Friday, August 12, 2022

Jimmy, jimmy what have you done this time?

 Does anyone know what it means to have a Jimmy Hoffa type in the family?

Except of course, Jimmy is not family. He is not related; he is in fact he is listed a stalker.

He has the habit of giving people the impression he is known to us my family and is friends of thiers.

He is not anything of those things.

He is everyone's enemy.

He is not even a Christian; he just sits there with the Bible.

For instance, he likes to open the bible and go through the motions of looking for something.

Then he will sit there and stare at you after having read a passage.

Most of the time those words are not on that page, and he is just making fun of you.

Anyways, let's just jump right into it.

Mar a Largo!

What did you do this time?

Haw, haw, haw.

He is so well known for going into the Kennedys compound.

And planting bugs in their toilets, just to allow himself the pleasure of hearing them....

I recall being invited to this place eons ago.

I once had a career as a journalist and was being groomed as a diplomat.

Except my non friends who really are the Manson women kept interfering and inferring things...

Well, the place we called home in Florida collapsed last year.

I did not get anything at all, even though we once owned an apartment on the top floor.

As usual someone else is claiming to be the owner or just using my name.

As I said, I once had a life where I was invited places.

And if I went and had supper or shook hands,

Then Jimmy would be sure to follow....

I told everyone I was having a nervous breakdown from dealing with this guy.

There was the time, he was not allowed to approach me at all in San Diego.

Every time I walked down a street, turned a corner, there he was just walking as if he had no idea.

Then there are all those times he just shows up as if he has been invited.

As opposed to the times he is camped out nearby.

Even the psychologists thought he might be a serial killer the way in which he behaved.

I always pecked him as deep throat myself.

Or at least "deep ____" is his favorite expression.

I do believe he once was being groomed by German saboteur's who wanted to bring down the American government and get rid of the Russians as well.

What does Trump need information on the French President?

He is a New York business man with international connections.

He made it big in Russia and planted a golf course in Scotland.

France? He keeps marrying Russian type women.

It is more Jimmys style that he would be interested in France.

He has big plans to become President someday, in fact there is a list somewhere ...

To go after the guy from France is his style.

He is very German, anti-American and anti-Russian.

He used to lift his lip in distaste when he spoke to me alone about me being French.

His style is to get evidence on the French guy in order to use against the Russian.

Look what happened!

Macron was so big, he could walk in and speak to Putin, who then went to war anyways.

Macron almost lost his Presidency but did lose his party.

He had to compromise in a country that votes straight across, same party and president.

Not as in the US, where the President is usually in opposition to the House.

Now his country is on fire, the smoke can be seen from space.

Maybe some sand will help, just keep heaping it on top from the air.

Jimmy was once found buried up to his head in the beach sand, and it sadly wasn't me!

He almost lost the Notre Dame to fire.

Fire is Jimmys friend, he loves fire, he plays with fire, he is usually the culprit when it is fire.

The Russian has nothing but complaints while the Comedy guy is seen as a nice guy.

I was wondering where he came from, but Jimmy's father was in the business.

Captain Kangaroo had the longest running children's show and knew everybody.

The guy is probably innocent, but he is not getting the point.

Never shack hands with jimmy 

In fact, don't answer him if possible but then I am a girl

I had one of those dreams, you know, you see yourself sitting next to someone you dont know.

Your mind is wondering, what?

Your brain knows nothing happened but is also aware that others might not be aware of that.

His style of drugging and toying, always having to have his way with the audience.

I know I have had a really bad five years.

I know I even had an old friend Cokie caught in a charge where she went down on the floor while I was carried away.

I know I even woke up in bed next to my ex, and he was not amused. Neither was I. Death to someone.

She has now died from cancer as did my god father Peter.

Jimmys been having too much fun since his father passed away.

My mother would not have allowed him to go as far as he has gone.

What I suspect, is people have come through this town after I sent out "help" signals.

I can almost see myself speaking to various people over a fancy supper, with Jimmy in the corner.

One of those couples were the Macrons. 

