Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Just a pair of sandals


The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Candace just wants to own the body and soul of the very embryo of the expected ruler.

Jim wants to be the ruler of the world and has gone to great lengths to get even with everyone.

He even attempted to kill Yeltsin at least three times when he came to visit the Clintons at the White House.

There are those who still wonder what happened that day and a few who were left outside long enough not to be kept from remembering only to be liquidated anyways.

Life is never easy for the Jims of this world.

Born to the wrong women.

A wealthy woman in Washington married to an upcoming politician.

She controlled much of the African community and him as well.

He would not acknowledge her due to his lack of pigmation.

And being abducted by a number of blonds who had heard about something.

All they needed was that golden boy and they could get into the newer Wasps.

The Candaces of this world are fewer and rarer when combined with a Jimmy.

They get into each other's way most of the time.

It is those women who feel they can own other children.

And then raise them for themselves to control as heard in many fairytales.

Where would the world rulers if they had not had safe Nannys?

Or good grandmothers who kept an eye on their own offspring?

Instead of wanting to get rid of each and every one of the things born.

Or attempting to steal another child to replace hers.

Or just make everyone's life miserable because they just don't want to cooperate.

What was the end goal in getting even with one member of the family at the harm of the rest of them?


Once upon a time in a Harem.

There was a Prince who wanted to make an impression.

He only had a few girls yet and the new one was fair and blond.

Odd ones often caught the attention of his father.

He wanted to go visit and this new slave came to him first.

She was very willing to please him now and unaware her place would not be first once he got want, he wanted in place and position.

He promised her a slipper made of gold so her foot would never touch dirt nor leather and made of glass to sparkle as she danced for him in front of the others.

These promises were made in order to secure her trust and complicity in what he was about to do.

He needed her to do exactly what he told he and not argue, those shoes were his key for they would be noticed and then removed if she disappointed him. 

Returning her to slave condition again.

They had made it to his tropical resort.

A vineyard and spa with horse races and other vices. 

It was called Pompeii.

It was beautiful and the very powerful came to visit.

Even the Emperor himself might make an appearance.

It was not as easy to get to Rome as it was to find a location where one might meet a very important person.

She had the shoes on her feet, and she was very careful. Very careful.

They were leather on the bottom but with gold overlay on the souls. 

Real gold straps for her ankles in order to never lose them.

They were kept in sight at all times by her new keeper.

Who needed a security guard?

The glass beads sparkled in the sun and in the moonlight and in the candles.

There were many glances at them.

He must have robbed his father's coffers in order to get those things.

She was not a fool and knew her life was short if she lost even one of the ugly white stones.

It was one of perfect weeks, he had come to the spas as expected.

The Prince had made good on his bets and even won enough to pay for what he had borrowed.

It was to impress his father that he was working so hard to ensure his place in the system.

A harem was tricky, it was not the oldest, the prettiest, the smartest but the favorites.

He had enough he felt to make his father impressed and with the vines he had dug up

a new vineyard for his father as well, to ensure his success.

She had liked it after all the play to be told, that she was also a prize.

She had even asked to have the shoes removed, he had not given in.

Now she was crying with her bruised body draped across the horse.

He was quietly leaving before they woke up and discovered her gone.

He had only promised one night and one night it was going to be.

Besides he felt the shoes were more the reason for the night.

They had to be removed before she stepped foot into the sleeping chamber.

Hence her bruised body and his heavy heart. 

Mount Vesuvius was always in the way whenever he tried to get his bearings.

It was doing something strange, and the ground had been shaking.

He was more worried than he wanted to admit.

He finally got off his horse and started to jog alongside in order to move quicker through the night.

She was worth getting out of there and back to the safety of his father's harem.

He might even make her his chief wife after all.

It struck suddenly and without expectation.

A volcano. Who had heard of a volcano in the area.

He knew of them of course from the travelers.

He knew to move faster and away from the thick smoke before they were incinerated.

He tripped over some roots and went down hitting his head hard.

While the rest of Pompei slept and were overcome by the ashe.

She had agreed to switch places with another one.

The young girl wanted to have this man in particular.

She found it afterwards, that she wanted to murder him.

At the time she did not know in the switch.

