of woman
Nor that he died a man

To those who don't give up
Just because it is popular

To change ones 
Skin to be more acceptable
The spots are still there...

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