I knew Bridgett from way back in the days when I lived in Paris.

We were friends in those days, and she wanted to become a teacher while I wanted to be a journalist.

Then she had a baby and a meltdown.

I used to speak fluent French; my mother refused to speak English to me. 

I was a well-known photographer who gave lectures.

She liked to visit me in California. 

My family inherited a French land grant which ended up below the border.

Everyone says it is theirs because they don't know any better.

Even my mother had the habit of well, assuming, her aunt out lived her.

I miss that home away from home.

We were travelers who could not understand why the place kept being occupied.

My grandparents lost their life savings to the place and my parents their lives.

I am now in a place that was once upscale.

Another one of those places where people check in all the time.

Regulars who sometimes give their key someone else.

One day, when I was busy, it was Bridgett who was across the hallway.

I was surprised and uncertain. She had changed.

Then she divorced her husband and married one of her students.

Funny, we kept crossing paths the last few years.

Except she was with her ex-husband, who has now died.

I was wondering what she was doing here in California.

Maybe she knew he was dying and just visiting.

Maybe she had come in contact with Jimmy.

Maybe she does not know what Jimmy does when he doesn't get his way.

This day, I walked into a hotel and Jims's wife was standing behind them wearing a maid's uniform.

The trolley runs right in front, and there was a car that ran straight into the side of the trolley.

We were trapped inside but the doors opened, and Jimmy walked in with a nasty expression.

That was a bad luncheon date.

He does not like surprises. 

He made one of his wives marry Putin.

She is now divorced, but still remembers me.


I am not his relative and don't appreciate people who tell me they know Jimmy.

Another supper I did not go to, but was sitting there, and in walks Jimmy.

No, no, no, don't invite me just to have Jimmy arrive.

I got up and walked away.

I sat down at an expresso place which was already occupied.

He was there inside waiting for her to come explain something to him.

Just like Jimmy, playing husbands and wives against each other.

And I walked right into it.

A coincidence?

I don't believe it.

I have been wondering why I keep waking up with horrible headaches.

Scant images come to me and a bad feeling.

He is up to something and too many important people have been tripping over me.

When I was a journalist, it was not uncommon.

But having a nervous breakdown from losing everything including my identity.

Not possible.

Hmm, he went to visit Florida.

He got to go inside even when the Trumps where not there.

He got the key from one wife and entered and sat down just to know how it felt.

This is how it went down, poor man in an oval office has no clue.

His kids are his just as the Kennedys.

Jimmy went fishing and staged a situation and then ratted on them.

His best thing is to rat.

He used to get caught at airports and then rat to the security.

He likes the CIA, they really listen.

They are not dummies but he even ratted out the Brokaw's just because he could.

He is most likely one of the many informants of Cheney.

He is sure to have meet her at some point, and she thinks he is a nice guy.

This whole warrant thing is staged.

I am not blaming the government.

Even they play Devil's Advocate.

One never does know which way an agency will turn.

But all those rats who run around get too curious.

Candance for instance, a convict who likes to listen on the phone calls, everyone's including the White house.

We will never know what was going on inside Trumps head.

All those items were part of their time at weekend home.

They could not use New York city as George Washington had, because of security issues.

Thier primary residence became the vacation home.

Then they went back to the NYC places.

And forgot what they left behind.

We all do that. 

Where did I leave that file

What was I doing when that occurred.

I do hope Cheney knows what she is doing.

Her father seemed like a nice guy.

He kept having to be tucked into a bunker during his VP days.

If she has Jimmy on her speed dial, I encourage her to throw the phone away.

If those documents have anything that would have caused the current situation in France.

Then I hope she will not be accused of espionage herself.

Because Jimmy is not Benedict Arnold.

He is the Devil himself.

And he does not like to lose to a woman. 

Oh, and by the way...

Honey, he has dozens of wives.

They all think they are his one and only, but they are wrong.

Even Ludmilla was once holding his hand and on camera.

She thought the world of him and then took her revenge.

Now she comes when he calls, out of fear...

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