It was the shoes that were the problem.

When he said they would have to be removed, she knew when to make the switch.

The problem was getting back with him afterwards.

She heard her being beaten and could not stand it.

She was spying on him to see what he was doing without her.

Nothing but guarding those shoes.

It happened so fast she had not seen them coming up behind.

They captured her as the girl was being removed.

He had arranged for them to be drugged at some point.

All she knew was she being carted somewhere in the dark.

They had found the important man drugged and bleeding.

They knew the girl had not done it and decided to steal her and sell her somewhere else.

In the dark, the Ashe overtook all who attempted to escape.

The girl on the horse bolted and threw her off.

She would be turned into Ashe but as a murder avenging her own father it was fitting.

The girls cart got overturned and she was able to escape.

Just as the men found her man.

They recognized him and went for the shoes.

She had just enough times to hit them on the head.

She loaded him on to the cart and began to push with the help of the horse she had found.

They made it to the marina where she loaded him on to a boat.

She almost made it out herself, but she wanted her shoes back on.

It was something they had spoken of, and she was afraid he would be attacked again.

A puff of the volcano had come out faster and speed across the rest of them and caught up with those at the marina.

She lay there with her head covered under a rocky overhand and her feet dangling over the edge.

He saw this as his boat was swept away onto the water and safety.

She had saved his life, switched with another girl and rescued the shoes all for him.

He would go home and set up a memorial for her to be remembered.

Those shoes would remain in his memory as he uneasily explained to his father his success.

And the wrath of the Volcano that had given them time and a vineyard but not a new Emperor.


The archaeologist in training had actually been working for many decades.

It was returning with different degrees until she had enough to earn her the right to her own discoveries.


A little further down was the marina, she recognized the water and boats.

She found evidence of the length and strength of the volcano.

She found the legs sticking out of the rocks.

Her feet at been cut off.

She laid there layered in fine cloth and protecting herself.

But her feet had gotten in someone's way.

A little further on down the route pack towards the main center they had found more evidence.

It looked as if there were bandits at work that very night and some of their loot could be seen.

There was a strange space on floor where there appeared to have been something laying.

It had been covered by something heavy and fire resistance.

Further afield on one more trip to the area was a pirate's cove.

There in the middle of it sat a proud body of a please young woman who had escaped.

Only to die anyways at the haven where she had a baby.

Her body had been left in the middle of her loot guarded by jaguars who eventual died as well.

On her feet where a pair of gold slipper sandals, they still gleamed even with a flashlight.

It was only later after photographing the site and recording it that it clicked where the bandits had been.

The two locations must be related but how to prove it. 

Her memorial had been made with love by someone and evidence of a baby, but nobody gave evidence of another human interfering with nature.

She would have to be careful in her questions and she was going to hide her discovery for her grandfather.

He was the master archivist and could at least find the information if not already know it.

Her trip took a turn to Arabia for something or other that was required.

It meant on her way back she might be attacked by one of the many girls of Jimmy.

He had so many and all they wanted was to wear her clothes. 

What he wanted was to know what she was working on in order to use it for extortion.

It was candace who captured her but after she had begun to unpack.

She had hung the shoes along with the others on the back of the bathroom door.

It was another girl who came and took over the room who began to wear the sandals.

She had no idea what they were but started with the expensive summer sandals.

She had to actually pretend to be a housekeeper.

The Jims girl did not go out at all unless she had to but was wearing each pair of sandals.

There was only a dozen she had to get in there quickly.

The girl had taken the drinks to easily and was snoring lightly.

The shoes were in the waste basket and a replacement on the wall.

She had not finished the toilet area when she heard noise.

She fled as she would be recognized.

As she passed a stranger, she knew she handed him a manila envelope for him only.

He looked startled but by the time she got the cart downstairs they were upon her.

This security was through in their search of the garbage and laundry.

The Jims girl only knew the wrong cleaning lady was in the room.

She was fired and told not to come back.

She sat in her car and thought of how to get out of this place.

He walked over to the steakhouse and hoped she would follow.

She walked in and waited until he called her over.

He handed her the envelope and told her too never do it again.

She apologized but in her line of work she was always carrying items that the insurance would not care to lose.

