Saturday, August 20, 2022

On my way to visit the Pope on his Mexico City trip I meet these women...

 Forty-three students went missing in 2014.

The faces of the parents were visible in Mexico City in 2016.

The newest Pope had come to visit Mexico City.

Everyone had come to him including myself.

There they were everywhere we went and hopefully the Pope.

Please tell us where our children are today?

My friend and i went for a walk-through famous park which equals Central Park.

Chapultepec Castle the only so-called royal residence.

They executed Maximillan the envoy of Napoleon.

And later 13 boys were left to guard the gates of this park and castle.

The Americans shot the minors who had never heard of high school.

We were on a journey to the great Anthropology Museum de Mexico.

World famous and only the one now burnt down in Brazil was considered better.

New World discoveries, not Egyptian King Tut.

While there I bumped into an older friend.

At least he was once a friend, we had expresso and he seemed pleased.

But life is always a challenge, it often changes in a blink.

On our way back through the famous metro system.

With underground old Mayan relics and ruins on display.

She was abducted right in front of me and there was a news camera that captured it.

I went to the American consulate, and they gave me a bad time.

I was the American news journalist that had covered the major earthquake.

I was very popular for a long time but now forgotten.

They later had a another one and I sat in comfort in California and just watched.

Anyways, I found I had been moved from my hotel to a hostel.

I would have to wait for the Pope to leave before I could get my room back.

Yes, I had seen Candance driving a car, all the way in Mexico City.

She must have flown and bought a car; the woman is such a thief she can afford anything.

Then there was my former office colleague, I made the mistake of speaking to him.

Cokie Roberts often came for me when I was in Mexico City, she was actually a quarter

Old Mexico, descending from a few conquistadors and a few pirates from the French Louisiana.

This guy did not know me at all, and I knew immediately he was on the clock or being watched.

So, I backed off and went into the restaurant where he followed me to argue with me about who I was.

No one anymore, that is life, once a house name of a well-liked female journalist.

The next day, no better than an unwanted homeless idiot.

I had my picture taken in an airport with a ticket in hand and suitcase.

I was shown front page as a homeless person on my way to another job.

I got there and could not get checked in to the hotel nor the front door of the news agency.

They apologized later but at the time they only knew what had been printed in the paper.

They promised to make it up to me and never did.

I lost my job and career and life due to them being a news agency who can't read.

A man took out a gun and shot at me while I was sitting there and talking.

The male reporter said he was the famous person, and he was the one shot at.

I knew that man was trouble and had been following me around for a while.

I have uterine tumors, and many think I am pregnant.

My friend was pregnant, she reappeared the next day and said she was in the hospital.

She did not know what I was talking about, nor did she know how she had lost her baby.

I had been drugged by then and could hardly raise my head.

I muttered she needed to go to the consulate and the front desk.

And collapsed for about three days.

The man took two years to get arrested. He had body parts in his baby cart.

Twenty different people, and one infant. I had a feeling about him.

He had been collecting women who were pregnant and stealing thier babies.

The once that did not make it through the extraction process were simply carved up.

Nothing has been said about this case since then but i knew there was a problem.

And no one wanted to know anything nor listen to me.

No wonders ai was having a nervous breakdown, no one wanted to me to be me.

I was found face down on the sidewalk a few weeks later.

I stayed six weeks trying to find a place I could stay because I did not want to go back.

Tourist picked me up and carried me back to the hostel.

They were told I was homeless because that is what Candance had been doing.

destroying my reputation as usual and making it her business to get to everyone.

I made a police report, went to the hospital where I was a told they wanted me for three days.

I had lost a bunch of money, stolen by this time and was too low.

I stayd at the hostel for a few more days and a girl who had been thre the whole time

Went into labor in the bathroom, where another girl complained about the blood.

I knew she was going to put her baby up for adoption.

I called the cops because for what I had gone through with my friend.

I explained it all and they looked very severe and Mexican.

I was led back to my room where the girl was now lying face down.

I woke up to the sounds of a newborn cry, very different than a normal one.

I decided to change my plans and packed and watched the girl after a three-day nap.

