Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Heads are going to roll...

 In the past, the very important people were also the sacrifice.

I am not sure what the far-flung cannibals did with their dead leaders.

But even in Britian the Queens were not unknown to locked in the Tower.

The Romans were also known for disposing the elite just as the Babylonians had before them.

Those lions were used for more than just petting.

Eating up those who stood before the king and displeased him.

Egypt is also thought to have walled or holed up unwanted persons.

But what did those Europeans do?

Sent their Princes and diplomats into exile, as long as they were not found they were not dead.

And the Scandinavians such as Erik the Red were told to get in their boats and go, anywhere but here.

America was found by a number of persons before Columbus in 1492.

The Northmen were here, as well as some Irish monks, Asians left their mark and perhaps even a straying Nile River goer.

Anyways, over there on the far side it said there were dragons among other things.

Man eating monsters.

And giant rubber balls!

Thats right, the Mayans and Aztecs had this game.

Just like the old-world Chess game where they used live people to play out their little wars.

And no one knows what happened to the losing side of those games, history simply wrote them off.

But in Meso America they have found evidence of ground cremated remains.

Rubber is unique to the Americas and created a new industry in the nineteenth century.

All those bicycles and automobiles now had rubber tires to ride upon.

Before that there was this game of rubber balls.

Giant ones filled with what?

Cremated human remains, and other ingredients poured inside a huge ball made of rubber.

We have been told of the ancient Indians playing out their frustrations in these narrow courts.

A rubber ball would be bounced off their hips up towards this impossible small ring.

Even the modern basketball players, seven feet tall would have difficulty in making that ring!

It is known that those who lost their game also lost their lives.

Sacrificed at the temple in front of the spectators.

It is assumed only VIPs were used for these balls, and their death was celebrated in these games.

Imagine the Chivalry jaunting in Medieval times being told if they lost...

They would not only not get the hand of the Maiden.

But they would not be going home.

Further research will discover exactly how these human remains were used or determined.

The Aztecs came out of nowhere and overran the Mayans.

Not that first time these has been done.

Asia is well known for the different cultures running into each other and over each other.

One King was buried with his entire army made of clay with him.

Others are said to have had their concubines buried alive with them.

Cleopatra is said to have killed herself after locking herself up in a tomb.

She knew what was best, better kill herself than be led back to Rome and feed to those hungry lions!

Wonder where the cannibal leaders are buried!

Fast forward to modern times.

There have been great men entombed in their own boats still waiting to be found.

And not just the millionaires on the Titanic.

And then there are the diplomats and ambassador's we send forward.

Do we really expect them to come back and alive?

We know that war is war, when it starts, it is all over for those in a position of power and the wrong side. 

There are many who did not return home.

Died at sea.

That is thier epitat, better to jump on a ship and drown than stay and be burned out.

Poor Nancy, she is our latest in the modern world.

She was told they would shoot her plane out of the sky.

There she stands, her high heel firmly planted on the wrong piece of property.

What will the Chinese really do?

I bet they do want to shoot her out of the sky.

It is not that they are cowards, they just don't want to explain to the President afterwards.

We told you not to step across.

We told you it would displease us.

We even mentioned it was important.

Don't step on the grass on the other side.

All through the cold war, we heard of the East Berlin guards.

They shot a lot of people in the back in their day just for straying across.

This unholy scrimmage in Russia and Ukraine is also about territory.

They were also told not to stray.

But they did anyways and even pick up the first stone.

Now we have to deal with the aftermath of more children dying.

While the grown up just can't get it straight.

After all, they are very important people.

If they fail, their heads are on the line.

And when their heads roll.

Everyone suffers, no matter where in the world one is located. 

Please Pelosi,

Don't pick up anything that is not yours 

And come home in one piece for peace's sake.

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