Where to take them was the question.

She was sure she could not get to any of the places without getting caught.

Her father was in town she seemed to think he could handle anything.

He just nodded his head and handed them over to his father-in-law who had a safe.

It would be a few weeks later that she found herself working in her grandfather's office.

She was wondering where he was and phoned him and asked him to come down.

He came by taxi and asked her how she had known where he was.

They were captured in the parking lot.

The safe was invaded and the contents thrown away except for cash.

The brown bags were picked up by her father and he found the shoes again.

He gave them to his son and told him to take them to the bank.

The boy gave them to his mother instead out of fear.

The mother wore them on her feet every day for a few weeks.

She had heard about her daughter stealing them and jsut made her happy.

She was wondering why she had not heard from her father and was going to make a phone call.

She sat down on a bench to catch her breath while she looked down at her daughters' shoes.

She could not stop making fun of her, she was scientific and not at all ladylike.

She wore strange things; she hated pink for instance.

These shoes were just too much for her to handle.

She imagined an elegant dress and then instead of heels, these things. 

She smiled to herself and took another look.

The shoes glistened like glass.

She got really quiet and took them off.

Just like her daughter to find something and hide it from her.

She walked barefoot all the way to where jimmy was running a pawn shop.

He had stolen much of her father's stuff and there was nothing she could do about it.

She was going to demand to know what these were made of then kill him if he double crossed her.

He was about to pear at them when a needle wiped out and jabbed him in the neck.

It was extra strong, and he was extra resilient.

He went down anyways, and she had the shoes in a metal lock box and in the car before her mother could do anything.

Mothers with Dementia should not be allowed to run around on their own.

She not to let her in the car with her but called a cab to see her off to the station.

She was taking her to see her grandfather who had his head bashed in.

The shoes made it to the museum security room.

At last!

And then her grandfather's funeral she forgot to about them for a short time.

That short time sent Jimmy looking for his lost loot.

He had seen enough of them to want them back.

He knew where she had gone and sent in Candance to steal them for him.

Without telling her what they were.

He was still examining them when Lisa made her way in and decided she would wear them instead.

She was found lying there in a hotel bed with a sheet wrapped around her Roman style.

The shoes were missing from her feet but there was a picture of her wearing them.

The grandfather had begun to work on the shoes and had gotten that far.

It was amazing who much information these people could get, even classified files form the Pentagon.

It would be another six months before Candace would be seen entering the Louvre in Paris.

On her feet were the missing shoes. 

She had found out what jimmy had her steal and she wanted them for herself.

Security was called and she was arrested.

She was convicted of attempting to remove a musem item by wearing them out the door.

Interpol had had a big day.

This lady they had been after a long time.

But that safe that was robbed contained information the grandfather had known could be used.

She came home without the shoes and her feelings hurt.

No one hurt her and she was not going to get over it any time soon.

Meanwhile, jimmy wanted his shoes back.

He decided to torture the father over a pair of glass sandals.

The father was set on fire and then jimmy realized he had cooked his golden goose.

They all had to chip in to get him out of that hole.

But one day she would be back, and it was over her discovery.

He had wanted to slip them on Dianas feet and have him make him the Prince of Wales.

Or maybe Hillary would give in to him if he gave her diamond studded shoes and make him the President of the United States.

He wanted his shoes made of pretty diamond stones!

They have never been seen again.

And if they were diamond once they are no longer real stones!

Just fakes like Jimmy and his girls.

Imagine if Hillary had ever become President what Jimmy would have done?

Or if Diana had not suddenly died and had married an even wealthier man?

And what of Candace and her poor family suddenly having the ability to outmaneuver the law?

This current situation with a dead girl in a car bomb is so familiar.

Jimmy always promises.

Always asks them to go too far.

Could she get into the Kremlin?

He just needed to know.

Paste instead of real jewels?

Who could have done that?

Probably done long before she had left Arabia.

After all that is where they had come from.

And would have been recognized even centuries later by the descendant of the original Prince of a Harem. 

Meanwhile, another girl lies dead with her father mourning her death.

Jimmy never does stop, does he?

And who will ever stop Candace of threatening people in order to be the one in control?

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