Tuesday, August 16, 2022

They have been caught red handed!


There are again just holding hands on the beach. The young couple!

Jill and Joe have done it again.

Just holding hands.

After 18 days in isolation and no hand holding,

Joseph decided to take his family to the beach

For some real R & R.

Just a few days into their vacation.

And Jill now has tested positive

Poor thing, just sitting there holding his hand.

After he is 79 and close to falling over 

At any minute,

The guys going to lose his balance.

Sorry Joe

But you are listing just a little 


Anyways, the nasty caught up with her 

Now they are on vacation 

And she has to be in isolation.

And all those grandchildren 

She cant take care of

My mother would be in seventh heaven

Just laying out on the bed

And waiting for the tray to arrive.

Blessed little bug that got her feet up

And no responsibilities.

Well, well

The White House Press corp

Does not ever talk about

One thing, ever

What goes on upstairs.

Well, get better dear Jill

You have a wedding yet to come

And in the White House rose garden.

You know I planted my mother in a Rose Garden

She always loved that song

I didn't promise you a Rose Garden.

She hated roses 

But always got her way with my dad.

I was meant to feel as an extra unwanted 

While she dined with the important ones

Played with the little ones

I would be out sitting on a park bench or walking around

Always had to have her way

She never did get over her parents

Separated by that War in Europe

Suddenly coming home 

And wanting to hold hands!

She made short of that little no- no.

And then the divorce was so sad

She could nothing but cry

As she traveled between the two unhappy people

Her marriage was completely different

My father died a miserable life

After she finally kicked him out

For doing nothing at all.

They had been given that vacation

To Florida

And they brought along everybody.

There they were just holding hands, 

In the dark, while I slept on the couch.

By the next season she was refusing to speak to him!

Christmas came and he was not coming home,

He had gotten her pregnant again!

The divorce was a sad affair

With me too old for such games

And holding a brand-new doll

The little thing attempted 

Once my father figured out what went wrong,

To be his one and only son

While I was always mom

And then she cut that short as well

Sent him packing for good 

My father hung on for a little while longer

But in the end his heart could not stand

All those years growing up

She had meant it when she said 

No children for her!

It was not his fault

Falling in love with a girl

Who turned org on everyone

Once she was old enough

But the others had gotten her 

Into those hospitals

Where they tie you die and beat you

Until you lose your mind

Her stepfather and his mistress

Were the worst sort to wander

Into a lonely woman life

My grandmother hated herself

When she realized it had all been a hoax

To get rid of the hand holder.

But too late, 

Another child had been born

Except Judy and Julie 

Did not pass the blood test

When it was needed for extra body parts.

They appeared to have been frauds 

As well,

Nobody in my mother's life was real

Accept the little boy who had fallen

When he was still wise

And not wishing he had never

Come to California 

For a once in a lifetime


Only to find a family

That welcomed him

Charmed the little monster

Made her polite and lady like

What went wrong with her

In her youth 

No one really knows

One day she was semi normal

And then nothing could please her

Well, her rose garden 

Is in Sonoma County

Way up the coast

Where she loved to be

Myself I preferred the southern beaches

I might get back one day

To see if she has burnt the whole place down

Brain cancer is what she died of

Eighty percent of her brain was gone

Or had it ever developed?

Her beautiful face

And an empty void above

Rest in peace

Dad, I had no choice

But to put her with you

To hold hands for eternity

As you promised each other.

As for that other young

Couple, walking the beach

Holding hands

And planning revenge

Well, lots of love

Warm chicken soup,

And those pediasure drinks.

Should put you back on course,

For the next generations to learn.

Now if he gets Monkeypox...

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