Speak to the concierge where they told her she no longer had a place to stay nor a baby in her pouch.

As I left in a taxi for the bus station, I offered her my last night as they would not reimburse me.

I knew she had also been robbed, no money and no way home.

They set her up, telling her she could stay till the baby was born and then she would be paid.

Instead, they took the baby and her money. Now there were only two ways home, was not pleasant.

This woman husband began to pay me visits at my next location on the coast of Baja.

An inherited working ranches. There were trees of fruit, horses and other things to do at the playas.

Jim came along with his women and Charles mansion and ruined the little town.

They are still working wonders while he passed away, probably a CIA operative to infiltrate the underground.

I warned him that the last white guy out there with a government badge had disappeared.

And some funny guy had shown up claiming to be the mayor of the town.

I knew he was lying and so were the women in the office.

They keep paying an Abogado to lie for them when they have already been arrested and removed.

They took everything out of the old houses, rented the big house like a hotel and charged peopel for passing through to the open free public beach.

They had half a dozen Mexican guys go down in ankle water.

Their wives cried and carried on, I hoped they had insurance because they were not going back to friends. 

The man was also found on the beach, a white guy in blue boxers, a Panama hat lying near him, no shoes, no wallet, no keys nor luggage.

As if he had appeared out of nowhere, and no one has ever wanted to talk to me about him.

Not those police and I admitted he had spoken to me more than once.

Nor anyone I tried to report his death.

A few years earlier, a different place I kept finding human bones on the beach.

I tried to collect them and turn them in, no one interested. Maybe that was the other guy that disappeared.

Her husband gone, Lorraine is now living with my Jimmy and not his Teresa.

Life does go around and is never the same.

Those people have waited more than seven years for their children to be found.

They have not been found but have been declared dead.

After seven years and no information.

Forty-three students disappeared and now eighty-three people have been arrested.

It seems the authorities were not idle in this case.

They now say the buses the kids were on were found, originally, they said they were also not known.

They said they saw the two buses in this small town below Mexico City, had their windows shot out and blood on the bus. Different story.

No buried buses as the California school bus incident where the guy is being allowed parole.

For burying more than twenty small children alive.

Here they have gone after the officials in two different cities and the police and some of the gang.

The government officials have an opinion and they have expressed it through these arrests.

They are probably not going to bring back the children now considered dead.

Tijuana was shut down last weekend by Mexico. The US gave shelter in place orders.

The new President visited Tijuana where they have been troubling about the border crossing, Trumps wall, the Ukrainian refugees being forced to camp out on the wrong side of the border.

I recall the days of the Iranians and other Arab peoples who came to America but only got as far as the border. 

Mmany of their families claim to be Mexican like that Roderiquez bitch, look again, not Mexican but Muslim.

I have said I will have to burn the entire town down, where a couple inherited a French land grant from Mexico City but were under the impression it had already been established prior on the West coast by their Scandinavian relative of Russian heritage.

Many found their own lands, and then had to deal with different government who did not care of the homesteading and other laws of the time.

But those ladies went too far and there is nothing but death down that garden lane.

Literally, they have emptied even the cupboards and helped set a man on fire in order to be part of drug trafficking, with easy access to Los Angelos.

They even buried their own husband, father, son in the backyard as if they were dogs.

Because the church would not allow them in their cemetery, nor could they transport them back to the US.

I had to have my father transported back to the US only to have his body stolen by the non-stepfamily who did nothing but rob him and throw him out.

It is hard to be old enough to work and live but not to take care legally of a new baby brother or an elderly grandmother or a now blind father.

I am now where I am because of illegal aliens such as Jimmy and Candance being blond and blue eyed.

I am non-Hispanic not racist but had normal relations until my mother's dementia caught everyone, she knew into her fantasy world.

The law sometimes takes a long time to respond. When they do, they don't miss their mark.

Meanwhile, we are often distracted by the medias version of show and tell.

I hope Cheney is not strung up in her home state nor Trump really executed.

It is a little too much when there are missing children and scam swindler artist at work willing to steal not just your wallet, but your life and even what you carry in your stomach pouch. 

If only that expresso guy had stayed the course but even, he seems to have gone with the wind....

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