Friday, May 31, 2024

You Know...

Rykers Island
Is not that bad

From the Secret Service
In fact if you ask nicely
I bet they will

Let you get 
Your 18 holes in
There is just enough

Room for a golf course
They even have it green
There is also room

To build your own 
House out there
It was once 

Fort Astor 
You know
Civil war era

One of those 
Rich guys 
Named Astor

Wanted to look good
So, he built a fort
For the Union

To train and house 
Men fighting the evil one
And before that

A family named 
Rykers owned
The whole thing

There's a thought
Why don't you buy it?
Or even better

There is one of those
Weird laws in New York
Hasn't been taken off

The books as far as 
I know
And I know

Because I was once
A Columbia Law school student
It goes back to the first

Called the American Revolution
When York came to town

He was the British guy
With a red coat
And a bunch of angry men

Who did not want
To cross that channel
He burnt down 

Most of the area 
The rich ladies
Offered themselves

As hostess to afternoon
Tea which included....
It was that or be executed

He lost the war
But they went ahead
And named the place

After him instead
New York....
Anyways it is this way

The rich don't have 
To fight or go to prison
They can pay someone

To take their place
Did you know that?

In those days
It was 300 dollars
One paid the government

In order to avoid...
That is only about
Twelve thousand in todays

Although the guy might 
Want a little bit more

You know
I have a better idea
I happen to know

Who has never served
His confinement

Even though he is a convict
He always manages 
To get out of it 

And then he just
Waltzes in to any area

And sits down
Telling the authorities
That he is their boss

And they believe him!
One thing about being
The kid who looks like

His father 
Captain Kangaroo
Is people just automatically....

His name is Jimmy
Not Jimmy Hoffa
Whom I am pretty sure

Got strangled by this kid
Just looking in the bag
And wham from behind

That is another story
Its Bullocks
For your information

Jimmy Bullocks
He is not my brother
Nor my father

Just uses his spouses name
Because he is a wanted man
Our Jimmy

Wouldn't you like to see
Him out there doing 
Your time?

You could conscript him
Or just turn him over
I know

Where he lives?
Yes, Maybe?
Oh come on

No one wants to see
You actually go through
This thing

Just give them
Jimmys name and address
Tell them he volunteered

For free!
I remember you had
That conversation

Anything, anything at all
Just call me!
He is the one of course

Who snuck in and looked
At all your files
Before setting them on fire

He is a fire bug
He told me once
If I hear of a fire

Think of him
Maybe he will 
Do you a favor

And burn down 
Hasn't been known

Not to brag about it
And as for 
Putin's Palace

In the woods
He is probably 
To blame for that 

As well
Do not call me!
I am not going

To go out to that
I happen to be 

Related to those 
The Rykers

Not going to be 
Blamed for some
Outbreak or something

Besides it would 
Not look good
Did you know

That somewhere
Downtown Manhattan
There is a wall

With my ancestors name
She was the Mayors daughter
Married some guy 

Named Wheat
Who ever heard of them?
Just one of those 

Massachusetts Bay Colony
John did his duty
As a guard in those days

And then got robbed
By his sister Mary
When old Moses died

She said he wasn't 
Married and took his portion
Of the inheritance

They moved to Maryland
That family
In order to get away

From all those tea drinkers
Good old fashioned 
Coffee rebels!


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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...