Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Before there was Elizabeth...

There was Mary of Teck
Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes
Empress of India 

And the Queen Consort
Of England and the British Isles
Grandmother of Elizabeth I

Who died between 
The Kings death
And his daughters coronation

Was also the
Of George III

That is our King George
Of the American Revolution
He was our last King

A Hanover from Germany
Queen Elizabeth I 
Began the charter

Of the American colonies
Who cousins continued
Such as James I

That is the King James Bible
James through Anne
The last British Queen

Whose second cousin
Received the throne
Despite being born in 

Which is why
Victoria became Queen

As the first and only
Hanover to be born
In England

Before that they are
Descendants of French
William the conqueror

Ran off the remnants
Of the Romans conquerors
And Viking invaders

None of them appear
To be actual descendants
Of the originals

Such as King Arthur
Or any other Celtic 
As the great saint 

Patrick the monk
Main mission was to hunt
And kill the royal line of blood

America had half a dozen
Royal British Kings and Queens

Including William and Mary
Before the boy who chopped
Down a cherry tree

Became the leader
Of the rebels 
And then the first

Non royal blood
To assume the role
Of leader of a nation

Just 13 colonies
And a bunch of immigrants
From the war left over

Huguenots were French royals
Hunted down by their own
Over religion

While the Puritans
Were of British origins
Migrating to Holland

Prior to their Plymouth colony
Not royals but usurpers
In Parliament

Their quiet Southwark
Side of the Thames
Was turned into a redlight district

Complete with the building
Of the Globe
Of whom Shakespeare wrote

Also gotten rid of over
They did not do anything

At all on the sabbath
Nor celebrate Christmas
A catholic holiday

For gods sake!
Germans came over

To help fight stayed
As well as a few 
German nobles

Anyone got the name
Of Hale?
Might look it up

For your royal title
Of Duke or something

There were many 
Who just wanted to come
Now that it was no longer

A British subsidiary
After all they had 
Captured India somehow

And did not need us anymore
Direct route to the spices and teas
Leaving America

To the commoners
Actually most of the early 
Families are still related

To those other people
It is just that they are not
Spoken of much nowadays

Allowing rich play girls
Into the royal house
Has caused quite a lot

Of comments
About the end of the 

Does it even know
It is no longer needed?
Charlotte might have

Royal blood
But Kate does not
What is going to happen

To those chosen
To rule as the right
To rule instead of by chance?

Did you know 
Mary has a boat named 
After her?

The Queen Mary 
Still sails anyone

Who can afford a ticket
And then their is the 
Warship and freighter

All christened by her
For the people to enjoy
Meanwhile back at 

Windsor Castle
She had an elaborate 
Doll House

A replica of one 
Of the favorite castles
Complete with a frame

That lifted upwards
Revealing an inner joy
Of rooms with tiny furnitrue

And a tiny library
There is even a garage
Not a stables

But a brand new thing
Brand new horseless carriages!

Worth a fortune
These things are but they are
Under lock and key

Inside a fortified castle
No one is going to steal
Thier dolls nor sell 

Thier expensive bibles
Online at one of these 
Modern junk shops

I cant stop crying
Over my great-grandmothers
Stuff re-distributed

By Jimmy 
Throughout the entire
System just because

He does not believe
Girls should have money
Or anything else of their own

She meet the Queen Victoria
Prior to her marriage 
Into a Danish military family

Why does America
Carry on so much
About the British

After all 
We fought to get free of them
And then they came back

And burnt us down
Or at least the first
Presidents Mansion

Before that they lived
In New York city
George in lower Manhattan

And the Adams family
In Brooklyn
Hence Columbia Heights.

Had to rebuild 
The only residence
Of the President of America

And they still slobber over
The British Royals
Who are really Germans

What are the press going
To do when it all collapses?
If Charles should die?

And William is not accepted
By the people?
What then?

We are hiding 
Meghan and her husband
Just because 

We think we are cute?
Real Royals 
In the neighborhood?

And not even on
The East Coast
But California!

