Tuesday, August 30, 2022

And now we interrupt your lives....


It has happened.

The one guy who might have saved the Western world pre-twenty-first century.

Has gone to his ancestors.

Who of you dare not attend his funeral?

Which one of you has an actual excuse?

Not to go to Moscow!

Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev

The Last and the First

Has died in Moscow.

His funeral will be held 


Of the West wants

And those who don't attend  

Will suffer the indifference

For their entire nation.

He was the last Soviet Leader

Who face the falling of the Iron curtain

In just one day, it collapsed.

He did not the red button on his desk

He went forward with an elected majority.

He became the first Elected President of the Russian Federation.

We might not believe in their elections

They are unlike ours 

Kept from the public the real count

But he did come forward the winner

And he was accepted by his people

At least for a time

Until the Coup

That toppled 

Perhaps one of the hardest Eastern leaders.

Who also knew how to keep 


With the West.

Unlike Zelensky

He knew defeat

When it came to him

He did not keep the Ukrainians

From leaving when they wanted to go 

Just let us go

In the end, 

It was seen as a good thing

All those Jewish people

After all, the real Russians 

Had been killed off

A long time ago.


Was not unknown for the Soviets

An Atheist

By nature

And an intellectual

Who kept his one wife

Despite the trouble 

It must of cost

The CIA 


Who just wanted to nip 

Into his bed for a look see

Those girls 

Can't be trusted

With anything at all.

His wife and him

Made a formidable team.

His daughter made him a grandfather.

Captured with her grandparents

There is a story 

No one has ever heard.

Yet we know have 

An issue

Freedom versus peace

Who will be the first 

To concede

It will be wrong 

Not to go to his funeral.

A state funeral 

Is being held

For a Pop star

Named Olivia

In Australia

And we all know

That nobody 

Is going to miss it.

So, what is going to happen next?

Not a single Western leader

Has anybody but himself to blame.

Even Zelensky

Should be in attendance.

He is the only one 

We expect not to attend.

His neck is too precious

But the others have no choice

Go or be the next guy

On the chopping block

And the diplomacy of the nation

Is at risk.

Just tear out that 

Red Phone

Mr. Biden 

If you don't 

Step off a plane 

In Moscow

In the near future.

The last of the Soviet leaders.

Has gone to his forbears.

Those of whom appear 

To be descendants of perhaps the Huns

Eastern leaders

Always keep their hand 

On the horns of authority.

The Late Diana 

Was a descendant

Of Attila the Hun.

Do you think 

They might have been 

Distant relatives?

One wonders,

But his family's history

Would have been kept

In the Kremlin vaults,

Just as his chauffer's

Might be a general's descendant.

His grandfather worked 

As the chef for Lenin.

Who was the grandson of a Jewish Medical doctor.

The World is small when it comes to the inner circle.

And those who refuse this invitation.

Are asking for war not peace.

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Three times loser

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