Saturday, August 27, 2022

He was just five

The nineteenth child has died this year.

From being locked inside a car.

He was just five.

How wrong is it to have a society 

Where children have to be locked inside cars.

And then have no way of getting out.

They said it was 101 degrees outside.

How hot was it inside?

Hot as hell, for a child so small.

Don't you wish some others would suffer the same fate?

Such as Candance!

She is nothing but a wicked witch.

She was convicted at 17 from sexual assaulting a child.

Little girls were not allowed to be prettier than her

She still has difficulty in dealing with reason.

She knows believes she is married to the young lady

Who survived being sexual assaulted

But can't understand why everyone believes.

The sexual pervert

The convicted sexual predator

Is anything nice.

She is just a sick little monster

Who talks as if she is six years old

And actually, points her little finger and threatens

Uses the words promise

When she means or else.

Is not unknown to visit men at night

And remove the offending object

She wants her way at all times.

And her family have allowed her to continue

They are collaborators in her illness

Conspirators in her debauchery

And constant defrauding of another individual

She calls constantly saying someone is contagious

That they are homeless

That they are a little thief

She has no knowledge nor authority

She says she is the police 

Or the social services

And stupid clerks in stores 

Listen to her because they don't know any better

Elders and social workers won't do anything

Because she is a sick little witch.

She has locked children in hot cars

Inside freezer, and basements and closets.

Anything harmful

And her family help her 

In her efforts to teach a child 

That she is going to get even with this child

If they dont make sure she gets what she wants

And her family continue to lie to authorities

They even have her nephew go around acting as if 

he his James bond or something

Candace has not respect for James Bond

In fact, she would laugh at hi

If she had a chance

She only wants to make sure anything and everything 

Is corrupted that the girl might come in contact

Such as a movie, a book, a park or even a pet

Do you have any idea how many little kittens have been strangled by her?

She was just five

My little sister

When she died in an auto accident.

Because this little witch and her family

And friends would not stop following

Around and continue their sexual perversions.

They introduce themselves 

With a handshake 

As Christians.

But even Jessica and Ernst were told

That why were not Christians

But they also keep coming around

Claiming falsely to be relatives.

One day someone is going to pick 

Up a gun

And use it on Jessica

Because she won't stop taking advantage

of a blind old man too stupid

Too stupid

Just because of this family of perverts

Such as Alona a retard

Just as Candace's bastard

Is retarded

Little Lisa, the born out of wedlock

Bastard retard

Found in a garbage can

Where Candance threw her away

Because she is a sexual predator

She just wanted to crawl

in and take advantage of a man

Not have his child

And it came out retarded 

Just like her

Which is why the family 

Won't do anything

Susie and Ken and Gail and Eddie

And all of their children

And their friends

Have spent a lifetime

Of promoting a sexual predator.

We now have a society where children can't be left 

Inside the safety of a car

Inside a house or a yard.

We lock our doors and shut the windows

And she still finds a way inside.

All those children want to do is behave

Their parents don't know what to do 

With themselves when there is no reason 

To go on to the next day.

Like my father who lost his way

He had no reason to live anymore

After Jessica and Becky 

Insisted they were will Christians

But really just wanted to be a real princess.

My poor little sister

Snagged that title

And my father did not know the misery

Of a jealous wife

And envious neighbor pervert

And a whole association of liars

Each and every child that dies inside a car

Is the fault of these people 

Who keep introducing themselves 

To politicians as Christians

Instead of liars and sexual predators

All over Candace being 15 not 5 years old.

My little sister

Just wanted to be her daddy's


Instead, fat head such 

As Lila want to sit down 

With their husbands

And take advantage of the situation

More predators

And her husband believes

He will become smarter

Just by looking at my computer

Such a thing is illegal

But these people don't know the law

They don't want to know the law

Nor will they believe in their own bible.

Just a people of swindlers

Sexual perverts

And scam artists

Are all these people 

Practice quite openly

Meanwhile, children are being forgotten by their own families.

Inside cars 

Just because Candance 

Can't use the bathroom facilities

Too retarded

Due to her relatives' indulgences

Those who don't want anything at all with a Paradise for all.

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