Has been host to many
Former royals 

Such as those from 
It was once called 

An Imperial nation
Not a communist
Country of thieves

And murders
My own experience
Is worth since I just 

Missed being murdered
But the government agent
Who had come to help me

Was found dead on the beach...
Anyways, who cares if Kate
Has cancer she is not a royal

Not by any means
And with two boys
And a girl

She is not needed
Just a pretty face
With a worse academics

Than her mother in law
Diana who at least had jobs
As for the current press

I don't have any daughter
Not even they themselves
And if they think they 

Are going to fight me
Think again
Maternity law suits

Are worse than paternity
And I have already won
A number of them

No birth certificate
No pretty baby 
Stay away from my family

What is left of it
And don't go near
Anything you think 

Might have been my home
Because I will do more
Than sue you over it

I will incarcerate you
No matter how much you make
Or what your name is

Including Miss Davis
Who had better not have
Already been here with Jimmy

Because I have another 
Needle mark on my arm
Drugging someone is against the law

Miss Bitch
As for the rest of you
Know that if 

For some reason
Biden should fail
Either over his religion

Or his health
There might be another
Trump presidency

Most of you have 
Burnt your bridges
The same thing for Ukraine

No one should have gotten
Involved and not allowing
The Donetsk to go free

I am sorry for those 
Foolish enough not to know
Thier own guy was not elected

But hired to do a job
No one else could do....
Perhaps everyone should

Take a course or two
At night school
To freshen up their knowledge

And have something
To fall back on
Just in case

The whole thing
Blows up in their faces...
And Linsay, go back to Africa....


Sunday, April 28, 2024

WHSA aka Wica


What is on the menu?
The President of the United States
Last night was no different

Suppposed to be one of those
Washington DC
Scholarship things

Instead the witches
Usually show up
And take over the 

Charity celebration
Since 1914
This charity has been

In operation
They hand out scholarships

This is a scholarship
Not a pig roast.

Many misunderstand
With all of those 

Especially the ones
Who show up
For no reason at all.

They certainly did not
Vote for the guy 
On stage

1921 was the first supper
And Calvin Cooledge
The First President

And an all male event
Until 1962
When Kennedy 

Said he would refuse
His performance
Unless the ladies

Were allowed to attend
We are not talking about

But his sisters
For gods sake 
He had alot of them

And he was not going
To get roasted at home
For not allowing them to attend.

Anyways there was usually
Big time performers
Setting the stage

While the scholarships
Were handed out 
In the parking lot

That way everyone
Went away happy
And then the comedian hour

Came along and no one 
Is the better for it.
Watching last night

I wondered 
What do they eat
Besides the Presidents flesh?

This 1959 menu 
Is all I could pull off
The internet

It has all the ugly meals
My mother would provide

Stale bread
And horrible 
String beans

We always wondered
Where she got her menu 

Now we know
The Question 
Is how did she get inside

An all male event?
I know no man
In 1959 would have put 

A menu in his pocket
To take home!
Not in 1959.

Now I imagine
They have something 
Besides Lime sherbert

For desert
And hopefully
Something gluten free

As well as sugar free
For those of us with allergies
When would I have 

Ever been invited to this type
Of event one would ask?
When I received a scholarship

Of course
I got a lot of those 
With my name

But then they went 
To other people 

But also suspect
I arrived by stroller
In one of those early years

My mother could not stay
Away from these things
In fact I am pretty sure

She went every year.
After all her mother
Was a famous radio announcer

And her aunt and uncle
Both wrote for publication
And she herself

Was on the Burbank studios
Along side the new kid
Tom Brokaw

Before that Mitchell
Gang got hold of her
You have no idea

What those thugs
Had her doing
Already diagnosed 

With brain cancer
But some people 
Just dont know any better

Such as poor little 
Scarlett Johansen
Could not believe

She showed up
She must have amnesia
Her birth was right 

In front of the crowd
Never mind Bob Hope
Stealing the show

Cathy Miller 
Who was hired to annoy
The religious girl

Mind you
I was not allowed
To go to the Kennedy 

I was in the other one
But in high school

It was a free for all
And all the girls
Were having sex with 

Your boyfriend
Which is why 
There are so many redheads

Such as Scarlett
Peter B 
Was not mine 

But he stoled my violin
My one and only performance
And then took my 

Math and science scholarship
As well as other things
But he did not get me....

Anyways this 18 year old
Showed up from Germany
Having just been let out

Of her idiot school
Of kids not wanted by their parents
Germany has a different 

Way of doing things
And in those days
Of abortion laws

It was easier for a woman
To go to friendly Berlin
Have the baby

Dump it and run
Without having to go 
To the place my mother

Was sent when her baby
Came out dead in 1960
As I was saying 

Your mother was notorious
For showing up

And not getting 
The message not to do it again
And again, and again

25 she was when
We finally finished 
That school

Me married
And already with a diploma
From a different school

While she was just sliding
Past the Principle
Whose wife was enamored

With my name
Got her picture taken
Then went around ....

