Tuesday, January 9, 2024



What offense
Did I make?

All this trouble
Over a little girl
Who could have caused

So much trouble 
In the world.
Why or why

Is it me
Who always gets 
Put out?

What did I do?
On the day I was born?
It seems, one more time

I have been put out
My cat and I
Have been evicted

We did nothing
But what most people
Do in their own rooms

We are early risers
But not usually
Louder than normal

In fact we are
Down right quiet
Compared to the neighbors

Who fall asleep
With the television 
Still on

Or the other ones
Who cant sleep
Up and down

All night long
In and Out
Of their place

Making noises
In the hallway
And outside the windows

Even now the cars
Start up at all hours
What am I to do?

Every once in a while
I might have a bad dream
But not all the time

And yet
The social workers
Are nothing more than

Human traffikers
They want nothing more
Than to put a woman

Innocent or not
They don't care

As long as they do 
What is expected of them
That dirty little thing

Every woman
Has to show
It is possible

For her to be
Giving her vagina

To just anyone
Because she has 
No place to stay

Such as Jessica
Who married Ernst
For what reason?

They had already been
Having one of those long

But then her sister
Found out that they
Were being put out

So she up and got married
When in fact 
She had already been

Giving her vagina
To the younger man
The whole time

Or Alona
Who had no interest
In anyone but herself

She had got caught
In the park
With Martin

Then threatened 
Her own mother
About getting married

Than went off 
And had the baby
At her sisters house

Young Amber
Is no more a Johsnton
Than she is

Just lives with a couple
Who were so broke
They broke into everyplace

They could
Until the rest 
Could stand it no more

Just because a man
Wants to light 
A cigarette in bed

When the law states 
No smoking inside
He stays up to morning

Than wants someone
Else not to move till

Here I am having been
Rained out from above
In a Hotel room

Once the Howard Johnson
That everyone stopped at
They would travel 

During the summer
In their RV's
Or campers

Than back to civilization
This place was on the map
Just off the highway

It had all the accomadations
A place to park
Those big things in the back

A kids playground 
In front by the office
So the kids could play

While their parents 
Slept off the hours
Of toil on the road

A summer holiday
Takes so much out
Of an adult 

When children are involved
It even had a pool
To slip into 

Instead of a dirty pond
And of course
The famous restaurant

Howard Johnstons
Were known for their food
Even Jacques Pepin

Prepared his first meal
With his wife
By getting it from 

The kitchen of HJ.
No more niceties
A small wash room

Stands in for laundry
No pool nor playground
I am probably sitting 

On top of the old pool
Do not replace

The water damaged earth
Been sick the whole time
Too weak to move

Made myself go out
And felt too ill 

What am I supposed to do?
My case manager 
Will not respond

To any request
I still have guest services
Everyone else gets a ride

In the company shuttle
But not me nor any tidbit

While the big stupid blonde
Got carted around
And allowed to steal

My food that came in boxes
With my name on it.
I am lucky to get 

Mail at all.
What I don't get 
Is anything of benefit

Was I really supposed 
To go out on 
New Years eve

And get laid?
What more do I have 
To go through

It has nothing 
To do with morality
Nor Christianity

But human trafficking
They want you to join
The ranks of themselves

There is almost no 
Social worker
Who has not herself

Been arrested
Now my cat argues
With me 

The police drive through
I have to climb 
A hill so steep

I have chest pains
Still cant get anything done
That I need to because

I am too ill all the time
To weak to walk
Nor to sit down

In an office 
And explain how much
Time has gone by

Since I was given
The impression by the authorities
I was one of them

Or that a man 
With no birth certificate
And a false id

Was not going to keep
Telling others 
That I was not allowed

Or his wife Teresa
Not tell me that now
That she was in America

Instead of Mexico
She owns everything of mine.
What offense did I commit

I was born.
That is all
A girl with brown skin.

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