Sunday, August 28, 2022

Fifty years ago

Has it been that long?

It seems just like yesterday.

That the young couple got engaged.

A new man was coming from California.

To be President of America.

His family were Quakers.

It is one of those things to be from the same state

As the new man in town.

We once had an old brick building left over

From the early days 

That no one else wanted.

It had been used as a hospital 

During the civil war.

Half of it was burned down

Due to the measles outbreak.

Before that there was a small Indian village.

And then a scientific academy

Was built upon the site.

After that they took 

Our abandoned building

And attempted to steal it

The whole community had grown

around it and its solid foundations.

They say the Baptist church used

It for a hiding place for the underground railroad.

That might explain the measles.

Anyways, the old relatives 

Were angry when they found 

It in its condition

And restored it the best they could

Only to have it go the way 

Of those who just don't care

To file the papers, at the clerk's office.

Those damned city clerks.

They just don't want to file

Anything at all.

We were a mixed baggage

Of Religions and ethnics.

We were those who had found their way

Back to the District of Columbia.

Native Americans, French, Russians and a few other Europeans.

But none of us were German enough 

To make those damned city clerks

Actually, file a paper.

Others always wanted the place

After money was uesd to fix it up.

And it was nver the same

And now it is just attached to a glass building.

Not good for anything at all.

All because we were the ones 

Everyone took advantage

And blamed for what went wrong.

This man was coming from our state

And his family were religious.

Even though his wife and him were not going

To make it an issue.

His daughter got engaged.

Everyone was happy

It was to the grandson 

Of a popular former President.

Whose family were also religious.

Catholic is the religion

The atheist couple decided 

Upon in order to get away from 

All the others 

Too much Protestant protest.

Julie and David.

The romantic couple of the year.

They got engaged and the world changed.

Not their fault but their father 

Who was also a war hero

Became the nation's scapegoat.

Her father was to make a new nation

With new values

And a new generation

They were going to change the world

That generation

But instead, they were no better 

They did not want to go to war

They did not want to believe in God

They did not even want to believe in the printed word

They were their own gods

Thier own masters

And they created thier own worlds.

Through drugs and manipulation.

It was understood

Everyone was now going to be allowed 

To have their rights.

Instead, the Germans

Had not gotten the message

That they had not won the war

Or the one before that either.

Two wars they had lost.

And they would not concede.

Instead, they wanted to have their way.

All over Africa.

Where Germany went wrong

Besides pursuing the Roman church

Instead of the Eastern Orthodox.

But world domination

Every empire attempts to get this privilege

World Domination

Through ownership 

Of a land they do not deserve.

With Alexander it was India 

That was his demise.

And Babylon

Should have left the Hebrews alone.

Germany decided they wanted Africa.

All those years of Egypt

Dominating everyone else

But now they were going to go 

Inside those forests 

And use their own to breed

A better race

To reproduce a giant race

That would then dominate the rest

Instead, they made the forests angry

And their coffee plantations

Took up the water that was needed.

And they animals 

Did not want to be hunted

Nor did the humans.

They brought home 

Only the ones 

That looked right

They were wrong

The stupidity 

Became obvious

After a single generation

They went mad

Thier creations

Had come out stupid.

There were the smart Jews

Who still  had banking and merchant 

Skills and contacts.

They sought to end the route

Towards Asia and Arabia

They thought by making

Africa the primary trade route

They could control the others.

Instead they created monsters

Stupid and large and white.

It would take generations before 

They would be caught 

So they deported them

And went to war with those

Who would know

Attempting to create 


As war machines

Thier own gave them up.

The upper class

In order to get away 

From they had caused

But even that did not keep

Them from entering America.

We here of the slave labor

But it was nothing more than

The owners punishing their own

Kind for the most part

The system got out of hand

In the end,

Those who needed help

Were sorrounded by those 

Who were going to destroy


Because Germany 

Had not intended to loose 

The war

They simply moved it over 

To this continent

There we sat

As dead ducks

Because one of them 

Had found us

Causing our mother to lose her mind.

Not racist on our part

But we could not stop

One of the White stupid ones

From convincing our mother

That she had to give up her brown children

In order to have a better world.

Jimmy caused all sorts of trouble.

We could do nothing at all or there 

Might be a civil strife 

That would bring down the White House.

Instead, Jimmy whose father was white

And a very big an in Hollywood

Kept promising a movie star life

To everyone not expecting

Anyone would understand his misery

Being born to an African woman.

Her name was Camille

She was married to an African politician.

In Washington DC

He had a mistress without her knowing

She felt so guilty for having an affiar.

But the man would have married 

If the laws had been different

A different time 

Jimmy was spoiled by his real mother

While he took advantage of everyone else.

He even made blond, blue-eyed men

Believe that he was their son

All the while

His father Captain Kangaroo

Kept taking us to court

And making it clear

That is my kid!

He was supposed to be raising him

Not a bunch of German girls

He refused to pay the bills 

And somehow, we ended up with him

My mother would not give in

She was stuck in the war years

She was only four years old

And everyone was afraid of the Germans

Including Candace who was a convict

As well as her husband Duane 

Who liked to call himself Dick

And live inside walls 

Whatever the politics or beliefs 

Of our new man in office

He had not a chance

While his daughter was being married 

In a rose garden

Jimmy was playing games on the Potomac

Down by Georgetown

Because the city clerk

Had not papers on file

We were forced out of our house

And had to relocate 

To this place.

There was a new building 

We had to pass on our way to school.

It had a library and a post office.

There was a bus stop out front 

And a park on the river 

Out back.

It was called Watergate

As a gate to the water 

Of the Potomac.