Yes Mrs. Murphy
Was also a pain
Just a little indian girl....

I was already working
In New York and DC
When I had to go back

So this backwards girl
Could get through
As she had never been

To America
And had never had an education
And her foster family

Were willing to put up
With her tantrums
Until you came along

Right in front of the crowd
As my name was not announced
She got up to accept

One more time
Something that was not hers
She did not actually graduate 

From high school....
And plop
She feel down onto her...

And spread her legs apart
And you literally shot out
Into the front row

All red with embarrasment
And yet you showed up again
I can recall you know

When you mother took over
Our family homestead
On University avenue

The oldest building in town
With a modern building attached
And she stuck a knife 

In my chest
When the cops told me
To knock on the door

The complaint dear
Is that your diapers
Where making a smell....

You see she did not clean house
And the entire house
Was surrounded by black bags

Of diapers 
Which she never threw away
Just kept piling them up

Until the odor 
Was bad enough
To be smelt downtown

You know that story
You actually gave an interview
In your tender years

At to why everyone 
Was being mean to your mama
And the bad woman

With the knife sticking out
Of her chest
Was hauled off to the morgue

To where I awoke 
To another voice announcing 
My death

Talk about being roasted
For not wanting to have
A finger shoved into your vagina

All lesbians are mentally ill
Including your birth mother
I know you were taken away

And put up for adoption
With a nice couple
From South Africa

But there you were
With a red face
Smiling away

Oh that's right
You came back into 
My life

With your hand extended
And a needle behind your back
To say you were so happy

To finally meet your mother...
Which is why I was not there
At all, never got the invitation

Please leave my family alone
Dear little witch
And as for destroying

Someone else life
Just because yours
Is inadequate

There are such places
As jails and padded rooms
For drug dealers 

Who is there with 
The latest pills to sale
Your income is so small....

By the way
I already went through
This with that other

Molly Ringwald
Oh she was invited back

After interfering
With a public broadcast
And attempting

To steal the very clothes
Off my back
While I was wearing them

At least Kelly O
Does not attempt 
To say I gave birth to her...

Peter  B
Has alot of kids
By the way

So you are not alone
In the world
You are just not allowed

To have my relatives
Cathy Ranz
Is the name on your BC

Not mine
Get that straight
I might have had 

A nervous breakdown
From having to deal 
With all the ungrateful

People of the world
But I am doing much better now
And it is still against the law

To make a false police report
Or call up and tell some stupid
That lady is crazy 

Instead of suffering 
From sever arthritis...
Mild degeneration of the spinal cord

In other words
My little back pain
Is worse than that old man

Whom they roasted 
Last night
And no Scarlett

He is neither your daddy
Nor your grandaddy
And by the way

I happen to know
Your are a registered

Thursday, April 25, 2024

There it is again

I have this dream
It is there again
I must get up

Must get up
My brothers 
Need my help

Where are my parents?
Again, and again
There is danger!

Fire was the favorite
Foil of them
They kept after

Us so much of the time
We would end up
In strange types

Of habitat
I would even awake

In the right place
And the wrong people
Such as Long island

I swear that was
Our family home
But he is telling

The authorities
It is his family home
Another time 

When jimmy may  have
Attempted to murder me
Does anyone know

Why i woke up on a beach?
With my throat 
Very, very sore?

As if I was strangled 
Just imagining it

Go home 
And get over it.
Except all my homes

Are gone.
We had five generations
Alive at one time

There were many friends
As well who visited
What happened?

Jimmy happened
And Candy
And Lisa the weasel

As well as Suzie
Telling the boys
We were not really

Family and did not 
Deserve anything

Thick smoke
Can you smell it?

Which one of you
Did it this time?

Oh it is that new guy
Juan Barron
Well, this time

It can be seen 
From space
They are calling it

Modern television

Have no idea
How to respond
To local things

They are just things
Not really important
Unless the get free tickets

They get so much more 
Money than before
That they are too far above

The rest of the world
Whereas before
Only a few made it

But still sat there
The world around them

Not like now.
All you who still

Have memories
Despite all the drugs
We are all being 

Given now
There is a fire
On the pier

Where we once 
Played and planned
Our lives 

Without the Kate's M
Of this world
Or the Demis 

What ever 

To Oceanside
Wasn't that one 
Of those places 

We often dreamed
Of returning to as 
A family?

Too bad, too bad
It is all burnt down
Just like the bridge

In London town
All gone!
Up in smoke

Just like our lives
That our parents
Sacrificed their own lives....


Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...