Saturday, August 6, 2022

Fire is everlasting and final

Forests are burning down that will never regrow.

Homes and towns have been engulfed and destroyed.

There is no going back once fire sets in.

That is why it is the equivalent of evil in the bible.

The all-powerful final complete straw.

Once consumed by fire that's it there is nothing more.

There is even a lake of fire in Revelation, that those who don't get the message in this life will be consumed for an eternity.

Kind of like Hell only worse.

Although there are versions of Hell which are ice such as Siberia which also was set on fire.

There is even an actress who choice to plow into someone else residence and got set on fire.

The community is saying prayers for her as she is supposed to have been severely burned.

A life of a pretty face and then nothing but a mask that has to be covered over.

Imagine an auto accident worse than my own.

I did not purposely drive into someone's else home.

Someone droves into my car on my side of the highway on purpose.

That poor House representative whose van seems to have crossed over killing herself and her assistance.

That is a worse auto accident, they did not survive.

I was grateful for surviving; I am not grateful for the airbag that hit me in the face.

It cracked my face, I have one more tooth to be extracted, making four.

One on each side, leaving gaps in my mouth and I was also once a nice face.

Breaking my back in two places, and a hip and a pelvic bone.

They said I would never walk again, i do but at a snail's pace and always in pain.

But there was no fire, the first thing I did was turn off the engine and undo the seat belt.

The fireman was surprised not to put out a fire but treated me cruelly.

They made me wait for every little thing and then they stoled my skirt at the last moment.

The helicopter ride was horrible and then they dropped my gurney.

It fell all the way from the top of the twenty story plus hospital to the ground floor emergency entrance.

If it had not been for the doctor catching my board, I was strapped to as it went over the side of the building I would not have to worry about my face.

By the way I got whiplash from the airbag.

I had a stroke from the accident.

I had a nervous breakdown from dealing with people who don't care about anyone unless they are famous and rich, very rich.

As it was, they said I was dead and went around stealing everything they could while I was relearning how to walk.

Then they would not leave me alone anywhere I went insisting I had to learn how to live on the streets.

If it had not been for the Pandemic, I might have learned to walk around all day talking to myself and screaming at shadows.

Thankfully I got past the stage in my development as a woman with menopause.

Now I only have fibroids to worry about not baby bottles.

Imagine having gone my whole life without ever getting pregnant and now it is too late.

I also lost my life, my career, my family and any ability to cash a check with my name on it.

I am not a bad person and never harmed anyone but did tell them the truth which is the same as being evil in some's mind.

They want to believe the lies.

Hopefully this young woman's wife won't have so much to dwell upon as she has friends to see if she is alright and family to call in to the authorities when they think that enough is enough.

Maybe she does not deserve saving, that is between her and her community as so many have left God out of their lives while attending houses of worship. 

Fire consumes all but fire and water. It loves wind and heat.

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