It was his clever idae

To lay in way for us 

As we went back and forth

Us children.

There was four of us 

In the beginning

Two identical girls 

And two boys.

Not blond and blue eyed.

There were many young girls

Willing to play with jimmy

One was named Mae

Or Sonja, now Ludmilla

She changed her name as often 

As she changed husbands.

She finally was forced 

By jimmy to marry

A KGB agent

But at this time 

They were twelve years old

And in love.

They got married in Mexico

Just like the young couple

And then they set up house 

Wherever we went

Just to amuse Sean

As he called himself 

In those days,

He changed his name afterwards.

He also played games in the garage.

My sister was telling me the stories

I had been sent away 

To get out of my mother's way

The boys had also been sent away

She could not understand

At some point

She had been put in the wrong place

Adn now her brain was washed

For Jim to use to his advantage

He wanted to have fun all the ime

And not go to school

His real mother wanted him 

To go to college as she had.

Her husband had gone to war

And now they were both involved 

In the organization that was a going 

To right the wrongs 

Of the past.

Jimmy heard teh President was going to make it happen

This new world 

Where he would have to acknowledge 

His black colored mother.

His little wife gave birth

To the thing that was going to destroy

My family because he had made 

Himself over the son of the family

Except it came out the wrong color.

His blond, blue eyed wife could not understand

Nor could his real father

Because he was not mature enough yet

He explained to be the father of anything at all

The poor young woman had to be put in a mental hospital

Before she had the baby taken away

And then had to go do this and that

Before she ended up with the wrong man.

Meanwhile, she was pretending to be a young girl

And other times trying to get the teenage daughter

In trouble as well.

After a while everyone 

WAs helping jimmy 

In his efforts 

To make trouble

For the establishment

Many had done things in that town

And even more had caused their own

To go and elaborate 

Unnecessarily upon

The wrongs of the current generation

It all came out in the wash

The Washington Post

Decided to run an article

They said they had evidence 

Of the wrongdoing of the President

Based upon the young blond, blue eye

Boy who did not want to be African

But was going to have his way.

No one really knows what happened.

Two people at least died 

My little sister 

Who looked just like me

And was playing with Jimmy

Since her brothers were gone

And a neighbor's wife

Nellie had gotten involved

With the children who went 

To the park and the library

I don't believe she knew anything at all

But maybe she had met the real mother

It would have been a simple thing

The auto accident 

Took her life, her small daughter 

And my sister

As well as my family's life

We never did recover from whatever went wrong

At that place 

Called Watergate

My mother always took me back and insisted

I was the one who had been the rat

Instead of the cat 

Who wanted to know the truth

But watched 

Instead, her own father 

Set on fire 

By Jimmy

And her mothers 

Suffer from brain cancer

All because no one would rat on Jimmy

And he was not going to explain

His pain of not being in the right family.

After he made that man go back

To California 

He allowed his real mothers 

Husband to become elected.

The first African Mayor 


Mr. Washington 

Is how they called him

And he and his wife 

Were invited to the White House

Instead of this other family

Who were war heroes 

And some of the oldest families

On the East coast.

For no reason at all.

They had gotten included.

Not anymore.

His pretty wife was taken away from him.

And no he had to go to school.

But he owned this family.

Who had somehow gotten 

Caught in a tug of war

With those who should have known 

What they were up against.

A spoiled rotten boy

Born to the wrong mother

And raised in a different community.

The new man never had a chance.

They all do things 

They should not do 

But it is the nature of the job.

It is difficult to explain 


Jimmy just wanted his way.

He has tried to kill 

So many people

He even had the Russian President 

In his fingertips,

They would also no allow 

Him to have that man's job


In his head he creates

A world where he replaces others

They get elected or win a prize 

And he is supposed to be given the reward.

He does not understand when he is told no

By his real parents.

Who are both gone now.

His psychologists have also gone 

After having a nervous breakdown

Some things can't be fixed

Especially if they don't want to be fixed.

Jimmy liked his world the way it was in his head.

All of us have grown old 

Waiting for Jimmy to grow up.

He has had a number of men

Impeached, the ones who disagree with him

According to Jimmy, he allows them to become 

President, and then they are supposed 

To give him the honor of sitting down

In the Oval Office.

Nellies husband is now in that office.

And he appears to be unhappy

Every one of them gets something

They had not counted on

A worldwide Pandemic.

Who would have thought.

I would, because I knew his friends were up to 


I just did not know what

But they had become friendly with the Chinese.

Now Joseph and Jill

Have had the disease themselves.

After all, the safeguards.

And the doctor in charge

Is taking retirement

We might need him

With this new thing.


My family came back from Africa

With this thing

And then the boys were gone

All because 

Someone did not want 

Them to be in the same house 

As us girls.

My sister left me before 

Our usual catch-up conversation.

What or what 

Was he doing down at the park.

I sometimes cry for no reason at all.

It is frustrating 

To be blamed for something 

No one can explain.

Maybe I should sue 

The Washington Post

For allowing Jimmy 

To have his way

With the world leaders

Just because his parents were in love

But he did not want them to have had him.

Instead, he would have preferred 

To have been born a Prince such as Barack?

Or did he think 

He is going to get away from being African?

Merry memories the romantic couple.

Maybe they will be invited.

To the granddaughter's wedding

In the rose garden of Nellie.

Who only wanted to know what the children 

We're doing as her husband 

Was newly elected and she wanted to make no mistakes.

My world view 

Is that everything

Is Jimmys fault! 

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Three times loser

  Seen as the leader Of the pack Le Pen  Who has already Lost three times With those fickle French Has been seen as the Front runner of the ...