Sunday, August 14, 2022

The little fishes of the sea

First there is the whale who just wants to visit Paris.

He had to be airlifted back to the sea.

He did not have his documents in order.

No passport

No Itinerary

No vaccination card!

Back to the sea he went.

Then there are those that are beaching themselves in various parts.

They don't want to be sea animals anymore.

Let's learn to walk!

Or is it, don't drink the water?

There are also those who just dying.

Tons of fish are just dying.

For no reason at all.

They simply cant stand the sea anymore.

Now there are two dukes out there.


Sharks usually are skitish.

Not these two.

They are joining forces.

And pushing over boats.


They are going after boats.

Just ramming them.

Bad enough all the auto accidents.

Driving into other peoples houses

And businesses and people on sidewalks.

These two have decided the boats

Just have to get out of their way.

No more boaters

And if any of them happen to fall into their teeth.

Well, all the better.

Just like that hippo took out that Amazon tour guide.

Ram, toss and gulp.

Feet of six foot hanging out 

Lost his arm, but he got out.

These two have other plans.

And no boater is going to get in their way.

They own the oceans.

Maybe that is why all the fish are dying to get out of it.

No Aquaman to save them.

All hell has broken loose

With this earth climate change

The hotter the better.

Warming up the deep and melting the ice.

Maybe the world leaders should take notice of the waters

All those little fish are going nuts.

Even drug cartels have taken over cities.

Tijuana is shut down while the local authorities wait for reinforcement.

Burning twenty cars in twenty-four hours.

Shelter in place.


After everybody is trying to get into the US.

Even the Ukrainians started a war 

Just to have an excuse to fly to Mexico City

And then walk all the way to the border

Thats a thirty-six-hour bus ride.

So, they could walk across the border 

From Mexico into America.

Who shuts down Tijuana?

A drug cartel has had enough they say.

Just like the sharks

They want their way!

North Baja California is on warning

They are after all four major cities along the coast

Tijuana, Rosarita, Ensenada and Tecote.

Rosarita and Ensenada 

Are the big surf and beach spots.

Ensenada is the first and last port for cruises.

Tecate is the other direction

Towards Texas and all points south

Such as Sinora and Guadalajara

Gateway to those Mayan ruins

And the makers of Tequila

As well as El Chapo's neighborhood.

Maybe the Americans should not have brought him home

But then again, he was easily replaced

Like the sharks there are always more bullies.


After all, most American Latinos 

Give the impression that they are the bosses

Mean, ugly, and fearsome.

They are catholic and communists

They fear no one

And scoff at American puritans.

Foolish to allow them to cross

They are just going to corrupt 

The whole situation.

It seems that everyone is a drug dealer or smuggler

Even my non-sister-in-law Teresa

She thinks she is so smart

With her poor mouth

And how all she wanted to do 

Was move to America for her boy's sake

She used to steal cars from America 

And drive them across

Pack them with drugs 

And then allow them to be discovered

By the Americans

Who then innocently drove them back.

She has a habit of showing up everywhere

As a maid most of the time

But sometimes as a clerk 

She says she does not speak English

And yet she manages to get hired

Anywhere and everywhere

She needs to be located.

And yet her boys are so in need of our help.

They are nothing but thugs and bullies.

Give the impression of being gang members

And yet they appear not to have to do anything

Wonder which groups they really belong?

The tough kids from Los Angeles?

Or the really bad ones from Tijuanna?

Jail would be too good for the likes of Teresa and her boys.

Then there are all those nurses

Latina nurses who can't have passed American High schools

And yet claim they have studied medicine

And now more than the doctors themselves

How many of our records have been transferred

To one of their comrades?

No medicine is safe nor drugs


Bless any American with benefits.

They also want your money

And your food stamps

To take back home.


They are some of the richest

Look at all those fancy cars they drive.

And have you ever checked out their earrings?

Or rings?

And heels they wear?

Really it is more than a nurse 

Or a construction worker 

can afford!

And they always go to Walmart.

In Mexico.

They have lots of money.

The US government has put out warnings.

Stay in place until it is over.

The Cartel has planned a whole weekend.

Better than the Taliban.

Who have a year to threaten

Everyone left behind 

Which was the locals

What are we supposed to do?

We found America first.

Not the Jewish conversos 

From Spain 

Who were kicked out 

Native Americans and Mayans

Are the originals inhabitants

And the Puritans were walking 

Around long before those Friars

Found thier way to California.

That includes Baja.

There is no reason for them to claim 

Even Baja 

Much less California.

But they say they own it.

Even though they never did anything

To support it or harvest it.

They just arrived

To burn it down.

And steal from the others already here.

Maybe America should remember 

They won the Mexican American war

There was no reason to move the border north

Maybe we should give back Alaska

And take back Baja.

Cutting off all access 

From Jewish descendants 

Who call themselves 

Mexicans mixed race people

And Ukrainians

Who have forgotten 

They are also Russian.


The Russians were here first

Before the Americans made it across

The great desert

In their covered wagons.

Others used boats to arrive.

Fur trappers

And Salmon fishers

They had forts they had to leave behind.

There is a mixed race 

In California as well

Mostly, Christians.

Where oh Where 

Did those two shark dudes 


Stay off the beaches 

For while as well

Maybe the world will go back to normal

By Monday!

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